Emma Jones-Phillipson
Chapter Secretariat, GLFx Cape Town
Hombakazi Mercy Nqandeka
Project Manager Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Viva con Agua South Africa
Kaspar Paur
Founder, Oceaneers
Tasneem Karodia
COO and co-founder, Mzansi Meat
Gray Maguire
Carbon Project Manager, Programme lead, Climate Neutral Group, AgriCarbon programme
Rosanna ‘Rosie’ McLean
Poet, Climate change project developer, Video creator
Nicola Rule
Professional Officer, ICLEI Africa
Yokateme Tiikuzu
Founder & CEO, Mabele Agric
Stephanie Sargeant
Fellow, Young African Landscape Leadership Program -
Akinyi Chemutai
Coordinator, GLFx Nairobi
Charity Lanoi
Restoration Steward, Moilo Grass Seed Bank
Sunday Geofrey Mbafoambe
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Yaounde
Felistus Mwalia
Programme Officer, Agroecology, Route to Food Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Nicodemus Omundo
Chef Entrepreneur, author and systems thinker, Organic Life Limited
Kevin Getobai Makere
Farm Projects Manager, Student, Ololo Farm, University of Nairobi
Alice Mwangi
Founder, Permaculture Designer, Trainer and Consultant on Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture Practices, Hillside Organic Garden Kabete
Kader Baba
Research Associate & Country Program Manager, TMG Research
Washe Kazungu
Research Associate, TMG Research
Susan Chomba
Director of Vital Landscapes, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Frederike Klümper
Programme Lead, Land Governance Programme, TMG Research
Sonkita Conteh
Country Director, Namati Sierra Leone
Jes Weigelt
Head of Programmes, TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability
Manitrala Rasoanaivo
Forestry Consultant, Madagascar
Nfor Blessing Mbontu
Chapter facilitator, GLFx Nkambe, Cameroon
Ekoaba Cevie Engowei
Program Manager, GLFx Nkambe
Mbeh Divine Nformi Nfor
Ruler, farmer, Saah village in Nkambe Central
Irene Ojuok
Researcher at Right Livelihood College at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
Kate Chibwana
Facilitator, National Multi Stakeholder Platform on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI)
Mankfu Findo Marie Louis Kwimbu
Queen Mother of Bondede, Nkambe, Cameroon
Augusta Senenssie
Founder, Head of Research, Walinda Lingo
Ineza Grace
Coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Jochen Flasbarth
State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Violet Amoabeng
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Skin Gourmet Limited
Mercy Juma
Journalist, Storyteller, BBC Africa
Anita Moragia
Communication & Community Engagement, GLF
Carlos Lopes
Honorary Professor and WRI Board Member Director, University of Cape Town; African Union
Jimmy Smith
Director General, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Fai Cassian
Coordinator, GLFx Nkambe
Alex Awiti
Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Catherine Nakalembe
Associate Research Professor, Africa Program Director, University of Maryland, NASA Harvest
Youba Sokona
IPCC-Vice Chair and Special Advisor for Sustainable Development , IPCC and South Centre
Anita Moragia
Communication & Community Engagement, GLF
Kolyang Palebele
President, Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO)
Nana Prempeh
CEO, GrowForMe
Fiona Flintan
Senior Scientist, ILRI, Italy and Ethiopia
Chris Magero
Programme Officer, IUCN
Susanne Vetter
Associate Professor, Rhodes University, South Africa
Marthe Tollenaar
ESG Director, SAIL Ventures
Enkh-Amgalan Tseelei
Chairwoman , Mongolian National Federation of Pasture User Groups of Herders
Ciniro Costa Junior
Senior Scientist, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
Max Makuvise
Chairman and founder, Vice-chair, Makera Cattle Company, Southern Africa Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and Resident Director for Shangani Holistic (Pvt) Ltd.
