Climate Talks with Rodrigo A. Medellin

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Action in Latin America

An open discussion between ministers and CEOs of impact investment firms on the strategies, opportunities and challenges on using nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation in Latin America. The discussion will center on current strategies in the region that highlight the role of land-based actions in mitigation and adaptation. Examples of activities, their cost effectiveness and co-benefits will be discussed. This session is organized by Initiative 20×20, an alliance of 18 countries launched at COP 20 that aims to protect and restore 50 million hectares of the region’s ecosystems.

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Climate Talks with Kehkashan Basu and Susan Chomba

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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The Film-maker meets the Forest-maker – The story behind FMNR and its role for restoration of African landscapes!

During this panel, Tony Rinaudo (the forest-maker) and other representatives of the approach of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) – a Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) method – will be discussing the potential of FMNR for restoration of African landscapes with Volker Schlöndorff (the film-maker). A short trailer of Schlöndorff’s documentary “The Forest Maker” will be featured during the session and impressions about the production of the film will be shared. It will be announced that the full film/documentary will be shown in the evening of the same day (Friday, November 5th at 7:00 – 8:30 GMT here). Afterwards, the importance of cooperation between ‘grassroots level’ and ‘framework setting’ organizations will be discussed. Furthermore, the panelist will discuss the need for a combined ‘bottom up’ and ‘top down’ approach in the frame of the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) including local communities and knowledge as well as women and youth for a successful and sustainable restoration of landscape for food security, forest protection and more. The initiative propagates FLR in over 30 countries, which are committed to restore close to 130 million hectares of forest.

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Leveraging the Power of Forests and Trees for Climate Resilience

The role of forests and trees in providing multiple goods and services that contribute to the resilience and adaptive capacity of people and ecosystems has not yet gotten the attention it deserves in climate policy and action. In this session, FAO and CIFOR-ICRAF will invite diverse and intergenerational perspectives to highlight recent concrete examples of adaptation and resilience in the face of unprecedented climate change events, making strong connections to human and ecosystem health. Speakers will highlight the role of forests and trees as part of the solution to building resilient societies and a transformative economy of care for people and nature.

Relevant Resource(s):

Useful Website(s):
Houria Djoudi – Pecha Kucha Style Night – GLF 2015 (watch here)
Adapting to a changing climate with forests and agroforestry – CIFOR Forests News

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Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook: Innovative Forestry for a Sustainable Future

This session is part of the preparation by FAO and FTA of a roadmap on innovative technologies for sustainable forestry. According to the Third Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study (FAO, 2019), the uptake and scaling-up of innovative forest technologies in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow and uneven. Young people have a key role to play in amending this condition. As technology enthusiasts and forest managers of the future, they are the individuals and cohorts to take leadership and generate momentum through collaboration and social media, transform rigid institutions from within, and participate in the uptake and upscaling of innovative technologies in the forest sector of the region. This is why FAO and FTA organized a call for youth contributions. The session will show case the results of this call and present a collection of papers that illustrate, in various contexts, the potential of innovative technologies to advance sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management.

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Papua New Guinea: Sustaining Forests for Climate, People and Nature [By Invitation]

Together with the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Oro Province, CIFOR-ICRAF and its private sector facing entity, Resilient Landscapes, are supporting the development of a new 195 million Euro nature-based solutions development project in the Managalas Plateau. The Oro Province is a unique biodiversity hotspot that has the potential to be developed as an integrated landscape level nature-based solutions program delivering both quality tree-based commodities as well as a broad range of ecosystems services and products. These include elements such as forest carbon, water regulation and non-timber forest produce. Bringing these ecosystems services and products to market alongside quality commodities can remunerate the resident clans of the Managalas plateau to further incentivize their community stewardship.

Resilient Landscapes’ overarching ambition for Nature Based Solution (NBS) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is to attract private sector participation and green foreign direct investment (GFDI) to deliver greater social, environmental, agronomic, and economic impact. The initiative has received the explicit support of the Prime Minister of PNG, Hon. James Marape and the Governor of the Oro Province, Gary Juffa, The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Climate Change has endorsed the proposal as a showcase example for the Managalas to demonstrate the real value of natural capital.

The event will be opened with the official launch of a captivating film on Papua New Guinean forests – a result of a collaboration between Resilient Landscapes and the PNG Government. This foundational collaboration offers great opportunities to bring in priority partners from both public and private sectors. Specifically, the needs for evidence, risk reduction and solutions to support collaborative partnerships to overcome barriers to past investments will be discussed.

It is expected that this timely special session will help reconfigure our thinking and priorities for forest protection and landscape stewardship, and to lay the foundation for a sustainable future for people and the planet.

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Ecosystem Based Adaptation: Linking Upstream and Downstream Catchments in Sri Lanka

Climate change poses systemic challenges to food systems which require systemic responses. Blending agroecological approaches and ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) can increase the capacity that is needed to translate national commitments on climate, biodiversity and sustainable development into action on the ground.This interactive session presents the climate rationale for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) EbA project in Sri Lanka. The project blends agroecological approaches and EbA as it interconnects the upstream Knuckles catchment and downstream areas in a landscapes approach, involving a broad array of adaptation measures ranging from governance and financing to support agroecological intensification.

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HCV Screening to Prioritize Conservation and Livelihoods in Production Landscapes

“Clearing natural ecosystems to establish farms and plantations is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and many areas designated for agricultural commodity production are home to local communities and Indigenous groups, plants and animals, water resources, forests and other ecosystems. This session will introduce an effective and adaptable tool for priority setting in large landscapes and jurisdictions. High Conservation Value (HCV) screening is about understanding what social and environmental values are likely to be present, and how those values are threatened. Screening provides a basis for multi-stakeholder decisions on planning, policymaking, land management, and achieving sustainability targets.

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Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: From a Decade of Research to a Decade of Impacts

FTA is wrapping-up a decade of research 2011-2021 and looking for the future: investigating new research and new knowledge needed, but also how to bring it to action on the ground. This also requires new partnerships. A push for action does not mean that the research period is over, but that research needs to be embedded into action.

The session will present the upcoming FTA new series of publications “Highlights of a Decade” and showcase emblematic examples from 10 years of research under the FTA program, showing how these have been brought to action and impact, focusing on links to climate, food, biodiversity agendas. A discussion with stakeholders at national and international level on the role they see for research to help them achieve their own objectives, and how they see in practice this role going forward in the 9 years up to 2030 and the SDGs will complement the session.

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