Financing sustainable livestock value chains for rangeland restoration

Taking a round table approach this session will bring together financiers and commercial sector, livestock value chain and rangeland restoration actors to discuss how the linkages between sustainable livestock value chains and rangeland restoration can be strengthened, and investment in rangeland restoration improved. Jointly organized by ILRI, IUCN and GLF’s Sustainable Finance Team the session will combine discussions and hard talking with films and presentations of good practice. It is anticipated that this session will kick-start new partnerships for rangeland restoration through sustainable value chain development.

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The many stories across Africa

All too often, the stories we hear about the Africa continent are not told by Africans, leading to misconceptions and negative stereotypes. How can Africa take control of its own narrative?
In the words of Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “Stories have been used to dispossess and malign. But stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.”
Join this session to discover new narratives around the peoples, cultures, and landscapes of the African continent, as told by young storytellers from across the continent.

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Valuing biodiversity to restore resilient landscapes – The role of transformative policies

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration promotes an inclusive restoration approach and biodiverse ecosystems, while also incrementing human well-being. Yet, implementation on the ground often reveals the conflict between the economic and ecological aspects of restoration. The forest landscape restoration (FLR) approaches and the development of sustainable value chains can only be successful in the long term if they are embedded in an enabling policy environment. Thus, transformative change is needed which allows for the integration of biodiversity’s value in prevailing economic and financial systems. This session aims to explore how environmental policy instruments can trigger this transformative change and hence solve this conflict in ecosystem restoration.

White Paper

Valuing biodiversity to restore resilient landscapes

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Inspirational talks by Elizabeth Mrema and Chika Ezeanya Esiobu

Elizabeth Mrema – The post-2020 global biodiversity framework in Africa

Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), will provide insights on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and its implications for Africa, as well as what it means to work equitably with Indigenous peoples and local communities and why biodiversity is a cornerstone of resilient food systems.

Chika Ezeanya Esiobu – Why African traditional and indigenous knowledge is key for agricultural development

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Mobilizing finance at scale to boost sustainable agriculture in Africa

Africa is losing an alarming 3.9 million hectares of forest ecosystems each year. How can the continent prevent these losses while also providing its population with healthy diets and livelihoods? In this session, we will explore ways to boost financing for sustainable agriculture in Africa, including challenges and opportunities facing African agribusinesses, as well as good practices for impact investing in green commodities value chains.

This session is focused on sustainable finance in support of the work of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform

White Paper

Mobilizing finance at scale to boost sustainable agriculture in Africa


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Reaching impact across the board: Scaling up, out and deep through knowledge and integration-based approaches

Achieving resilient, regenerative landscapes to address food and nutrition insecurity requires integrated approaches across sectors and involvement from stakeholders at all levels. Effective, consistent and programmatic knowledge management plays a key role in ensuring these goals are met in a strategic manner. This side event, organized under the general context of the FAO-led GEF-7 Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes, will bring together executing agencies from four Global Environment Facility (GEF) Impact Programmes to present, compare and discuss how effective knowledge sharing is a catalytic tool for assuring greater results on the ground, even after the lifespan of the project. Concrete, innovative and replicable knowledge sharing approaches and lessons learned will be presented and discussed with country-level testimonials. The aim is to learn and inspire replication allowing for past experiences to harness future goals and ambitions of transformative Impact Programmes.

