As we enter a decade dedicated to ecosystem restoration, it is crucial to center the knowledge, interests and needs of the people that are stewarding the world’s remaining biodiversity: Indigenous peoples and local communities. During this special Youth Daily Show, Adjany Costa, a young marine biologist and ethno-conservationist from Angola, who also served as the youngest Minister of Culture, Tourism and Environment in Angola’s history, will share her own experience with community-led conservation as well as her perspective on setting robust foundations for a restoration movement that includes traditional ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge.
Array ( )Digital edition: Accra 2019
Facilitated networking
Join us for an informal facilitated networking session. Guided by conversational menus, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow conference participants in short breakout sessions. These sessions (in English and in French) are limited to 300 participants, on a first come, first served basis. Be sure to join the subsession in your preferred language.
Les sessions de réseautage vous mettront en relation avec des personnes du monde entier. Rencontrez une nouvelle personne toutes les cinq minutes ! Le modérateur vous fournira les informations que vous pourrez utiliser pour préparer vos questions afin de tirer le meilleur parti de votre temps de réseautage. Ces sessions (en anglais et en français) sont limitées à 300 participants, selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Vous auriez la possiblite de rejoindre la session dans langue de votre préférance.
Building partnerships for rangeland restoration in Africa
Rangelands occupy one-third of all land on earth, are home to important biodiversity, support more than 2 billion people and significantly contribute to the SDGs. Despite their importance, rangelands continue to be characterized by chronic underinvestment and high degradation. This session will build on the ongoing global rangeland dialogue by stakeholders (UNCCD member countries, NGOs/IGOs, and rangeland local users). It will also discuss the role of partnerships – governments, local communities, the private-sector – in rangeland restoration and the impacts in Africa. The session will showcase on-the-ground impacts from countries and outline the role of women and youth.
The session is co-organized by IUCN, WWF, UNEP, FAO, ILRI, ICRAF, WOCAT
Array ( )Musical Performance by Shade
Plenary: African Women in Sustainable Business and Environment Management
Women and men often use and manage resources in different ways, while also observing and experiencing degradation differently. Indeed, in many countries, women traditionally have had the responsibility for many aspects of land use and management, including collection and preparation of fuelwood, fodder, water, fruits, medicinal herbs and seeds. Despite a growing focus on gender at all levels, gender disparities remain, including unequal access to land, resources, opportunities, and decision-making power. Due to gender-blind restoration activities, environmental degradation increases the burden on women.
Because women across Africa have long been agents of change, the objective of this plenary is to share perspectives on the fundamental role and important contribution of women in Africa to the restoration agenda. This will generate dialogue on the challenges, experiences and opportunities of addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment in environmental management and business. Panelists will present initiatives led by women who “dare to invent the future of Africa”, showing how their work, leadership and contributions positively impact social, economic and environmental progress in the continent.
Array ( )Musical Performance by Shade
Closing Plenary
Inspirational Talk
Morning Introduction: Connecting Communities – Catalysts for Restoration
As we look toward the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, now is the critical time to share knowledge, create new thinking and identify and scale innovative solutions for landscape restoration that is inclusive and ensures the rights of all stakeholders.
GLF Accra will begin with an energising session that aims to inspire participants, foster networking and relationship building and gather ideas and valuable inputs on the needs of the GLF community during this critical Decade.
We will begin with 4 catalyst speakers – individuals that we can look to for leadership, vision and pathways to collective action.
After each speaker has made their case for how landscape restoration is fundamental to their stakeholders needs, future livelihoods and wellbeing we will invite conference participants to join their chosen speaker in an interactive consultation. These facilitated consultations will provide participants with an opportunity to network, create communities, develop clear strategies and understand what it takes to maintain the energy and momentum of a successful movement. The information gathered will be presented in the ‘Sparking a Mass Restoration Movement’ plenary.
Array ( )Interactive Session: Third Dialogue on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Bioenergy
This interactive session will bring together various international organizations that agree to join forces to facilitate raising awareness and exchange of ideas and information among stakeholders from both Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Bioenergy communities, with a view to intensify opportunities for collaboration and to develop a joint agenda foraction around Sustainable Bioenergy and FLR.
The session aims to bring out key success factors and best practices that have determined a positive contribution of Sustainable Wood Energy value chains to FLR in the continent of Africa, in order to understand what approaches are effective and how and when these can be scaled
This Third Dialogue is part of a wider series of dialogues on the positive contribution of Sustainable Bioenergy to FLR and vice versa in Africa, initially sparked off by IEA Bioenergy, GBEP and GIZ and then joined by others highly relevant global initiatives actively working on the same thematic area and spatial context. It represents a follow up to the First and the Second Dialogues on Bioenergy and FLR held, respectively, on 01 December, 2018 in Bonn during the 2018 Global Landscapes Forum and in Lisbon, on 28 May 2019, during the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition.
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