Curso Corto En Línea: Restauración Forestal en Paisajes Productivos

This event is in Spanish. See below for the description in English.

Los biodiversos ecosistemas tropicales de Latinoamérica están bajo la constante tensión de tener que sostener los medios de vida humanos, especialmente ser usados para agricultura y ganadería. En consecuencia, estos paisajes productivos están más fragmentados, tienen menos biodiversidad, producen menos servicios ambientales y son más vulnerables a las amenazas del cambio climático. Adicionalmente, los ecosistemas deteriorados proveen servicios ambientales inadecuados, lo cual limita la productividad agrícola y afecta negativamente los medios de vida locales. La restauración de bosques tropicales ofrece una oportunidad para transformar estas áreas degradadas en paisajes resilientes que provean beneficios tanto ecológicos como sociales.

Cada semana usted tendrá accesso a videos, lecturas, discusiones, tareas y otros materiales que le permitirán aprender a su propio ritmo. Además, podrá interactuar con los instructores del curso en tiempo real a través de sesiones de discusión en vivo y un proyecto opcional.

¿Desea aplicar conceptos del curso en un proyecto real? Los participantes tendrán la opción de desarrollar un proyecto personal – un plan preliminar de manejo de la restauración – y recibir comentarios de los instructores al final del curso.

Módulos Temáticos:

  • Semana 1: Ecología y perturbación de los bosques tropicales
  • Semana 2: Estrategias para catalizar la restauración
  • Semana 3: Aspectos sociales y culturales de la restauración
  • Semana 4: Monitoreo y evaluación de la restauración
  • Opcional: Desarrollo de un proyecto personal

Biodiverse tropical ecosystems of Latin America are under the constant tension of having to sustain human livelihoods, especially from agriculture and livestock use. Consequently, these agricultural landscapes are more fragmented, have less biodiversity, produce few ecosystem services and are more vulnerable to the threats of climate change. Additionally, impaired ecosystems provide inadequate ecosystem services, which limits agricultural productivity and negatively affects local livelihoods. Tropical forest restoration is an opportunity to transform these degraded areas into resilient landscapes that provide both ecological and social benefits.

This online course contains four weeks of content, including videos, readings, resources, discussions and assignments, completed at the participant’s own pace. The course will have live presentation sessions and an optional project discussion with course instructors.

During the course participants have the option to synthesize their work and apply it toward a personal project – a preliminary management plan for restoration in a site or landscape of individual interest. ELTI instructors will provide guidance and feedback on these assignments at the end of the course.

Thematic Modules:

  • Week 1: Tropical forest ecology and disturbance
  • Week 2: Strategies to catalyze restoration
  • Week 3: Social and cultural aspects of restoration
  • Week 4: Monitoring and evaluation of restoration
  • Optional: Development of a personal project

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Curso Corto En Línea: Agroecología y Sistemas Agroforestales

This event is in Spanish. See below for the description in English.

Este curso en línea introduce los principios de la agroecología y los sistemas agroforestales y presenta estudios de caso relacionados con la generación de conocimiento, el diseño, la implementación y el monitoreo participativo de la restauración agroecológica. Cuatro semanas inspiradoras junto a líderes ambientales globales, le permitirán ampliar su visión de las opciones que existen para producir alimentos y madera en armonía con el entorno natural.

Cada semana usted tendrá acceso a videos, lecturas, discusiones, tareas y otros materiales que le permitirán aprender a su propio ritmo. Además, podrá interactuar con los instructores del curso en tiempo real a través de dos sesiones de discusión en vivo y un proyecto opcional.

¿Desea aplicar los conceptos del curso en un proyecto real? Los participantes tendrán la opción de desarrollar un proyecto personal – un plan de restauración agroecológica y agroforestal de un predio – y recibir comentarios de los instructores al final del curso.

Módulos Temáticos:

  • Semana 1: Principios y prácticas de la agroecología
  • Semana 2: Sistemas agroforestales en América Latina
  • Semana 3: Restauración agroecológica
  • Semana 4: Métodos, planificación y monitoreo
  • Semana 5: (opcional) Desarrollo de proyecto personal

This online course introduces the principles of agroecology and agroforestry systems and presents case studies related to knowledge generation, design, implementation and participatory monitoring of agroecological restoration. Four inspiring weeks with global environmental leaders will allow you to broaden your vision of the options that exist to produce food and timber in harmony with nature.