Relevant Resource(s):

The State of the World’s Forests 2022 | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Family Farming Development Programme
Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the Farmer Field School methodology
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in dry ecosystems to guarantee the follow of ecosystem services and to mitigate the processes of deforestation and desertification
Integrated approach to management of forests in Turkey, with demonstration in high conservation value forests in the Mediterranean region
Amazon Sustainable Landscape Program
Participatory Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Project (NEER-TAMBA Project)
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Strengthening Management of Protected and Productive Landscapes in Surinamese Amazon
Amazon Youth Playing a Hands-on Role in Forest Protection
Honoring women’s contributions to their communities on Indigenous Peoples Day
Announcing: The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Interactive Data Portal
Emerging lessons from the resilient food systems program

Promoting sustainable land and water use in the Amazon (also in español and português)

En español
Amazonía sostenible para la Paz
Paisajes Productivos Sostenibles
Corazón de la Amazonía
Asegurando el futuro de las áreas protegidas del Perú – PdP
Corredores de Conectividad en dos Paisajes Prioritarios en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana
Securing a living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Central Guyana
Construyendo bienestar humano y resiliencia en bosques amazónicos


Family Farming Development Programme
Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the Farmer Field School methodology
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in dry ecosystems to guarantee the follow of ecosystem services and to mitigate the processes of deforestation and desertification
Integrated approach to management of forests in Turkey, with demonstration in high conservation value forests in the Mediterranean region
Amazon Sustainable Landscape Program
Participatory Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Project (NEER-TAMBA Project)
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes ProgramStrengthening Management of Protected and Productive  Landscapes in Surinamese AmazonAmazon Youth Playing a Hands-on Role in Forest ProtectionHonoring women’s contributions to their communities on Indigenous Peoples DayAnnouncing: The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Interactive Data PortalEmerging lessons from the resilient food systems program

Promoting sustainable land and water use in the Amazon (also in español and português)

En español
Amazonía sostenible para la Paz
Paisajes Productivos Sostenibles
Corazón de la Amazonía
Asegurando el futuro de las áreas protegidas del Perú – PdP
Corredores de Conectividad en dos Paisajes Prioritarios en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana
Securing a living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Central Guyana
Construyendo bienestar humano y resiliencia en bosques amazónicos

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Voices of the landscape: A day in the field

Join us on a journey across the unique landscapes of the African continent and experience a day in the life of a changemaker. From the green forests of Akwa Ibom state in Nigeria, to the hills of Bamunkumbit in Cameroon, to the forests of Meru, Kenya, we will explore how the GLF’s Restoration Stewards and Chapters are taking action on the ground toward sustainable landscapes.

This session has been made possible through the generous support of the Robert Bosch Foundation
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Walk on the wild side: A virtual journey around the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme

Explore and experience Africa through the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme‘s work and be part of the launch of a 3D photographic and video exhibition. Walk virtually through and learn how the SWM Programme is working to improve food security, wildlife conservation and sustainable wildlife use. Hear first-hand about the Programme from Dr. Robert Nasi, the Director General of CIFOR/ICRAF, and listen to our guest speaker Brent Stirton, a contributing National Geographic Photographer, share the background story to his images of wild meat in Africa. The event will also feature an SWM Programme country case study on our work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This launchpad will have a dedicated segment for media and speakers to exchange live. Are you a journalist and want to be part of it? Please register as a press member here and let us know your interest in joining us.

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Closing Plenary: Towards a resilient, equitable and African-led food future

How can we transform food systems and develop green supply chains across Africa? This closing plenary will introduce the concept of innovative ecosystems, which are economic engines that scale innovations with high potential. They are fueled by collaboration and form support networks or enabling environments to elevate ideas, start-ups, and local organizations to their full potential. By working across sectors and geopolitical boundaries, Africa can combine modern innovation, science, local practices and traditional knowledge to attract the investment needed for a sustainable rural transformation.

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GLF Africa – Creatives for Climate

African artists are creating sounds that are sweeping the globe, enticing the world to lend an ear to the continent. How can we tap into this powerful flow of music and art that is the lifeblood of many African cultures to inspire a movement to restore degraded lands? Africans are paying a heavy price for the climate crisis, but local communities and political leaders alike are building resilience through initiatives like AFR100 and many others, as will be showcased at GLF Africa 2022. This evening, we will bring together African creatives across film, music, and art to not only share their work but also foster a dialogue to remind us all to embrace both local traditions and contemporary innovations as we strive toward a resilient and equitable future.

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