Africa: Rights Are At the Root of Fighting Climate Change

Insecure land tenure can be a recipe for deforestation and forest degradation

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time, leading a million youth around the globe to pour onto the streets, demanding political leaders wake up to this destruction of our planet. And it comes not a moment too soon.

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Towards a Rights-led Transformation of Sustainability – Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019

On 22-23 June 2019, stakeholders and audiences from across the world will come together in Bonn to zoom in on the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. GLF Bonn 2019 will explore the essential contributions of Indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and Indigenous women and youth in achieving the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.

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Paraguaya es nominada por cultivo sostenible de yerba

Empoderadas. Como una forma de conservar sus tierras rodeadas de cultivo de soja –en zona del Bosque Atlántico– y generar ingresos económicos, mujeres de localidades del Alto Paraná se organizan para producir yerba mate bajo monte con el apoyo de organizaciones como WWF Paraguay.

Una de las líderes, Jorgelina Leli González, ahora es nominada para el reconocimiento a nivel mundial Heroínas del Paisaje. Ser la ganadora es posible con los votos que las personas puedan realizar a través de las redes sociales ingresando a la página de GLF BONN 2019.

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And in the end, where are we starting to go?

In 1989, people heard Bill McKibben’s voice calling out from the precipice of the times. It had been a solid decade since scientists had proved humans responsible for global warming, but terms like ‘the greenhouse effect’ were still far from reaching the lexicon of English-speaking masses. Climate change research was being obstructed by fossil fuel’s big money, safeguarding emissions from being a source of widespread fear – or even understanding.

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Tackling taboos and children’s rights, Joselyn Dumas set to speak at Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019

Actress Joselyn Dumas, who is set to speak at the Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019 , June 22–23, has shared with the Forum her passion to impact the lives of children. 

Joselyn runs the philanthropic Joselyn Canfor-Dumas Foundation, which works to advance children’s rights in Ghana and also addresses broader health and environmental challenges. “After my career took off, I wanted to give back,” says Dumas, “and I decided that children are the most vulnerable in society: they’re almost like the voiceless. I want them to get a chance in education and health and a good quality of life. And so I decided I would set up my foundation to do just that.”

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Indigenous peoples’ work in world’s protected areas is ignored and untapped

Indigenous peoples own or manage at least one-quarter of the world’s land surface – vast areas that overlap with 40 percent of global land-based government-protected areas, according to a unique mapping study that demonstrates the significant part Indigenous peoples are playing in safeguarding critical areas for conservation. The study took five years to complete and is the first of its kind, using geospatial data to estimate the size of this overlap.

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Fellows shape new pathways around Indigenous traditional knowledge at U.N.

Woven textiles are an age-old tradition passed down through the generations by women in the Tangkhul Naga community of Ukhrul in India’s Manipur state. By sharing designs, knowledge is protected.

After Rose, an Indigenous woman, was raped by Indian military officers leading to her death by suicide, a new design was created to honor her memory, said Thingreiphi (Athing) Lungharwo, who spoke at the 18th session of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in April.

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Re-attaching young people to the climate crisis

Neeshad Shafi will speak at the Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019 on 2223 June. Register to attend or tune-in digitally here.

Environmental activism is not the first idea that springs to mind when thinking about Gulf countries. This is precisely what drove Neeshad Shafi from Doha, Qatar, to launch the Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM) in 2015. “I realized that most people in the region were barely aware of the existence, or the magnitude, of the climate crisis, even though Qatar had hosted the UNFCCC summit in 2012,” says Shafi.

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