Leaders across the globe are facing up to humanity’s biggest challenge yet – transforming societies towards carbon neutrality and harmony with nature. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is clear: our prevailing economic model and consumption patterns have placed the planet on a trajectory towards uninhabitability.
Every new strategy and policy from now on will be judged and measured by its ability to draw down carbon emissions. Though the challenge is great, we have the ability, knowledge and will to adapt. And there are positive signs. In this session, thought leaders will highlight positive trends from across the world that are triggering new thinking and behavior change. Speakers will discuss what it will take to achieve ‘positive tipping points’ at which we collectively change for the better – transforming our societies and sustaining life on Earth.
Digital edition: Climate 2021
The Forest Maker
Director: Volker Schlöndorff
Country: Germany
Year: 2021
Duration of the film: 90 minutes
Language: English, French, Hausa, Amharic, Talen
Trailer: here
Volker Schlöndorff, Academy Award Winner director, will participate in the session “The Film-maker meets the Forest-maker“, on November 5, and in the closing panel of the Generation Restoration Film Festival, on November 10.
Twitter: @FMNRHub | Hashtags: #FMNR #forestmaker #regreening #GenerationRestoration #COP26 #Schloendorff
In the “The Forest Maker”, a documentary by Volker Schlöndorff, the famous German film director and Academy Award winner accompanied several outstanding personalities and farmers who are trying to save their environment and thus the climate with innovative methods. Among others, Mr. Schlöndorff accompanied Tony Rinaudo, who won the Right Livelihood Award (also called the Alternative Nobel Prize), in 2018. Rinaudo received the prize for discovering a cheap, simple and fast method of regenerative reforestation called FMNR (farmer managed natural regeneration). With the help of FMNR, it is possible to sustainably reforest huge areas of parched soil. The method is based on the presence of old root systems and even works in some desert regions, such as Somaliland. In Niger alone, 6 million hectares of parched soil could be reforested with the help of FMNR. In the Humbo region in Southern Ethiopia, famine occurred repeatedly for 20 years. Today, farmers in the area deliver surplus grain to WFP. The project in Humbo was submitted to CO2 trading through the World Bank. New research, published in Nature Climate Change and available on Global Forest Watch, found that the world’s forests sequestered about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emitted between 2001 and 2019.
Take action with The Forest Maker
Join the global FMNR reforestation movement, through advocacy and awareness building, by giving and implementing FMNR. You can change the world!
Learn more about FMNR:
- Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration: Community Driven, Low Cost and Scalable Reforestation Approach for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- FMNR – Everything is connected
- FMNR – Tony Rinaudo: “The Niger I came to”
- FMNR – Pruning for natural regeneration
- FMNR: A green Africa is possible
- World Vision
- (German) Eine bemerkenswerte Wende duch FMNR: Von Mangel zu Überschüssen
- (German) FMNR – Alles ist miteinander verbunden
- (German) Grüne Wüsten – ja mit der FMNR Methode
Lord Provost and Glasgow City Council’s Civic Reception
The NYDF: A Renewed Call to Action
COP26 marks a pivotal moment for countries to set ambitious trajectories to build a sustainable world. Forests are the natural climate solution with the largest mitigation potential. The New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) remains one of the most comprehensive frameworks for forest action. We will hear from governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC), youth, and the private sector to demonstrate how bold and collective action can halt deforestation by 2030. We will also present the findings of the new NYDF Assessment Report and recommendations on how governments can advance forest-based mitigation and ensure robust inclusion of IPLCs.
Relevant Resource(s):
- Taking stock of national climate action for forests: 2021 NYDF Assessment report (Published on October 12; Key Messages in EN, SP, PORT, FR, Bahasa)
- New York Declaration on Forests (EN, SP, PORT, FR, Bahasa):
Useful Website(s):
Array ( )Climate Talks with Aviram Rozin, Ricardo Calderon, Jazz Mota and Felix Finkbeiner
The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.
