Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Friday, 21 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Saturday, 22 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF
Ashok Sridharan
Mayor of Bonn, President of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Maria Flachsbarth
Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Cornelia Richter
Vice-president, IFAD
Jennifer Morris
President, Conservation International
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Aka Niviana
Climate activist and poet
Desmond Alugnoa
Co-founder, Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO)
Alec Baldwin
Actor and Environmental Activist
Florian Wagner
Advisor on indigenous peoples' rights, GIZ
Raki Ap
Dutch , Ministry of the Interior
Josep Garí
Senior Policy Advisor, UNDP
Janene Yazzie
Co-Convenor, Indigenous Peoples Major Group on Sustainable Development
Rayanne Cristine Máximo Franca
Indigenous Baré of Brazilian Amazon
Edward Thomas Porokwa
Masai pastoralist
Gennady Shchukin
President , Association of Indigenous peoples of the Taymur area
Charlee McLean
Cook Islands, Pacific
Souparna Lahiri
Rights Activist, All India Forum of Forest Movements and the Global Forest Coalition
Jolene Yazzie
Graphic designer
Joselyn Dumas
Joselyn Canfor-Dumas Foundation
Musonda Mumba
Secretary General , Convention on Wetlands
Neeshad Shafi
Executive Director, Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar (AYCMQA)
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti
Scientist/Científico, Governance, Equity & Wellbeing
Silvia Abruscato
Junior researcher in the Resilience Programme, European Forest Institute
Yemi Adeyeye
Director, Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)
Anne Larson
Principal scientist, Governance team leader , CIFOR-ICRAF
Danielle Haingonavalona
Coordinator of the Land Reform Coordination and Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Land Development, Housing and Public Works
Ermeto Tuesta Cerrón
Indigenous GIS specialist; Instituto del Bien Común (IBC), Lima, Peru
Sônia Guajajara
Indigenous politician and congresswoman, Brazil
Tesfaye Kumsa Dinsa
CEO, Anno Agro Industry, Ethiopia
Hilary Tam
Strategy Director, Futerra
Innocent Mukheli
Co-founder, I See a Different You
Tristan Ahtone
Editor at Large, Grist
Paula Caballero
Managing Director, Climate and Water, Rare
Emmanuela Shinta
Director & Chapter Coordinator, Ranu Welum Foundation and GLFx Kalimantan
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Sara Scherr
President & CEO EcoAgriculture Partners, USA, Landscapes for People Food and Nature Initiative
Bryna Griffin
Head of Forests Programme, BirdLife International
Hector Martinez
Founder of InverPaisa Impact Fund; Founder of Loom Capital Mesoamerican Landscape Regeneration Fund
Bastiaan Louman
Programme Coordinator, Tropenbos International
Eva Mayerhofer
Lead environment and biodiversity specialist , European Investment Bank
Tessa Khan
Co-director, Climate Litigation Network, Urgenda Foundation
Aka Niviana
Climate activist and poet
Juan Carlos Jintiach
Advisor, COICA
Father Anselmus Amo
Director of Office, Justice and Peace of Archdiocese of Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Salina Abraham
Chief of Staff to CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rebeca Z. Gyumi
Founder and Executive Director , Msichana
Mayumi Sato
YIL Alumna, Fellow at the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness
Luca Samlidis
Fridays for Future
Kimberly Merten
Co-founder, WUYLF
Abdon Nababan
Ex-Secretary General, AMAN
Susan Gardner
Director, Ecosystems Division, UN Environment Programme
Christiane Paulus
Director General, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV)
Enda Ginting
Priority Program Management Lead, Executive Office of the President of Indonesia
Pradeep Kumar Monga
Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Felix Finkbeiner
Plant for the Planet
Gregorio Mirabal
Coordinator General, COICA
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) , Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF
Benoit Blarel
Practice Manager for the Global Unit of the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy (ENB) Global Practice , World Bank
Vania Olmos
MSc Agroecology and Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University
Sunday, 23 June
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Saturday, 22 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF
Ashok Sridharan
Mayor of Bonn, President of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Maria Flachsbarth
Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Cornelia Richter
Vice-president, IFAD
Jennifer Morris
President, Conservation International
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Aka Niviana
Climate activist and poet
Desmond Alugnoa
Co-founder, Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO)
Alec Baldwin
Actor and Environmental Activist