Each week you will have access to videos, readings, discussions, homework, and other materials that allow you to learn at your own pace. In addition, you will be able to interact with course instructors in real time through two live discussion sessions and an optional project.

Would you like to apply the concepts of the course in a real project? Participants will have the option of developing a personal project – an agroecological and agroforestry restoration plan for a farm – and receiving comments from the instructors at the end of the course.

Thematic Modules:

  • Week 1: Principles and practices of agroecology
  • Week 2: Agroforestry systems in Latin America
  • Week 3: Agroecological restoration
  • Week 4: Methods, planning and monitoring
  • Week 5: (optional) Development of a personal project

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Valuing Tropical Landscapes Finance

TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will hold a webinar on the values and opportunities of impact financing in Indonesia.
Indonesia is home to the world’s third largest tropical forests and around 14 million hectares of peatlands, which is more than any other nation on earth. Protecting these landscapes is of great importance, not only because they store nearly 300 billion tons of carbon and therefore are vital for combatting climate change, but also because they are significant biodiversity hotspots and provide livelihoods for some of the most vulnerable people.

Indonesia has set ambitious economic and sustainability objectives as part of its national development planning process, both in terms of economic growth and climate targets as underlined in the country’s nationally determined contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. Achieving these will involve identifying and investing in strategic intervention points that will allow growth to decouple from negative sustainability outcomes. A large body of research exists, highlighting promising areas of intervention. Given the characteristics of the nation’s emissions profile, there is significant potential from investments in the land use sector by both private and public actors.

TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will on 28 May at 15:00 WIB (10:00 CEST) hold a webinar where you will hear about:

• Impact and blended financing in Indonesia and the lesson learnt to date
• Opportunities for public and private investments in sustainable land-use
• Support from the Global Affairs of Canada to the TLFF Grant Fund


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Webinar: Integration of Bamboo in Landscape Restoration

Bamboo possesses qualities that make it ideal for restoring degraded lands. Bamboo is able to thrive on degraded soils and steep slopes where many plants cannot grow. INBAR works in a number of countries whose ecosystems, watersheds and rural live­lihoods are affected by land degradation and desertification. Over the years, INBAR member states have restored several million hectares of degraded ecosystem with bamboo across Africa, Asia and Latin America and the results have been inspiring. Soil quality improves, biodiversity recovers and crucial ecosystem services are restored. With the right species in the right locations, bamboo plantations can provide global and local significant ecosystem service values. Particularly, bamboos are multiple purpose species, they provide wood, energy, food, feed and fodder and can penetrate into diverse markets, thereby raising off-farm income and resilience of smallholders.

This webinar will provide an overview of various ecosystem services values provided by bamboo forests and/or plantations, how to integrate bamboo in landscape restoration and the results and lessons learned from a case study in Chishui, China.

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LANDac Summer School – Land Governance for Sustainable Development

Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis (2003-08), and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase. This course provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the ‘land rush’ within the more general context of land governance in Africa, Asia, and Latin America: the history and drivers, the diversity of stakeholders and networks involved, the urgency and current challenges, and innovative governance solutions.

The course

The course is organized by the Netherlands Academy for Land Governance (LANDac), a network of organizations interested in how land governance may contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. MSc students, PhD students and professionals from development organizations and related projects will acquire up-to-date knowledge on new land pressures and learn how to place these in broader theoretical contexts and policy debates. Participants learn about best practices in land governance from different perspectives and on multiple levels, from local to international. Topics are discussed in interactive mini-courses, lectures and solution-oriented workshops. The design of the course allows for participants to closely work together with professionals, experts and fellow students from a variety of backgrounds.

Tutorials will provide a general overview of important themes such as the global land rush, land governance, land administration and land issues in post-conflict situations. This overview is complemented by a mix of case studies that illustrate issues and trends in specific contexts, cases highlighted in previous LANDac summer schools include (trans)national land investments in Indonesia and the Philippines, government-led land acquisition and resettlement policies in India, and World Bank policies on land. The course also investigates the trend of foreigners buying real estate for residential tourism in Costa Rica, land governance solutions in countries with weak institutions such as Burkina Faso, challenges for participatory land governance in Mozambique, and coping with urban pressures on agricultural land in Vietnam. Topics are discussed from a range of perspectives, blending insights from Dutch and international academics with those of development practitioners, representatives of farmers’ organizations and government policy advisors.

