Scaling up Forest Landscape Restoration commitments from local to regional level

WWF’s digital summit will feature various perspectives on how to scale up Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and increase the scale and scope of activities in Africa. Three different case studies and two government perspectives will be presented on the question: What is needed to get FLR under the scheme of the Bonn Challenge and its regional initiative AFR100 in large-scale practise and on the ground?

Valérie Ramahavalisoa, Head of the Service for watershed management at the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests of the Madagascan government and Member of the FLR national committee, and Stefan Schmitz, Head of Directorate Food, Rural Developments, Natural Resources, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany responsible for the AFR 100, will both elaborate how to scale-up restoration activities from a government / donor perspective.

The two main questions are:

  1. What is needed to boost and enable FLR implementation scale?
  2. Which political priority setting and funding schemes are needed?

We will highlight the important role of partnerships for FLR through the Trillion Trees Programme, a collaboration between three of the largest conservation organisations – WWF, BirdLife International, and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

The New Forest Company, a Ugandan Plantations company, which is a member of the New Generations Plantations Platform will showcase the role of responsible plantations under a forest landscape restoration approach.

Finally, these perspectives will be complemented  by lessons learned that are drawn from WWF experiences on 13 years of restoration activities with communities in Madagascar’s Fandriana-Marolambo landscape as well as  Uganda’s Mityana-Bugiri landscape.  The lessons learned will touch upon important experiences on the importance of FLR for both conservation and livelihood.

We hereby invite everyone to join us in this “Digital Summit”, to better understand and discuss with all panellists on how restoration activities can be scaled up. You will have the chance to learn and ask project managers, the private sector, a government representative from a tropical forest country and a donor on their perspectives.



Keynote speaker: Stefan SchmitzHead of Directorate Food, Rural Developments, Natural Resources, Federal   Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

Case study Uganda:  Martin Asiimwe – WWF Uganda, Forest and Biodiversity Program Coordinator and Patrick Mugenyi – New Forests Company Uganda, CEO (NGP Participant)

Case study Madagascar: Valérie Ramahavalisoa – Head of the Service for watershed management at the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests, National Focal Point for soil projects, and Member of the FLR national committee and Simon Rafanomezantsoa, Senior Officer, Terrestrial Biodiversity, WWF Madagascar Country Office

Case study Trillion Trees Programme (TTP) – Tim Rayden joined the TTP when it was launched at the end of 2016, and now supports the development of restoration projects across the WCS global portfolio.

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GLF Nairobi Discussion Forum Interviews

Tune in live as we follow up with the hosts of our discussion forums  to pick their brains about the sessions. With topics ranging across restoration, agroforestry, sustainable supply chains and more, you won’t want to miss out.

During this session we will be going in-depth with discussion forum hosts to get the low-down on their sessions, their concluding thoughts, key takeaways and more. Register now to get involved in the conversation and ask the hosts some questions of your own.

Array ( [0] => Eastern Africa Time )

Voices of the Landscape

Following the Voices of the Landscape Plenary session, we will be joined for a live discussion with the panellists to shine a light on the efforts of their communities, some of them decades-long, in restoring degraded forests and landscapes. Participants will present key achievements, factors enabling such achievement and key opportunities for landscape restoration going forward. In particular, the meaning of “success” from the perspective of communities will be probed. Discussions will also focus on measures for scaling up community initiatives within and across settings. To amplify these community voices in global policy debates, we will be talking to the panellists about their key takeaways and concluding thoughts from the plenary session.

Array ( [0] => East Africa Time (GMT+3) )