Unlocking women’s potential in and for the Great Green Wall

In sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the Great Green Wall countries, women provide the essential labour force and are central to food systems. Women, including rural dwellers, play an important role in agro-sylvo-pastoral production, thus sustaining livelihoods and socioeconomic development in the region. Despite the adverse effects of climate change, and the gendered challenges they encounter in securing access to and control over productive resources, public leadership and assets, women still operate in various fields related to land restoration, agroforestry value chain entrepreneurship, climate activism and green business. They represent the building block of development programmes such as the Great Green Wall (GGW) Initiative being implemented in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. Recognizing their huge potential, the Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall (PA/GGW) has launched the Women’s Green Platform to further harness women’s contributions to the initiative. National agencies for the GGW are also setting up coalitions to improve civil society organizations’ participation. However, challenges remain in the operationalization of these platforms, and in ensuring effective participation of other women’s and youth organizations in the GGW Initiative.

The objective of the webinar is to highlight the critical role of women in the environment sector, and discuss how their potential can be unlocked and mobilized for the realization of the GGW Initiative.

The webinar is part of a series of virtual engagements within the framework of the Knowledge for Great Green Wall Action (K4GGWA) programme.

The K4GGWA programme is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It aims to enable sustainable land management and livelihoods in support of the Great Green Wall Initiative and to accelerate progress towards its objectives.

The webinar will showcase impactful women’s success stories in land restoration, activism and green businesses through keynotes, videos and a high-level panel discussion. Beyond networking and cross-learning, the webinar is expected to raise the profile and concerns of women in the GGW, and influence the African Union, GGW officials, decision makers, donors and development practitioners towards better collaboration in, financing of, and support for women-led initiatives, particularly those involving rural women.

Register now

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Kenya interuniversity debate on food security and nutrition

Are you ready to fight for a more secure food future? Join the Policy Action Initiative for an Interuniversity Debate on Food Security and Nutrition at Kenyatta University on 15 and 16 March, to hear from the brightest minds from across 30 universities about sustainable agricultural practices and environmental policies.

For more information, get in touch with Brian Kithinji: brian@policyactioninitiative.org 

Concept Note

Array ( [0] => Africa/Nairobi )

Illuminating Impactful Investments: A Celebration of International Women’s Day

Join us as we convene leading global experts in agricultural research for development to mark the 2024 International Women’s Day and illuminate some impactful investments in women.

The event, jointly organized by CIFOR-ICRAF, the CGIAR GENDER Platform, and the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), will feature interactive conversations and storytelling fireside chats as we discuss “Investing in women to accelerate progress toward equitable agrifood systems.”

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Biodiversity Finance Digital Forum: Investing in People and Nature

Biodiversity Finance Digital Forum:
Investing in People and Nature

Simultaneous interpretation available (English | Français | Español)

This digital forum is hosted by:

Funded by:

29 November 2022
14:00–16:30 CET (UTC+1)

This Digital Forum will explore how finance can tackle the global extinction crisis by investing in conservation and restoration.

Food, medicine, energy, raw materials – we depend on biodiversity for all of these things. But as the sixth mass extinction beckons, how can we make our natural resources last for generations to come?

On 29 November, the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature platform will explore ways to support local action for nature-based solutions, conservation and ecosystem restoration through appropriate financing mechanisms and incentives.

Ahead of the CBD COP15, this Digital Forum will dive into some of the major challenges facing the world of finance in the context of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Join financiers, business leaders, policymakers and scientists to learn how we can protect and restore nature while also boosting our economies.



Opening statement

  • Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development

Microfinance for nature-based solutions: Needs, opportunities and way forward

  • Mathilde Bauwin
    Head of Knowledge Management
    Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA)
  • Andrea Rosales
    Head of communications and capacity-building
    Red Centroamericana y del Caribe de Microfinanzas (Redcamif)
  • Executive Director
    Forestry and Climate Change Fund
  • GLFx Africa Hub Officer

Conservation trust funds and other biodiversity finance innovations: How can we maximize impacts for local communities?

  • Annabel Trinidad
    Technical Advisor
  • Niran Nirannoot
    Program Manager
    UNDP BIOFIN, Thailand
  • Ana Orozco
    Program Manager
    UNDP BIOFIN, Costa Rica
  • Executive Director
    Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)

Announcement: ‘Huella del futuro’ campaign, Costa Rica


Finance, forest and restoration: How to protect biodiversity and improve livelihoods?

