Chef Ska Moteane, chef and author was born in the Thaba-Tseka district of Lesotho. Ska, having inherited her mother’s passion for cooking, studied culinary arts in Johannesburg. Her book “Cuisine of the Mountain Kingdom” was named as the Best African Cookbook in the World at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in 2012. When designing her menus, Ska bases everything on what she can source locally. On June 4, learn how to cook “Lesotho Likhobe” with Ska followed by a live discussion with both Ska and Beri Bonglim, a technical specialist at the Crop Trust who works closely on crop wild relatives and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Together, they will discuss sorghum and other drought-tolerant crops included in Chef Ska’s dish, highlighting the importance of biodiversity in adapting our food crops to climate change.
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#GLFLive with Patrik Baboumian – The world’s strongest vegan challenges humanity’s eating habits
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Patrik Baboumian is a world record breaking Armenian German strongman competitor, strength athlete, vegan activist and former bodybuilder. He was named Germany’s Strongest Man in 2011, the same year he decided to go from a vegetarian diet to a completely plant-based regime. Since going vegan he has broken several world strength records, racked up victories in power lifting and shattered many misconceptions and beliefs about veganism. On 4 June, award-winning journalist Natasha Elkington will speak with Patrik Baboumian on his biggest challenge yet, trying to change the world through our eating habits and relationship to animals.
Array ( )Documentary: Pajapan, Agua y monte para Siempre [ES/EN]
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We invite you into the world of the Indigenous Nahua people, where anthropologist Luisa Paré and filmmaker Martin Boege will share their experience of making this documentary – and of the climate action process itself. Several of the Indigenous artisans involved in the project will also join the discussion, and will share about their experience in restoring the forest and leaving water for future generations and existing biodiversity.
This documentary was produced in collaboration with the Indigenous artisans’ cooperative “Agua y Monte de Pajapan” based in the Santa Martha mountain range of southern Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico coast. Various groups in their region have planted thousands of trees in deforested areas – mostly on the slopes of a volcano. There, the springs that provide water for local villages are drying up because of historic deforestation, which occurred when cattle ranchers transformed much of the region’s rainforest into grasslands. Artisans and reforesters dream together that future generations will have reliable access to drinking water, thanks to their restoration and protection efforts. The mountains in this area are in the core zone of the Biosphere Reserve of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz.
Te invitamos a un viaje en el mundo de los indígenas Nahuas donde la antropóloga Luisa Paré y el cinematógrafo Martin Boege compartirán sus experiencias al realizar este documentar y el proceso de acción climática. Varios de los artesanos involucrados en este proyecto nos acompañarán el día de la presentación y nos compartirán sus experiencias en el proceso de reforestación del bosque y que busca principalmente dejar agua para las futuras generaciones y la biodiversidad que existe en su región.
Este documenta fue producido en colaboración con la cooperativa de artesanos de los artesanos Nahuas de Agua y Monte Pajapan ubicada en la Sierra de Santa Marta al Sur de Veracruz en la costa del Golfo de México. Diferentes grupos en la región han plantado miles de árboles, principalmente a las faldas del volcán. Aquí los manantiales que proveen agua a las comunidades locales se están secando por la histórica desforestación que ha ocurrido porque los rancheros ganaderos han transformado gran parte de la selva tropical en pastizales. Los artesanos y reforestadores sueñan juntos que las futuras generaciones tendrán acceso a agua dulce y limpia gracias a sus esfuerzos por reforestar la selva y protegerla. Las montañas en esta área pertenecen a la Reserva de la Biosfera Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz.
Array ( )Video addresses: Oladosu Adenike and Eric F.B. Lambin
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“Arros amb conill” (Rice dish with rabbit meat) with Chef Ada Parellada & #GLFLive on food culture with Crop Trust
Chef Ada Parellada, Founder & Chef of Semproniana restaurant was born in an ancient “fonda”, a popular restaurant and hotel, run by a family, typical in Catalonia. The Fonda Europa has been run by Ada’s family since 1771. So, Ada grew up in between pans and sea-bass. She opened her first restaurant when she was 25 years old and has owned seven in total. Ada is a big supporter of local food from local producers. She has transformed her many restaurants over the years to adopt practices to end food waste. On June 3, learn how to cook an ancestral dish called ‘arroz’ with Ada followed by a live discussion with Chef Ada and Crop Trusts’ Rodrigo Barrios, a Peruvian economist and current campaign manager for the Food Forever Initiative, a global campaign to raise awareness on the importance of safeguarding and using agricultural biodiversity for food and nutrition security. Join the session to receive Chef Ada’s ‘arroz con conejo’ recipe!
Cocina “Arroz con conejo catalán” con la chef Ada Parellada, y participa de una charla en vivo sobre cultura alimentaria con Crop Trust – Sesión en español
Ada Parellada, fundadora y chef del “Semproniana”, un famoso restaurante en Barcelona, nació en una antigua fonda dirigida por una familia tradicional de Cataluña. La “Fonda Europa” ha sido dirigida por la familia de Ada desde 1771. Así, la chef Ada creció entre sartenes y corvinas. Cuando tenía 25 años abrió su primer restaurante y desde entonces ha fundado otros siete.
