Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Landschaften

Umwelt-Staatssekretär Jochen Flasbarth eröffnete heute das internationale Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). Über 130 Rednerinnen und Redner aus Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft, Regierungen, indigenen Gemeinschaften, Start-Ups und der Finanzwelt diskutieren dort die globale und lokale Bedeutung naturnaher Landschaften.

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Information-based solutions for forest conservation projects

Forest monitoring has experienced a revolution in recent years, with vast improvements in satellite sensors, the emergence of drones, and growing ubiquity of on-the-ground technologies like smartphones and camera traps. These developments have made it easier and less costly to map forests, track reforestation and forest regeneration, and detect deforestation and degradation.

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BERICHT AUS BONN: Global Landscape Forum zum zweiten Mal in Bonn

BONN – “Connecting for impact – From commitment to action” ist das Motto des Global Landscapes Forums (GLF). Das weltweit größte Treffen für integrierte Landnutzung findet am Samstag und Sonntag, 1. und 2. Dezember 2018, zum zweiten Mal in Bonn statt. Im World Conference Center Bonn werden dann rund 2000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus aller Welt erwartet.

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Catalyzing action on sea litter in Brazil and beyond

The impact of plastic on the world’s oceans has been garnering a lot of attention of late, with consumer products companies, governments, and restaurants chains making high profile commitments ranging from phasing out single-use straws to rethinking their packaging.

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Catalyzing action on sea litter in Brazil and beyond

The impact of plastic on the world’s oceans has been garnering a lot of attention of late, with consumer products companies, governments, and restaurants chains making high profile commitments ranging from phasing out single-use straws to rethinking their packaging. In Brazil, a key catalyst for raising awareness on the issue of sea litter has been Menos 1 Lixo, an educational platform that runs online campaigns and organizes beach clean-ups to spur behavior change.

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A living planet begins with thriving forests (commentary)

In my lifetime, global wildlife populations have seen an overall decline of more than half. That’s a statement of such enormity that it’s hard to process.

The evidence comes from WWF’s recent Living Planet Report 2018, which shows that, on average, populations of mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles declined by 60 percent between 1970 and 2014. And the trends are still going in the wrong direction. My children could be reading about many of these species — such as orangutans and Amur leopards — in history books if conservation actions are not ramped up.

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Why netizens are sharing Maryam success story

Maryam Siddiqui has been selected to attend the prestigious Youth Landscapes Leadership Workshop and the Global Landscapes Forum- 2018, in Bonn, Germany on full sponsorship. Only 10 people from around the world have been selected to receive the scholarship.

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