Africa has played a minimal role in causing the climate crisis, yet its people are already paying a heavy price. With droughts, floods, and the war in Ukraine sparking a global food crisis, Africa’s woes are more apparent than ever. At the same time, the continent is taking charge of finding its own solutions. This plenary will bring together key African and global thought leaders to present pathways to solve these interconnected crises. We will hear success stories for achieving an inclusive, resilient and safe food systems transition in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the African Adaptation Initiative and the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative.
Array ( )Location: Africa
Land, Food and Climate: African solutions for food and climate resilience
Large parts of Africa are facing a monumental food crisis, with some 22 million people are at risk of starvation in the drought-hit Horn of Africa alone. In this plenary, we will examine pathways to build the continent’s food and climate resilience and secure a just transition to a decarbonized economy, particularly nature-based solutions such as the restoration of forests and other ecosystems. We will also explore some key tools to power this transition, including financing for farmers, capacity building, community mobilization, and new narratives around African food sovereignty.
Useful Websites
- GIZ InDesign-Vorlage für Publikationen – Factsheets DIN A4 (Securing Women Land Rights -Transforming Power Relations)
- Women of Land Ethiopia Responsible Land Policy in Uganda: A Case Story of two Widows Land Rights Matter – Global Programme Responsible Land Policy
- The Global Programme Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP) | Land Portal
Land tenure rights: A reality check
Land rights are a common topic in academic circles–but what does it mean in practice?
In this session, we will examine how inequitable land tenure arrangements affect the daily lives of local people and how different communities have approached the issue. We will also cover examples of existing collaborations that ensure landscape rights for everyone.
Realizing the full potential of trees for adaptation and resilience
As food, fuel and fertilizer prices surge, the world is rapidly entering into a prolonged hunger crisis that is disproportionately affecting Africa. Trees and forests are a key nature-based solution that can provide inclusive, resilient and safe food systems for all. In this session, we will showcase a selection of solutions to boost the climate adaptation and resilience of farming communities in Africa. These pilots will focus on solutions to overcome adoption barriers for agroecological intensification with trees in different African land use systems. This session is hosted by CIFOR and ICRAF, both CGIAR Centers, which were merged in 2019 to bring together 700 applied researchers working in transdisciplinary teams to deliver solutions for productive and resilient landscapes.
Transforming food systems with trees and forests
Agroforestry with refugees in Uganda: overwhelming demand and a huge desire to plant
Food trees for diversified diets, improved nutrition, and better livelihoods for smallholders in East Africa
Developing Smallholder Strategies for Fall Armyworm (FAW) Management in Southern Africa: Examining the Effectiveness of Ecological Control Options
Shrubs for Change Project
Collaborative Learning for Climate Smart Cocoa (CLCSC)
Resilient communities through tree-based value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa
Forest landscapes and their services are critical to the well-being of smallholder farmers, local populations and Indigenous communities. However, global food systems are under pressure, with climate change further driving land degradation and declining crop yields. This session aims to show the potential of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) for food security and the resilience building of local communities. Collaborating in different African countries, GIZ’s Forests4Future (F4F) and the FAO Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) enhance agroforestry systems and business activities by linking producers and their organizations with processing enterprises, thus professionalizing tree-based value chains. The projects work with farmer and women organizations, which are crucial agents of change as they enable large networks, raise awareness and function as multiplicators of restoration implementation. The session shall draw from practical experiences in FFF’s and F4F’s partner countries, Madagascar and Togo.
White Paper
Resilient communities through tree-based value chains in sub-Saharan Africa
Array ( )Restoration Education Summit
As the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration drives opportunities to address restoration from new perspectives, The Global Landscapes Forum, International Union Forest Research Organizations, Wagenging Centre for Development, and Wageningen University and Research, along with numerous partner universities across the African continent, come together to transform how restoration is taught. Through the development of transdisciplinary, practice- and competence-based blended courses and curricula, an opportunity is presented to kick-start the development of Restoration Education as a new professional and educational domain.
Restoration Education Concept Note
Restoration Education Call to Collective Action
Building a Successful Forestry Career in Africa: Inspirational Stories and Opportunities
Réussir sa carrière dans le domaine de la foresterie en Afrique
Array ( )Inspirational talks by Robert Nasi, Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet and Adrian Leitoro
Robert Nasi – The social tipping points needed to achieve a resilient and equitable food future in Africa
Hear from CIFOR’s Director General on how forests and trees protection can provide integrated solutions against the global climate, food and biodiversity crises, as well as CIFOR-ICRAF’s approach to addressing these challenges.
Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet – Women, land and food
Join this talk to learn about the work of the African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests and the much-needed change they hope to achieve. Learn about the progress that has been over the decades for women in forestry and how an expert views the future.
Adrian Leitoro – Youth in Ecosystem Restoration
In this talk, Adrian will discuss his passion for dryland ecosystems and what he is hoping to achieve in his role as the GLF’s Drylands Restoration Steward.
Array ( )Walk the talk of inclusive land governance – Practical approaches and voices from stakeholders
Transforming agri-food systems to combat climate change, halt and reverse natural resources degradation and feed a growing population puts land a focus of interest. The pressure on land is growing and comes with a magnitude of implications. The intersectionality of climate change, population dynamics, and external shocks like the pandemic constitute a major challenge. The session will address the potential and challenges of inclusive land governance as a lever to enhance local resilience and maintain a healthy and productive environment. Practical examples from African countries will be presented and discussed to inspire action for sustainable landscapes that “leave no one behind.” Different marginalized population groups like women, refugees, pastoralists and IPLC will be at the center of the discussion.
Relevant Resource(s):
Array ( )Inspirational talks by Joshua Omonuk, Fatmata Binta and Eva Makandi
Joshua Omonuk – Voices from pastoralist areas in Uganda
Learn how climate change is affecting pastoralist communities and why their knowledge and voices must be heard to ensure climate justice is delivered.
Fatmata Binta – Cooking traditional nomadic food
This talk will discuss the role of nomadic food in the Fulani community of West Africa and the importance of connecting with traditional cuisines. Chef Fatmata will share stories and transport us to the Fulani culinary world.
Eva Makandi – Youth in ecosystem restoration
The GLF’s 2022 Forest Restoration Steward will discuss her journey in ecosystem restoration and share insights for young people interested in getting involved.
Who has the right to the land? Success stories of youth and women leadership in restoration
The session will contribute to GLF Africa’s, GLFx Nairobi’s and the International land coalition Africa (ILC Africa) key objective of identifying best practices, blueprints, and successful models for accelerating youth and women leadership in restoration and theme on landscape rights by showcasing success stories of individual to collective women and youth leadership in restoration that can be replicated or scaled from Kenya and beyond sub-Saharan Africa. This includes their leadership in decision-making around the governance of resources (e.g., land and trees), knowledge (including indigenous knowledge), and innovations in restoration implementation.
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