Sonja Leitner
Scientist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Anirudh Keny
Business Developer, Boomitra
Edwin Mudongo
Researcher, CLAWS and Herding for Health Botswana
Geledorj Amarbold
CEO, Jinst Murun Co LTD
Caileigh Pentz
Independent, Graphic recorder
Susan Onyango
Global Communications Coordinator, CIFOR-ICRAF
Amy Ickowitz
Senior Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Erik Acanakwo
Scientist and Country Representative, Uganda, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rhett Harrison
Tropical Forest Ecologist & Conservation Biologist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Alice Karanja
Post-Doctoral Fellow , CIFOR-ICRAF
Emily Gallagher
Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Decolius Kalumo
Reuben Ottou
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Charity Lanoi
Restoration Steward, Moilo Grass Seed Bank
Irene Ojuok
Researcher at Right Livelihood College at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
Kate Chibwana
Facilitator, National Multi Stakeholder Platform on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI)
Tambe Gertrude Ndip
Chapter member, GLFx Yaounde
Audace Kubwimana
Africa Regional Coordinator, ILC
Busari Olakunle Ibrahim
Diane Ndarbawa
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
Cécile Ndjebet
President, REFACOF
Adrian Leitoro
GLFx Africa Hub Officer, GLF
Klaus Ackermann
Head of Global Programme Responsible Land Policy, GIZ
Martin Hoppe
Head of Division Food and Nutrition Security, Global Food Policy, Fisheries , German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Bala Wenceslas Sanou
Co-founder, Impact Research Institute (IRI)
Wilfred Babanga
Program Manager, ZOA Uganda, West Nile
Maria Joanitah Ndagire
Technical Advisor, GIZ, Uganda
Dieudonné Annir
Mayor, Yoko, central region, Cameroon
Cora van Oosten
Head of capacity development & education, CIFOR-ICRAF
Esther Ekua Amfoa Amoako
Lecturer, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Adejoke Olukemi Akinyele
Reader, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Steve Makungwa
Senior lecturer, Centre for Applied Systems Analysis, Malawi
Tabitha Mugo
Moi University, Kenya
Mercy Derkyi
Associate Professor, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana
Richard Nasarira
College of Conservation and Environmental Management, Rwanda
Avana Tientcheu Marie Louise
University of Dschang, Cameroon
Bessy Eva Kathambi
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Robin Chazdon
Research and Consultant, Forestoration International
Salima Mahamoudou
Research Associate, West and Central Africa Lead, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Gérard Andriamandimby
Directeur du Réseau/President of the network, SOA (Syndicat des organisations agricoles)/ SOA (Agricultural organizations’ Union), Madagascar
Voahangy Ramaromisa
Présidente/President, PNFDDSA (Plateforme Nationale Femme, Développement Durable et Sécurité Alimentaire) / PNFDDSA (National Platform for Women, Sustainable Development and Food Security), Madagascar
Ayéfoumi Olou-Adara
Président du Conseil d’Administration/President of the board of directors, Coopération Togolaise des Organisations Paysannes/Togolese Cooperation of Farmers' Organizations (CTOP)
Bariétou Agbere
Présidente du conseil d’administration/President of the board of directors, Réseau National des Femmes Agricultrices du Togo/National Network of Women Farmers of Togo (RENAFAT)
Mouftao Salami-Odjo
Président du conseil d’administration/President of the board of directors, Réseau des Jeunes Producteurs et Professionnels Agricoles du Togo/Network of Young Agricultural Producers and Professionals of Togo (REJEPPAT)
Fatmata Binta
Chef, Fulani Kitchen Projects
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Joshua Omonuk
Climate Activist, Rise Up Movement
Sunday Geofrey Mbafoambe
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Yaounde
Michael Christie
Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics, Aberystwyth University, IPBES Europe and Central Asia assessment-Lead author and Values assessment-Chair
Daniel Oberhauser
Policy Advisor, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Patience Onyeche Adaje
PhD candidate in Environmental Economics and Management, University of Agriculture Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria
Ulrike Tröger
Researcher, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of Environmental Politics, Green Value Initiative
