Investing in Nature for People and the Planet: Innovative Financing for Landscape Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Action

Agriculture, forestry, and land use change produce almost a quarter of global GHG emissions, and agriculture, as the largest user of land and water globally, significantly impacts forests, grasslands, wetlands, and biodiversity. Unsustainable food and land use systems currently generate “hidden” environmental, health, and poverty costs estimated at almost $12 trillion per year. Major changes are needed.

Aware of these challenges, governments and private actors across the globe are taking action to slow deforestation, restore degraded lands, and establish sustainable agricultural practices through landscape approaches. Such approaches can help communities recover from the COVID crisis by providing jobs and improving livelihoods while delivering on carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services benefits such as water security and improved agriculture productivity. Financing for landscape programs is fundamental to implementing and scaling up such programs.

This session will highlight how blending finance from different sources (results-based climate finance, grants, loans, public resources and private investments) enables the integrated cross-sectoral approaches needed to deliver such programs and address sustainable landscape management issues at scale. It will highlight programs such as innovative Emissions Reduction Programs (ERPs) that are now disbursing results-based payments, growing interest in financing for nature-based solutions, initiatives to green finance, and the potential to repurpose significant public funding and incentives through subsidy reform. The session will also highlight initial findings from the Financial Task Force for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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Increasing Local Impacts: From Finance Commitments to Bold Action

Less than 2% of all climate finance flows are currently channeled to small-scale farmers (IFAD, 2020). Nature-based solutions (NbS) have the potential to reconcile social, economic and environmental interests. If financed at the level required, they can generate positive impacts for rural populations, including green jobs, long-term provision of ecosystem services, and climate change adaptation and mitigation benefits. This plenary will address possible ways of solving the funding gap for local communities and explore good practices for greening finance and financing green with potential for local impacts at scale. Reflecting on the key messages and proposals discussed during the day, the plenary will lay out concrete actions to be taken by various stakeholders – including the private sector – in order to increase sustainable finance flows for NbS. The session will also highlight lessons learned and good practices on how sustainable value chains and financing mechanisms can improve financing for NbS and benefit-sharing.

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Climate Talk with Marc Daubrey and Michael Brady

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Climate Talk with Jennifer Pryce

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Climate Talk with Martha Rojas Urrego and Pavan Sukhdev

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Climate Talks Martin Halle and Ivo Mulder

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Climate Talk with Mariem Dkhil, Kristyna Pelikanova, Pierre-Joseph Kingbo, Pavan Sukhdev and Martha Rojas Urrego

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Climate Talks Karin Kemper, Jyotsna Puri and Janet Muir

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.

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Growing the Momentum for Agroecological Transformation to Resilient Food Systems

The plenary will link the 13 agroecological principles from the CFS HLPE (2019) report, the CFS policy recommendations on agroecological and other innovative approaches and the coalition on transforming food systems through agroecology emerging from the UN Food Systems Summit with the imperative to reduce the contribution that agriculture makes to global warming while adapting to effects of climate change. The focus will be on prioritizing actions to effect agroecological transitions and ensuring inclusivity and equity of agency amongst all actors in food systems.

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