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Bamboo and Environmental Management (thematic webinar series)

INBAR’s themed online webinar series brings bamboo and rattan experts from all over the world together to educate, inspire and discuss, without the need for travel. Click the links below to learn more, join events remotely, or to catch up on webinars that have already happened

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Webinar: Agroforestry and tenure in a changing climate: key issues and opportunities ahead


Agroforestry is gaining new ground in the quest for climate-smart agriculture practices, due to its ability to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change while increasing the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of rural development. However, insecure land and resource tenure is still representing a major obstacle to its promotion and upscaling. Considerable research has established that the likelihood of farmers being able to adopt and reap benefits from agroforestry increases if they have long-term, secure tenure to a sufficiently large area of land and what grows on it. Clarifying land-use policies and regulations, and securing farmers’ access to land is therefore a prerequisite for agroforestry to be widely adopted by rural communities and maximize its potential to effectively contribute to global challenges, including climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Join us on 29 October 2019 (16:00 – 17:30 CET) to explore how land-tenure challenges influence the adoption of agroforestry systems and how this fits in the larger framework of upscaling agroforestry. Following a general overview of the main tenure-related challenges, FAO tenure, forestry and agriculture experts will share some concrete examples from the field, jointly exploring solutions and recommendations to address and overcome tenure-related barriers to promote agroforestry adoption in different contexts, including as a mitigation measure under REDD+ and action to achieve national commitments under the Paris Agreement.

We invite you to participate interactively, post your questions and share your own views to enrich the discussion. After the webinar session and until Tuesday 5th of November exchanges on the topic will continue through the “Discussion Group on REDD+ and Forest Governance”, moderated by one of the panel members. Become a member to be able to participate in this exciting exchange of views!

In preparation for the webinar, we invite you to take a look at the publication “Agroforestry and tenure” recently released by FAO and accessible here.

Participation space for this webinar is limited. Please register here to ensure your spot.

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Carbon Forestry Course

In cooperation with renowned partner organizations active in the land-use sector, such as UNIQUE Forestry and Land Use and Solidaridad, the Chair of Silviculture at Freiburg University offers this 3-week online course in Carbon Forestry. Highlights of the course include ecological, social, economic & technical aspects of carbon forestry in theory and practice. The course is taught by experienced academics, project developers and auditors, and offers technical basics of developing and evaluating climate change mitigation projects, analysis and validation of project design documents of different types of land-use based carbon projects (REDD, Afforestation/Reforestation, Smart Climate Agriculture, Improved Forest Management etc.). Furthermore, by using a local case study, participants will measure biomass on a local afforestation site or at home and quantify the carbon contents in the lab.

Additionally, participants are trained in established methodologies of specific standards, esp. Afforestation/Reforestation projects, such as under the CDM, Verra/VCS or Gold Standard. The course fee is 750€ (partial scholarships available).

For more information please follow the link or send an email to:

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Geography of Governance 2019: Visioning Probable Futures for Landscape Governance

Let’s talk about our changing landscapes. Government agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and youth organizations from Sierra Madre, Palawan, and Bukidnon-Misamis Oriental will come together for the 2nd National Environmental Dialogue on August 1-2, at Novotel, Quezon City.

This year’s dialogue strategy includes visioning exercises where participants will draw from their experiences and aspirations to plan for the futures of our landscapes. Participants will talk about drivers of change and threats to our landscapes, and envision what can still be done to adapt, and to prepare for generations ahead. Specifically, the dialogues will focus on natural resource management and devolution; water provisioning functions of landscapes; and land conversion.

Sustainable and Inclusive Landscape Governance (SILG) Philippines is a program implemented by Forest Foundation Philippines, together with Tropenbos International and several civil society organizations. SILG PH banks on opportunities that can emerge out of continuous dialogues, which can span from small intervention projects to policy reviews and advocacies.

Find out more here. 

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