Training Workshop on Mainstreaming Integrated Landscape Governance Curriculum in Bhutan

Organizer: Department of Research and External Relations, Office of the Vice Chancellor, Thimphu, Bhutan


The landscape governance is an innovative approach in the sustainable management of ecosystem goods and services to improve the livelihoods of the landscapes’ inhabitants, while enhancing ecological integrity, economic development and socio-cultural resilience in an integrated manner.
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu and Centre for Development Innovations (CDI), Wageningen University have coordinated several regional consultations with ICIMOD’s 8 member countries to define and understand the capabilities which landscape professionals need to have in order to facilitate participatory landscape governance on the ground.

Together with the Royal University of Bhutan these capabiities have been turned into a draft curriculum at BSc level, and will therefore be the first university in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region to have a formal curriculum on Landscape Governance, with the aim to deliver a new generation of integrated landscape professionals, practitioners and poilcy makers, leading to long term improvement of NRM and spatial planning within Bhutan’s future.

Why Landscape Governance in Bhutan and why now?
Bhutan’s new Five Year Development Plan sets out new elements of greater inclusivity in development planning by engaging all stakeholders and building a national consensus to ensure that every stakeholder can identify him or herself with the Plan, and commit to its outcomes. Coordination, Consolidation and Collaboration have been identified as fundamental principles underpinning the goals, strategies and programmes of the plan, and cut across all the sectors and development actors in the country. Introducing the concept of Landscape Governance and having it mainstreamed in its education system will therefore be very helpful in the operationalisatioon of the new Five Year Development Plan, and will provide a good framework for spatial policy integration at the national scale.

Moreover, the concept of Landscape Governance fits in Bhutan’s national policy framework of Gross National Happiness, and may contribute to its operationalisation at the landscape level.

The role of the Royal University of Bhutan
The Royal University of Bhutan is the premier institution in Bhutan that is tasked to foster centres of excellence in teaching, research and innovation, and community service that are recognized internationally. Specific to natural resources, RUB institutions are responsible to:

  • Contribute to science and knowledge by conducting research and policy analyses in relevant problem areas;
  • Mainstream scientific research findings into environmental policy and decision-making processes, and
  • Train current and future generation of conservation and environmental leaders, practitioners and academics.

The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) with several on-going initiatives of delivering environmental governance and well-being initiatives is well placed to take the leadership of delivering “Landscape Governance Curriculum” to be implemented by one of its professional colleges specialised in enironmental management. As the RUB is an active member of the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) which aims to promote inter-university collaborations among HUC members in mainstreaming best-practices throughout the region. The RUB currently holds the honorary title of “The first ICIMOD Mountain Chair”, and is therefore strategically positioned to invest in landscape curriculum development havnig a regional impact.



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ARTrees Learning Village

A special event for young participants prior to the World Agroforestry Conference in Monpellier this May. The overall objective of ARTrees learning village is to induct the beginning of a community of
practice upon selected young participants attending Agroforestry 2019 and to foster links with senior
leading researchers. This as a means to trigger their positive impact at the congress. There is a critical need for training and support programmes to help both young graduates and young researchers get prepared for a successful development of their professional career. By attending ARTrees learning village participants will have the chance to reflect and take action for building up an accomplished professional trajectory.

One week, 20 participants, experienced team of experts and mentors. Collective research work on the field, seconded by a mentoring program, with results to be presented to non-expert audience

Learn more on the program and how to apply here

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Kick-off event: Strengthening Women’s Land Rights – Crucial for SDG’s


Kick-off event: meet female land rights champions, make your work more effective and join the festive launch of a photo exhibition

You are kindly invited to participate in an inspiring and informative event to discuss lessons learned from successful grassroots initiatives to improve land rights for women, supported by The Netherlands. What do these lessons mean for the gender ambitions in the policy note ‘Investing in Global Prospects’? How can we apply these lessons in our work on foreign trade and development cooperation?

Women and men’s equal rights to use, access and control land are crucial for the livelihoods, including income and health, of women, men and their families, as put forward in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT). During this event, impact stories will be shared by women who are involved in different initiatives in order to generate concrete ideas for follow-up which should result in action and results on the ground.

For more information, you can find it here.

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NLandscapes learning event in Wageningen – What’s needed to scale-up landscape restoration?

Restoring our degraded landscapes is essential to meet global goals and provide a sustainable future. But prevailing systemic barriers prevent efforts reaching the necessary scale. What are these barriers and what can we do to achieve the impact that is so urgently needed?

