We will update this page with latest updates every few days in the lead up to #GLFBonn2018. Please keep checking back for new announcements and assets.
The GLF is the first global movement of its kind and the world’s largest knowledge-led multi-sectoral platform on landscapes, bringing together world leaders, climate negotiators, policy makers, development practitioners, private sector representatives. We have connected 3,900 organizations and 150,000 participants to our gatherings in Warsaw, Lima, London, Paris, Marrakech, Jakarta, Bonn, Washington, D.C. and Nairobi – and reached over 231.5 million from more than 148 countries. We aspire to spark a movement of 1 billion people around sustainable landscapes. Crazy right? But no one ever achieved anything big by thinking small. Our next event is GLF Bonn—Connecting for impact: From commitment to action, 1-2 December, Bonn, Germany. And we will be joining thousands in Katowice, Poland for the GLF Climate Action in the Landscape at COP24 on 9 December.
Get ready for a world-class forum, including CIFOR, UN Environment, the World Bank, IUCN, IUFRO, the Rainforest Alliance, CGIAR-FTA, IDH, IPMG, NEPAD, GIZ, BMZ, EcoAgriculture Partners, FAO, CIRAD, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, FSC, IFOAM-Organics International, and 30 more.
With the urgency of acting against environmental degradation and climate change, GLF Bonn 2018 will be key in drawing out the next steps to take towards hitting sustainability targets. Organizations and individuals from across sectors and backgrounds will stir up conversations to boost action on the ground and learn from local experiences. More than 2,000 participants are expected to join our 1-2 December event, alongside 20,000 more for the online edition and millions on social media.
Get inspired by leading figures from development and green sectors, such as Ecosia’s Christian Kroll, United Nation Champion of the Earth Joan Carling and get 7-minute insights on grassroots action with Landscape Talks.
Don’t miss our second Voices of the Landscapes plenary, a special session on food security and opportunities to expand your views on landscapes at the GLF Learning Pavilion.
Why attend #glfbonn2018?
- CONNECT with some of the world’s finest environmental problem-solvers
- SHARE your restoration ideas with thousands across the world
- LEARN how to make sustainable landscapes a reality
- Get the knowledge to ACT and secure your community’s landscapes
- Discover Landscape Heroes changing the world
Click here to find everything you need to know about the event in one place.
We want you to share how your organization is driving the key messages at the GLF Bonn 2018. Then tell the world about it with the event hashtags so we can spread the word.
You can always use our sample tweets and posts below but it’s always going to be more effective to craft your own messages, tell us your own relevant stories and add a personal twist. Whatever you decide, we have provided everything you need to get going on this page.