Array ( )Forest Allies Community of Practice: Translating Global commitments into Local Action
Forest Allies recognizes that solving the complex drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, addressing the climate crisis, restoring landscapes and empowering local communities requires diverse perspectives and inclusive discussions. This is why we convene forest communities, civil society and the private sector to form durable alliances. Together we identify roadblocks, act as thought leaders in transforming business as usual, advocate for policies which support the principles of Integrated Community Forest Management and elevate the visibility and expertise of forest communities. Join us as we launch our community of practice and learn how you too can become part of the solution.
Array ( )Climate Talks with Frank van Veen, Stéphane Hallaire and Sahana Ghosh
The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.
Array ( )Transparent Monitoring: From Idea to Reality
Transparent monitoring refers to datasets, tools, and portals that support countries’ needs in the land use sector. Transparent monitoring can provide complementary data and approaches to national monitoring systems. Countries, subnational governments, grassroots organizations and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations need to know that transparent approaches can help them promote their agendas and facilitate conflict resolution over forest and land use monitoring and data.
Relevant Resource(s):
- Boettcher, H., Herrmann, L.M., Herold, M., Romijn, E., Román-Cuesta, R.M., Avitabile, V., de Sy, V., Martius, C., Gaveau, D.L.A., Fritz, S., Schepaschenko, D., Dunwoody, A., 2018. Independent Monitoring: Building trust and consensus around GHG data for increased accountability of mitigation in the land use sector. 112 pp. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. https://doi.org/10.2834/513344
- European Commission (EC) 2017. Climate mitigation in agriculture and forestry: The importance of transparent monitoring. Leaflet. 2 pp. https://events.globallandscapesforum.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/11/ClimateMitigation-EC-flyer_en_digital2.pdf
- Romijn, E. V. De Sy, M. Herold, H. Boettcher, D. Schepaschenko, S. Fritz, R. M. Roman-Cuesta, C. Martius, D. Gaveau, L. Verchot, V. Avitabile (2018): Independent data for assessing GHG emissions from the land use sector – What do stakeholders need and think? Environmental Science and Policy 85,101-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.03.016
- Sy V de, Herold M, Martius C, Boettcher H, Fritz S, Gaveau DLA, Leonard S, Romijn E and Román-Cuesta RM. (2016): Enhancing transparency in the land-use sector: Exploring the role of independent monitoring approaches. CIFOR Infobrief No. 156. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). http://dx.doi.org/10.17528/cifor/006256
Useful Website(s):
Array ( )Landscape Restoration and Renewable Energy – Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation
This session demonstrates how efficient charcoal and biochar production supports the restoration of forest and agricultural landscapes. Charcoal is the most important energy source for households across Sub-Sahara Africa. Efficiently produced charcoal reduces the wood demand for its production, thus protecting forests and woodlands, and it reduces the GHG emissions while using it as an energy source. Gasifier stoves in households, which make use of the energy surplus during char production for cooking, also reduce the fuelwood demand and yield biochar, which improves soils and food security. Showcases from Ghana, Madagascar, and Kenya will be presented.
Relevant Resource(s):
FLR Ghana
- Forest Landscape Restoration by means of sustainable wood energy value chains – Internationale Climate Initiative (IKI) (international-climate-initiative.com)
- Towards a sustainable charcoal production – Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI) (international-climate-initiative.com)
Gasifiers Kenya
- Biochar – a Soil Conditioner to Protect the Climate
- GLF Africa 2021 White Paper – Biochar for Climate Change Mitigation and Restoration of Degraded Lands
- Charcoal Value Chains in Kenya: A 20-year Synthesis
- Fiches Thématiques pour une Modernisation de la Filière Bois-Energie à Madagascar
Array ( )Climate Circle
According to a recent global survey by the University of Bath, the climate crisis is causing distress, anger, anxiety and even guilt among children and young people worldwide, who are pointing to a lack of ambitious action from world leaders.
How can we cope with eco-anxiety and find constructive sources of hope and action?
Join this session together with other GLF Climate participants to share your interests, needs, thoughts and feelings on the climate emergency – without judgement.
Please note: This session is digital and spots are limited to 30 participants. Save your spot now by registering here.
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