The knowledge session aims to create a deeper understanding of the different approaches to scale-up landscape restoration, gain insight in approaches applied on the ground and identify ways forward in the cases discussed. We will investigate the dynamics of scaling and how scaling should take place. We’ll explore scaling from different angles, from scaling-out, to scaling-up and look at what scaling means for space, money and people and policy.

We will work in an interactive open setting, and bring the knowledge available in the network together around landscape restoration cases you are working on.

Therefore you are warmly invited to :

Bring your case

We will use the landscape restoration cases we are working on ourselves, address the questions and dilemmas we come across and share knowledge and expertise to identify steps forward.

Send us your landscape restoration case. For more information, please click here.

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ICIMOD learning event in Nepal – Bridging Boundaries

ICIMOD has been using river basin and transboundary landscape management approaches to work across borders and achieve shared goals. The Centre’s river basin approach takes into account a range of concerns—monitoring and assessment of water resources, water-induced risk management, and climate change adaptation and resilience building with particular focus on the poor and vulnerable. It adopts an integrated water resource management approach to improve current understanding of upstream-downstream linkages as well as the links between natural resource management and sustainable livelihoods.

The International Consultative Workshop on Strengthening Regional Cooperation across Transboundary Landscapes and River Basins in the Hindu Kush Himalaya provide a timely opportunity to envision possible mechanisms to enhance regional cooperation and to discuss priority actions for the same. It will also look into strengthening existing regional cooperation mechanisms.

For more information, please visit this link.

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Think climate smart landscapes

Climate Change is impacting our landscapes, action is needed now! During this international short course, you will learn about the landscape approach, climate trends and adaptation actions to increase the resilience of your landscapes and its people.

We will provide you with practical and participatory tools, which allow you to assess the vulnerabilities of your landscapes and develop climate smart strategies. This way, you will look for synergies between various SDG goals!

Apply here

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Landscape Governance

Scholarships for our international course on LANDSCAPE GOVERNANCE now available!

Always wanted to learn about integrated landscape approaches? Then this is your chance! Our famous international course on LANDSCAPE GOVERNANCE is now open for application. Scholarships are available if applied for before October 10th, so you’d better be fast!

During our two weeks programme (1-12 April 2019) we will challenge you to look at your own work from an integrative landscape perspective, learn how to build bridges between the public and the private sector, and develop innovative governance mechanisms at the landscape level.

Apply NOW, to be the first!

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Land Matters! MOOC 2018

Land Matters! Integrating Soil Degradation Concerns and Solutions into Policy Processes

2018 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)


About the course

Land degradation affects us all directly or indirectly: food insecurity, pests, reduced availability of clean water, increased vulnerability to climate change, biodiversity loss, and much more. However, policy often fails to acknowledge this problem, or is incapable to identify solutions.

That’s why we offer this MOOC, running from August 27th through October 15th, 2018 to help understand how to influence policy making to foster sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation.

The global programme “Soil protection and rehabilitation for food security“, implemented by GIZ for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is launching the free MOOC “Land Matters!” in cooperation with the University of Leeds – School of Earth and Environment and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).

Theoretical and methodological input by experts will help you to clarify specific policy objectives, the preferred modes of communication of your target group, and to identify the most suitable engagement techniques or activities.

You will have the opportunity to exchange views and experiences with experts and participants and work on the topic in an international network of practitioners, scientists and policy makers. You are also encouraged to reflect on the possible application of the acquired knowledge in your own case, by developing your own case specific policy brief and feeding your conclusions back into the MOOC forum.

Specific benefits of the MOOC will be:

  • Learning through inputs, sharing of experiences, exercises and case studies.
  • Strengthening of existing networks, creation of new networks, and potential for further joint work or knowledge exchange.
  • Visibility of the topic and experiences through broad communication of the MOOC.
  • Access to a collection of material and background documents on the topic, including examples and case studies that could be further explored.
  • Support in the development of case/country specific material (e.g. policy briefs).


Who can participate?

Anyone who would like to extend and share their knowledge and experience on bringing soil protection issues into policy making.


Duration and workload

This MOOC is an 8-week program consisting of 8 modules, and it is entirely free of charge. Traditional course material such as videos, readings, and case studies will be provided together with an online learning room. The MOOC’s interactive tools will help build a vibrant learning community, focused on co-creating solutions. Participants who would like to receive a certificate should expect a workload of 3 hours per week.



Participants who successfully complete the course and develop a case specific policy brief, will receive a certificate from GIZ.



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