Janene Yazzie
Co-Convenor, Indigenous Peoples Major Group on Sustainable Development
Rayanne Cristine Máximo Franca
Indigenous Baré of Brazilian Amazon
Edward Thomas Porokwa
Masai pastoralist
Gennady Shchukin
President , Association of Indigenous peoples of the Taymur area
Charlee McLean
Cook Islands, Pacific
Souparna Lahiri
Rights Activist, All India Forum of Forest Movements and the Global Forest Coalition
Jolene Yazzie
Graphic designer
Joselyn Dumas
Joselyn Canfor-Dumas Foundation
Musonda Mumba
Secretary General , Convention on Wetlands
Neeshad Shafi
Executive Director, Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar (AYCMQA)
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti
Scientist/Científico, Governance, Equity & Wellbeing
Silvia Abruscato
Junior researcher in the Resilience Programme, European Forest Institute
Yemi Adeyeye
Director, Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)
Anne Larson
Principal scientist, Governance team leader , CIFOR-ICRAF
Danielle Haingonavalona
Coordinator of the Land Reform Coordination and Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Land Development, Housing and Public Works
Ermeto Tuesta Cerrón
Indigenous GIS specialist; Instituto del Bien Común (IBC), Lima, Peru
Sônia Guajajara
Indigenous politician and congresswoman, Brazil
Tesfaye Kumsa Dinsa
CEO, Anno Agro Industry, Ethiopia
Hilary Tam
Strategy Director, Futerra
Innocent Mukheli
Co-founder, I See a Different You
Tristan Ahtone
Editor at Large, Grist
Paula Caballero
Managing Director, Climate and Water, Rare
Emmanuela Shinta
Director & Chapter Coordinator, Ranu Welum Foundation and GLFx Kalimantan
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Bonn: UTC/GMT +2
Sara Scherr
President & CEO EcoAgriculture Partners, USA, Landscapes for People Food and Nature Initiative
Bryna Griffin
Head of Forests Programme, BirdLife International
Hector Martinez
Founder of InverPaisa Impact Fund; Founder of Loom Capital Mesoamerican Landscape Regeneration Fund
Bastiaan Louman
Programme Coordinator, Tropenbos International
Eva Mayerhofer
Lead environment and biodiversity specialist , European Investment Bank
Tessa Khan
Co-director, Climate Litigation Network, Urgenda Foundation
Aka Niviana
Climate activist and poet
Juan Carlos Jintiach
Advisor, COICA
Father Anselmus Amo
Director of Office, Justice and Peace of Archdiocese of Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Salina Abraham
Chief of Staff to CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rebeca Z. Gyumi
Founder and Executive Director , Msichana
Mayumi Sato
YIL Alumna, Fellow at the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness
Luca Samlidis
Fridays for Future
Kimberly Merten
Co-founder, WUYLF
Abdon Nababan
Ex-Secretary General, AMAN
Susan Gardner
Director, Ecosystems Division, UN Environment Programme
Christiane Paulus
Director General, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV)
Enda Ginting
Priority Program Management Lead, Executive Office of the President of Indonesia
Pradeep Kumar Monga
Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Felix Finkbeiner
Plant for the Planet
Gregorio Mirabal
Coordinator General, COICA
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) , Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF
Benoit Blarel
Practice Manager for the Global Unit of the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy (ENB) Global Practice , World Bank
Vania Olmos
MSc Agroecology and Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University
Morbi imperdiet, diam ut euismod lacinia, nulla dolor facilisis dui, sed ultrices metus mi non est. Fusce vitae tincidunt est, quis pretium sem. Nam egestas sollicitudin ex, in rutrum augue tincidunt vitae. Vestibulum maximus lobortis orci, nec condimentum nulla convallis at. Proin rutrum ex et dui porttitor, sed cursus elit tincidunt. Nunc vehicula luctus maximus. Fusce dolor felis, ultrices sit amet quam eu, commodo vestibulum enim. Sed aliquet orci vitae rhoncus blandit. Integer dapibus sollicitudin augue sit amet placerat. Aliquam nisi ante, vulputate in enim id, venenatis euismod erat.
Pellentesque ac volutpat tellus, eget bibendum leo. Morbi facilisis lobortis erat, nec vestibulum purus ultrices elementum. Morbi nec posuere diam. Fusce volutpat pharetra risus, sit amet pretium nulla consectetur ut. Cras vestibulum ex consequat risus tempus, id pulvinar enim tincidunt. Vivamus egestas ac erat a cursus.
Donec rutrum ex quis risus venenatis, vitae volutpat lectus lobortis. Ut lectus ligula, sagittis at viverra quis, convallis id ante. Maecenas eu enim odio. In fermentum mollis vehicula. Integer aliquam urna vitae viverra malesuada. Morbi efficitur accumsan est, a luctus neque fermentum id. Duis venenatis magna congue quam accumsan scelerisque nec a urna. Aenean et elementum tellus, at ultrices massa. Curabitur ultricies odio rutrum nibh congue, sit amet maximus diam facilisis.