  • Forestry Officer, Sustainable Forest Products
    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
  • Mokena Makeka
    Dalberg Advisors
  • Mark Wishnie
    Chief Sustainability Officer and Head
    Landscape Capital at BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group

Experience sharing by OroVerde Foundation - Global Nature Fund

Speakers: TBC

Announcement: Restoration Stewards Cohort 2023


Closing statement

GEF Secretariat


  • CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility
    Global Environment Facility
  • Executive Director
    Forestry and Climate Change Fund
  • Tisha Wildayanti Ramadhini
    Stakeholder Relationships Coordinator
    Fairventures Social Forestry
  • Steffen Kemper
    Project Manager
    Business & Biodiversity, Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • Niran Nirannoot
    Program Manager
    UNDP BIOFIN, Thailand
  • Mokena Makeka
    Dalberg Advisors
  • Mathilde Bauwin
    Head of Knowledge Management
    Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA)
  • Mark Wishnie
    Chief Sustainability Officer and Head
    Landscape Capital at BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group
  • Forestry Officer, Sustainable Forest Products
    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
  • Karen Price
    Executive Director
    Malawi Environmental Endowment Trust, Malawi
  • Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
  • Jan Ohnesorge
    International Project Officer
    OroVerde, Tropical Forest Foundation
  • Iga Sari
    Executive Assistant to General Manager
    Fairventures Social Forestry
  • Executive Director
    Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)
  • Annabel Trinidad
    Technical Advisor
  • Andrea Rosales
    Head of communications and capacity-building
    Red Centroamericana y del Caribe de Microfinanzas (Redcamif)
  • André Weidenhaupt
    Director General at the Ministry of Environment
    Climate and Sustainable development of Luxembourg
  • Ana Orozco
    Program Manager
    UNDP BIOFIN, Costa Rica
  • Aiita Joshua Apamaku
    Education Taskforce Lead
  • GLFx Africa Hub Officer


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Organizations involved in the Digital Forum



Ludwig Liagre

GLF Sustainable Finance Lead



Nina Haase

Engagement and Growth Coordinator


Array ( [0] => Africa/Abidjan )

The seeds of food justice

The vast majority of our planet lives outside the global industrial food chain – a linear system that brings our food from the farm to our plates. Subsistence and small-scale farmers, ecopreneurs, hunters, pastoralists, fishers, and so many others are often overlooked in the dominant narrative on food systems, but they are a vital part of food sovereignty and climate justice.

In this Youth Daily Show, young ecopreneurs and food experts will share their visions for the future of African agriculture, exploring innovative technologies and traditional methods to challenge the world’s understanding of how food can be produced.

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From landscape to table, food systems in perspective

How can we implement innovative food systems that positively impact the environment whilst also benefiting local communities? Earlier this year, the GLFx Cape Town Speaker Stage at Greenpop’s Reforest Fest posed this question to a series of speakers, inviting them to discuss the topic of landscapes and food systems in a series of talks. In conversation with Nicola Rule (Professional Officer, ICLEI Africa), GLFx Cape Town will present extracts from this series, discussing the complex dynamics of food and equity and the potential for shaping the future of food systems in South Africa.

Blog articles

Restoring rural landscapes and communities in South Africa

Food choices and ocean health

Is cultivated meat the future of sustainable meat consumption?

The Carbon Credit feedback loop

POEM: You Can Find Me In Nature

White Paper

From landscape to table, food systems in perspective


Viva con Agua


Climate Neutral Group

Mzansi Meat

Rosie’s poetry and other materials

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Virtual Tours: Cameroon and Kenya

Have you always dreamed of learning from the Maasai community, or traveling to the beautiful landscapes of Western and Central Africa? Join us in this immersive virtual tour visiting Kuku Group Ranch, near Mount Kilimanjaro, and Yaoundé, Cameroon.

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Our landscape, our rights, our investment

Building on recent discussions at the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), this session will explore how to integrate and monitor communities’ legitimate rights to land and forest resources within and adjacent to landscape restoration sites.

The session will draw on experiences from Benin, Kenya, Madagascar and Malawi in pursuing the UNCCD’s Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) target, as a backdrop for exploring how to successfully reconcile ecosystem restoration the livelihood needs and land tenure rights of local communities. With an eye on the upcoming UN Climate Change and Biodiversity conferences, the session is expected to provide practical insights on how to operationalize the UNCCD’s landmark decision on land tenure to support greater synergies in the implementation of the three Rio environmental conventions, for the good of people and planet.

Relevant Resource(s):

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