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Lungisani Mjaji
Photographer, Tshwane University of Technology
Rebecca Bakare
Co-Founder, Nueden Bio
Jamila Jana
Marine Biologist, Stellenbosch University
Sani Maikatanga
Photojournalist and documentary Photographer
Lavender Ondere
Environment, climate change, natural Resource Management, and resilience expert, World Vision Kenya
Janephrice Talian
Local Landscape Restoration Expert, chairperson, Cheptais Community Forest Association (CFA)
Ann Gachambi Njuki
Member organization, Groots Kenya, ILC Africa
Kaluki Paul Mutuku
Co-founder, Regional Director for Africa, Kenya Environmental Action Network (KEAN), Youth4Nature
Chika Ezeanya Esiobu
Fiction writer
Elizabeth Mrema
Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Ulrich Apel
Senior Environmental Specialist, Global Environment Facility
Johannes Refisch
GRASP Programme Manager and GRASP Coordinator (OIC), UN Environment Programme
Fritjof Boerstler
Global Coordinator, GEF-7 Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes, FAO
Sandra Berman
Senior Environmental consultant, World Bank
Lilia Isolina Java Tapayuri
President of the sustainability management committee of the tourist destination, Asociación de Autoridades IndÃgenas (ATICOYA), Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, Colombia
Harrington Nyirenda
District Coordinator, environmental ecology expert, district coordinator GEF 7, UN FAO, Malawi
Angela Nyanchama Nyamongo
Policy and Legal Expert, Kenya
Mufaro Manyanga
Team Leader, Linkages for Economic Advancement for the Disadvantaged (LEAD)
Ewald Rametsteiner
Deputy Director, Forestry Division, FAO
Jane Feehan
Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank
Ernest Agyenim-Boateng
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Akwaaba Feeds Ltd
Caleb Edwards
Co-founder & CEO, Wami Agro Ltd
Andrew Ahiaku
Head of Financial Sector, Aceli Africa
Lorisa Canillas
Senior Investment Manager (Sierra Leone), Cordaid Investment Management
Isaac Asomani
Investment Manager, Wangara Green Ventures
Renald Appiah
Portfolio Manager, Wangara Green Ventures
Barbara Birungi Mutabazi
Executive Director, Hive Colab
Anthony Kimani
Investment Services Manager, E4Impact
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
David Mansell-Moullin
Communication Coordinator, SWM Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Brent Stirton
Photographer, Getty Images and National Geographic
Stella Asaha
SWM Programme Site Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Cindy Côté-Andreetti
Communication Advisor, Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Ewi Stephanie Lamma
Event Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, GLFx Yaounde Chapter, Forest Resources and People (FOREP)
Alvin Ochieng Omondi
Chairman, Social Entrepreneur, Soccer Coach and Youth Mentor, LEWMO
Debrah Daniel Kwame
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Bawku, Ghana
Asanga Joe
Farmer, Ghana
Gifty Asanga
Farmer, Ghana
Nyaaba Blessing
Farmer, Ghana
Asanga Aboyine Richmond
Student, Ghana
Minifred Ayinpoka
Student, Ghana
Mohamed Bakarr
Lead Environmental Specialist, Global Environment Facility
Peter Minang
Director for Africa & Global Coordinator , CIFOR-ICRAF
Ruchira Joshi
Global Director, Agri-commodities and Executive Director, IDH UK
Ywe Franken
Serious Farming Accelerator, Tony’s Chocolonely
Isaac Charles Acquah, Jnr
Director and head , Natural Resource Department of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana (EPA)
Léonie Bonnehin-Verrier
Cocoa Agroforestry Head, Olam Cocoa
Awa Bamba
Executive Director, CAYAT
Robert Yapo Assamoi
Coordinator, Cocoa and Forest Initiative in Côte d'Ivoire
Betty Simawua Annan
Country Director, Ghana, World Cocoa Foundation
Rose Mwebaza
Director and Regional Representative, UNEP Africa Office
Safiatou Nana
Coordinator, GLFx Ouagadougou
Salina Abraham
Chief of Staff to CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rebecca Bakare
Co-Founder, Nueden Bio
Cristina Duarte
Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations Secretary-General, United Nations
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) , Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF
Barbara Birungi Mutabazi
Executive Director, Hive Colab
Inna Modja
Land Ambassador, UNCCD
Nabalayo Wattimah
Music-maker and Illustrator
Rocky Dawuni
Musician , International Artist and Humanitarian