La chef Ada es una gran defensora de la comida local y de los productores locales. Ella ha transformado sus restaurantes a lo largo de los años para adoptar prácticas que pongan fin al desperdicio de los alimentos.
Este 3 de junio, en una sesión en vivo y en español en el GLF, aprende con Ada a cocinar un plato ancestral catalán llamado ‘arroz’ y enseguida participa de una discusión en vivo con Ada y el economista peruano Rodrigo Barrios de Crop Trusts, quien dirige la campaña Food Forever Initiative (iniciativa alimentos para siempre) que busca promover conciencia mundial sobre la importancia de salvaguardar y utilizar la biodiversidad agrícola para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las personas.
¡Únete a la sesión, aprende a cocinar “arroz con conejo” con Ada y sé parte de la discusión en vivo por un estilo de alimentación más sostenible para todos!
Array ( )#GLFLive with Miss International – Indonesia – Advocacy during COVID
It was the sight of the plastic-filled insides of a washed-up whale on the news that moved 23-year-old Jolene Marie Cholock-Rotinsulu to launch a campaign and start-up company dedicated to reducing plastic use and waste, reaching hundreds of thousands of people through her social media as well as visits to villages and schools across her native archipelago. On 3 June, award-winning journalist Natasha Elkington spoke with Jolene Marie Cholock-Rotinsulu, Indonesia’s Miss International – Indonesia, on her advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Array ( )#GLFLive with media theorist Douglas Rushkoff
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In the digital age, when we are bombarded by media and competing narratives from all directions, awareness is key. Are we passive or active in what stories we consume? How well-versed are we in the digital lexicon, and what does this mean for our position in society? How does today’s media foster relationships, and between whom? In this session, a leading thinker and explorer of the media ecosystem will give insights on what our media consumption means, and how this can shape our own narratives, even without our knowing.
Relevant Materials
- ‘Team Human’ Stresses That The Future Lies In Connection And Cooperation, an interview with Rushkoff on NPR on his latest book
- Turtles from the shells, an essay by Rushkoff
- Code literacy: A 21st century requirement, an essay by Rushkoff
- “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” – Christian Lous Lange
- “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” – Anthony Robbins.
#GLFLive with Science editor Holden Thorp and CIFOR scientist Amy Duchelle
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Our understanding of reality is science, and so too is our shaping of it. Facts, research, evidence are ideally the foundations of how consequential decisions are made, in policy, business and institutions, but also in households, relationships and one’s own life. Now, what role is science playing in creating a true narrative during crises such as COVID-19 and climate change? And vice versa: how are crises affecting science’s narrative and public trust? In this session, a forestry scientist will speak with the head of some of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals about the role of science in narrative-building today.
Relevant Materials
- Do us a favor, by Holden Thorp
- Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions, co-authored by Amy Duchelle
“The important thing is to never stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein
Array ( )#GLFLive with journalists Sara Schonhardt, Sahana Ghosh, Fredrick Mugira and Bram Ebus
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We consume news stories, but it’s not often we also have the opportunity to learn how those stories were found, reported, told. The reporting of every news story is a process of discovery and decision-making. Often, it’s also about trust-building with others, while putting one’s own self aside out of obligation to objectivity and accuracy. In this session, environmental journalists from different continents and mediums – narrative, interactive, geojournalism, audio – will pull back the curtains on how they choose their stories, produce their work, make their decisions and tell the truth.
Relevant Materials
Arco Minero, an interactive story by Bram Ebus
The environment and her, a series from Mongabay India by Sahana Ghosh
InfoNile, a geojournalism platform by Fredrick Mugira
“News is something someone wants suppressed. Everything else is just advertising.” – Lord Northcliff
Array ( )#GLFLive with John Vidal and Bill McKibben
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Journalism, the fourth pillar of democracy. Turning, crinkling, scrolling, pressing play. A place for discourse, for common understanding. A place for informing, for revealing. For accountability. For provoking change. Is it doing this now, for the climate? Is journalism helping our planet? Is it using the right words, telling the right facts, reaching its intended audiences? In this session, two foundational leaders of environmental journalism will speak to one another to answer these questions about the field they helped plant and grow.
Relevant Materials
-, the climate campaign organization led by McKibben
- One Crisis Doesn’t Stop Because Another Starts, an article by McKibben
- Sign up for Bill McKibben’s climate crisis newsletter for The New Yorker
- ‘Tip of the iceberg’: is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?, an article by Vidal
- Teargas, trees and oil: my life in the greatest job on earth, an article by Vidal at the time of his retirement from The Guardian
- McLibel, Burger Culture on Trial, a book by Vidal
“Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” – Henry Anatole Grunwald
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