Youth Act Kalimantan hold Heartland Project as part of global climate movement

Youth Act Kalimantan, a youth organization that concentrates on social and environmental issues in Kalimantan, ran a campaign event titled the Heartland Project on June 21-23. Aimed at initiating tree planting and reforestation among Indonesian youth, the event was held in conjunction with the #FridaysForFuture demonstration in 131 countries as part of the “Climate Strike” and the Global Landscape Forum in Bonn, Germany.

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In Bonn, ’superheroes of the environment’ take center stage

The only solution to protecting nature is “radical collaboration” that elevates the rights and roles of the world’s indigenous communities, said a leading conservationist at a global gathering on Saturday.

Indigenous and local activists around the world are the “superheroes of the environmental movement,” Conservation International president Jennifer Morris told attendees at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), a side event of the UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany.

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Rights defenders on the agenda at Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn

June 21, 2019.- On 22-23 June 2019, rights holders and audiences from across the world will come together in Bonn to zoom in on the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all.

IWGIA will be present and co-host an event focusing on how we can mitigate the growing criminalisation of indigenous rights defenders.

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Global Landscapes Forum apresenta 6 mulheres indígenas que você deveria conhecer

Traduzido originalmente de Global Landscapes Forum

Como os direitos podem contribuir para um futuro mais justo e sustentável? Na próxima cúpula GLF Bonn 2019, as lideranças indígenas se reunirão como peça central entre mais de 1.000 participantes para representar algumas das comunidades mais vulneráveis e marginalizadas do mundo em responder a essa pergunta. Aqui estão seis das mulheres cujas vozes serão ouvidas.

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New book on community forest rights to be launched at the GLF in Bonn, June 2019

The 2019 annual event of the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn focusses on rights and rights-based approaches. It will help draw attention to a discrepancy that is still common in many countries: while local communities and Indigenous Peoples depend on forest resources for their livelihoods, they do not have the legal right to use and manage them. However, change is in the air.

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Rights defenders on the agenda at Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn

On 22-23 June 2019, rights holders and audiences from across the world will come together in Bonn to zoom in on the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. IWGIA will be present and co-host an event focusing on how we can mitigate the growing criminalisation of indigenous rights defenders.

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Rights are at the root of fighting climate change

Robert Nasi is director-general of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time, leading a million youth around the globe to pour onto the streets, demanding political leaders wake up to this destruction of our planet. And it comes not a moment too soon.

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Africa: Rights Are At the Root of Fighting Climate Change

Insecure land tenure can be a recipe for deforestation and forest degradation

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time, leading a million youth around the globe to pour onto the streets, demanding political leaders wake up to this destruction of our planet. And it comes not a moment too soon.

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