Yemisi Mokuolu
Founder & CEO, Hatch Ideas Worldwide Ltd
Adrian Nduma
Painter and founder, Bonzo Art Gallery
Kofi Debrah
Founder, OKO Forests
Marek Fuchs
Co-Founder & Managing Director, AfricaCentric Entertainment (ACE)
Misha Teasdale
Director, Greenpop
Ineza Grace
Coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Jochen Flasbarth
State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Violet Amoabeng
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Skin Gourmet Limited
Mercy Juma
Journalist, Storyteller, BBC Africa
Anita Moragia
Communication & Community Engagement, GLF
Carlos Lopes
Honorary Professor and WRI Board Member Director, University of Cape Town; African Union
Jimmy Smith
Director General, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Fai Cassian
Coordinator, GLFx Nkambe
Alex Awiti
Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Catherine Nakalembe
Associate Research Professor, Africa Program Director, University of Maryland, NASA Harvest
Youba Sokona
IPCC-Vice Chair and Special Advisor for Sustainable Development , IPCC and South Centre
Anita Moragia
Communication & Community Engagement, GLF
Kolyang Palebele
President, Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO)
Nana Prempeh
CEO, GrowForMe
Mohamed Bakarr
Lead Environmental Specialist, Global Environment Facility
Peter Minang
Director for Africa & Global Coordinator , CIFOR-ICRAF
Ruchira Joshi
Global Director, Agri-commodities and Executive Director, IDH UK
Ywe Franken
Serious Farming Accelerator, Tony’s Chocolonely
Isaac Charles Acquah, Jnr
Director and head , Natural Resource Department of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana (EPA)
Léonie Bonnehin-Verrier
Cocoa Agroforestry Head, Olam Cocoa
Awa Bamba
Executive Director, CAYAT
Robert Yapo Assamoi
Coordinator, Cocoa and Forest Initiative in Côte d'Ivoire
Betty Simawua Annan
Country Director, Ghana, World Cocoa Foundation
Rose Mwebaza
Director and Regional Representative, UNEP Africa Office
Safiatou Nana
Coordinator, GLFx Ouagadougou
Salina Abraham
Chief of Staff to CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rebecca Bakare
Co-Founder, Nueden Bio
Cristina Duarte
Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations Secretary-General, United Nations
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) , Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF
Barbara Birungi Mutabazi
Executive Director, Hive Colab
Emma Jones-Phillipson
Chapter Secretariat, GLFx Cape Town
Hombakazi Mercy Nqandeka
Project Manager Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Viva con Agua South Africa
Kaspar Paur
Founder, Oceaneers
Tasneem Karodia
COO and co-founder, Mzansi Meat
Gray Maguire
Carbon Project Manager, Programme lead, Climate Neutral Group, AgriCarbon programme
Rosanna ‘Rosie’ McLean
Poet, Climate change project developer, Video creator
Nicola Rule
Professional Officer, ICLEI Africa
Felistus Mwalia
Programme Officer, Agroecology, Route to Food Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Nicodemus Omundo
Chef Entrepreneur, author and systems thinker, Organic Life Limited
Kevin Getobai Makere
Farm Projects Manager, Student, Ololo Farm, University of Nairobi
Alice Mwangi
Founder, Permaculture Designer, Trainer and Consultant on Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture Practices, Hillside Organic Garden Kabete
Kader Baba
Research Associate & Country Program Manager, TMG Research
Washe Kazungu
Research Associate, TMG Research
Susan Chomba
Director of Vital Landscapes, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Frederike Klümper
Programme Lead, Land Governance Programme, TMG Research
Sonkita Conteh
Country Director, Namati Sierra Leone
Jes Weigelt
Head of Programmes, TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability
Manitrala Rasoanaivo
Forestry Consultant, Madagascar
Fiona Flintan
Senior Scientist, ILRI, Italy and Ethiopia
Chris Magero
Programme Officer, IUCN
Susanne Vetter
Associate Professor, Rhodes University, South Africa
Marthe Tollenaar
ESG Director, SAIL Ventures
Enkh-Amgalan Tseelei
Chairwoman , Mongolian National Federation of Pasture User Groups of Herders
Ciniro Costa Junior
Senior Scientist, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
Max Makuvise
Chairman and founder, Vice-chair, Makera Cattle Company, Southern Africa Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and Resident Director for Shangani Holistic (Pvt) Ltd.
Sonja Leitner
Scientist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Anirudh Keny
Business Developer, Boomitra
Edwin Mudongo
Researcher, CLAWS and Herding for Health Botswana
Geledorj Amarbold
CEO, Jinst Murun Co LTD
Caileigh Pentz
Independent, Graphic recorder
Susan Onyango
Global Communications Coordinator, CIFOR-ICRAF
Amy Ickowitz
Senior Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Erik Acanakwo
Scientist and Country Representative, Uganda, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rhett Harrison
Tropical Forest Ecologist & Conservation Biologist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Alice Karanja
Post-Doctoral Fellow , CIFOR-ICRAF
Emily Gallagher
Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Decolius Kalumo
Reuben Ottou
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Klaus Ackermann
Head of Global Programme Responsible Land Policy, GIZ
Martin Hoppe
Head of Division Food and Nutrition Security, Global Food Policy, Fisheries , German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Bala Wenceslas Sanou
Co-founder, Impact Research Institute (IRI)
Wilfred Babanga
Program Manager, ZOA Uganda, West Nile
Maria Joanitah Ndagire
Technical Advisor, GIZ, Uganda
Dieudonné Annir
Mayor, Yoko, central region, Cameroon
Salima Mahamoudou
Research Associate, West and Central Africa Lead, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Gérard Andriamandimby
Directeur du Réseau/President of the network, SOA (Syndicat des organisations agricoles)/ SOA (Agricultural organizations’ Union), Madagascar
Voahangy Ramaromisa
Présidente/President, PNFDDSA (Plateforme Nationale Femme, Développement Durable et Sécurité Alimentaire) / PNFDDSA (National Platform for Women, Sustainable Development and Food Security), Madagascar
Ayéfoumi Olou-Adara
Président du Conseil d’Administration/President of the board of directors, Coopération Togolaise des Organisations Paysannes/Togolese Cooperation of Farmers' Organizations (CTOP)
Bariétou Agbere
Présidente du conseil d’administration/President of the board of directors, Réseau National des Femmes Agricultrices du Togo/National Network of Women Farmers of Togo (RENAFAT)
Mouftao Salami-Odjo
Président du conseil d’administration/President of the board of directors, Réseau des Jeunes Producteurs et Professionnels Agricoles du Togo/Network of Young Agricultural Producers and Professionals of Togo (REJEPPAT)
Sunday Geofrey Mbafoambe
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Yaounde
Michael Christie
Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics, Aberystwyth University, IPBES Europe and Central Asia assessment-Lead author and Values assessment-Chair
Daniel Oberhauser
Policy Advisor, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Patience Onyeche Adaje
PhD candidate in Environmental Economics and Management, University of Agriculture Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria
Ulrike Tröger
Researcher, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of Environmental Politics, Green Value Initiative
Lavender Ondere
Environment, climate change, natural Resource Management, and resilience expert, World Vision Kenya
Janephrice Talian
Local Landscape Restoration Expert, chairperson, Cheptais Community Forest Association (CFA)
Ann Gachambi Njuki
Member organization, Groots Kenya, ILC Africa
Kaluki Paul Mutuku
Co-founder, Regional Director for Africa, Kenya Environmental Action Network (KEAN), Youth4Nature
Jane Feehan
Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank
Ernest Agyenim-Boateng
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Akwaaba Feeds Ltd
Caleb Edwards
Co-founder & CEO, Wami Agro Ltd
Andrew Ahiaku
Head of Financial Sector, Aceli Africa
Lorisa Canillas
Senior Investment Manager (Sierra Leone), Cordaid Investment Management
Isaac Asomani
Investment Manager, Wangara Green Ventures
Renald Appiah
Portfolio Manager, Wangara Green Ventures
Barbara Birungi Mutabazi
Executive Director, Hive Colab
Anthony Kimani
Investment Services Manager, E4Impact
Yokateme Tiikuzu
Founder & CEO, Mabele Agric
Stephanie Sargeant
Fellow, Young African Landscape Leadership Program -
Akinyi Chemutai
Coordinator, GLFx Nairobi
Charity Lanoi
Restoration Steward, Moilo Grass Seed Bank
Sunday Geofrey Mbafoambe
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Yaounde
Nfor Blessing Mbontu
Chapter facilitator, GLFx Nkambe, Cameroon
Ekoaba Cevie Engowei
Program Manager, GLFx Nkambe
Mbeh Divine Nformi Nfor
Ruler, farmer, Saah village in Nkambe Central
Irene Ojuok
Researcher at Right Livelihood College at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
Kate Chibwana
Facilitator, National Multi Stakeholder Platform on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI)
Mankfu Findo Marie Louis Kwimbu
Queen Mother of Bondede, Nkambe, Cameroon
Augusta Senenssie
Founder, Head of Research, Walinda Lingo
Charity Lanoi
Restoration Steward, Moilo Grass Seed Bank
Irene Ojuok
Researcher at Right Livelihood College at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
Kate Chibwana
Facilitator, National Multi Stakeholder Platform on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI)
Tambe Gertrude Ndip
Chapter member, GLFx Yaounde
Audace Kubwimana
Africa Regional Coordinator, ILC
Busari Olakunle Ibrahim
Diane Ndarbawa
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Lungisani Mjaji
Photographer, Tshwane University of Technology
Rebecca Bakare
Co-Founder, Nueden Bio
Jamila Jana
Marine Biologist, Stellenbosch University
Sani Maikatanga
Photojournalist and documentary Photographer
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Ewi Stephanie Lamma
Event Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, GLFx Yaounde Chapter, Forest Resources and People (FOREP)
Alvin Ochieng Omondi
Chairman, Social Entrepreneur, Soccer Coach and Youth Mentor, LEWMO
Debrah Daniel Kwame
Chapter Coordinator, GLFx Bawku, Ghana
Asanga Joe
Farmer, Ghana
Gifty Asanga
Farmer, Ghana
Nyaaba Blessing
Farmer, Ghana
Asanga Aboyine Richmond
Student, Ghana
Minifred Ayinpoka
Student, Ghana
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
David Mansell-Moullin
Communication Coordinator, SWM Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Brent Stirton
Photographer, Getty Images and National Geographic
Stella Asaha
SWM Programme Site Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Cindy Côté-Andreetti
Communication Advisor, Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Cora van Oosten
Head of capacity development & education, CIFOR-ICRAF
Esther Ekua Amfoa Amoako
Lecturer, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Adejoke Olukemi Akinyele
Reader, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Steve Makungwa
Senior lecturer, Centre for Applied Systems Analysis, Malawi
Tabitha Mugo
Moi University, Kenya
Mercy Derkyi
Associate Professor, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana
Richard Nasarira
College of Conservation and Environmental Management, Rwanda
Avana Tientcheu Marie Louise
University of Dschang, Cameroon
Bessy Eva Kathambi
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Robin Chazdon
Research and Consultant, Forestoration International
Inna Modja
Land Ambassador, UNCCD
Nabalayo Wattimah
Music-maker and Illustrator
Rocky Dawuni
Musician , International Artist and Humanitarian
Yemisi Mokuolu
Founder & CEO, Hatch Ideas Worldwide Ltd
Adrian Nduma
Painter and founder, Bonzo Art Gallery
Kofi Debrah
Founder, OKO Forests
Marek Fuchs
Co-Founder & Managing Director, AfricaCentric Entertainment (ACE)
Misha Teasdale
Director, Greenpop
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIFOR-ICRAF
Cécile Ndjebet
President, REFACOF
Adrian Leitoro
GLFx Africa Hub Officer, GLF
Fatmata Binta
Chef, Fulani Kitchen Projects
Eva Makandi
Founder, Restoration Steward 2022, Light On A Hill, The GLF
Joshua Omonuk
Climate Activist, Rise Up Movement
Chika Ezeanya Esiobu
Fiction writer
Elizabeth Mrema
Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)