Mountain Partnership Summer School: Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate

One of the world’s greatest challenges is to secure access for all to adequate supplies of food that are healthy, safe and high quality, and to do so in an environmentally sustainable manner. To make the necessary improvements, the sustainable management of natural capital must be at the forefront of food production systems’ major goals. Resilient environments, sustainable production practices and the protection of agrobiodiversity can serve as avenues toward improving dietary diversity and quality and, in turn, generating income for sustainable smallholder farmers, while aiding in the restoration and preservation of ecosystems.

This summer school will focus on the importance of biodiversity in agriculture, with particular focus on biodiversity’s role in enhancing cropping and farming systems’ resilience and adaptability to climate change.

Across a series of lectures, participants will learn the principles and practices for gathering agrobiodiversity data through either participatory diagnostic or empirical approaches, and for their utilization to develop management approaches that improve resilience and adaptability.

The summer school will also analyse the economic value of agrobiodiversity in food systems as an incentive for conservation. It will investigate the most critical management aspects along the agricultural value chain, ranging from production to marketing and consumption.

A set of tools and methodologies for improving market access of neglected and underutilized foods and the role of gastronomic heritage as a driver for rural development will also be presented throughout the summer school. The aim of the summer school to equip participants with the necessary tools, knowledge and understanding to enhance productivity and improve marketing strategies in sustainable and resilient agricultural systems.

Training will include lectures by speakers from various national and international organizations.

Upon the completion of the training (75 percent attendance of the course is required), the students will be awarded six CFU/ECTS credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari/European Credit Transfer System).

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Curso Corto En Línea: Restauración Forestal en Paisajes Productivos

This event is in Spanish. See below for the description in English.

Los biodiversos ecosistemas tropicales de Latinoamérica están bajo la constante tensión de tener que sostener los medios de vida humanos, especialmente ser usados para agricultura y ganadería. En consecuencia, estos paisajes productivos están más fragmentados, tienen menos biodiversidad, producen menos servicios ambientales y son más vulnerables a las amenazas del cambio climático. Adicionalmente, los ecosistemas deteriorados proveen servicios ambientales inadecuados, lo cual limita la productividad agrícola y afecta negativamente los medios de vida locales. La restauración de bosques tropicales ofrece una oportunidad para transformar estas áreas degradadas en paisajes resilientes que provean beneficios tanto ecológicos como sociales.

Cada semana usted tendrá accesso a videos, lecturas, discusiones, tareas y otros materiales que le permitirán aprender a su propio ritmo. Además, podrá interactuar con los instructores del curso en tiempo real a través de sesiones de discusión en vivo y un proyecto opcional.

¿Desea aplicar conceptos del curso en un proyecto real? Los participantes tendrán la opción de desarrollar un proyecto personal – un plan preliminar de manejo de la restauración – y recibir comentarios de los instructores al final del curso.

Módulos Temáticos:

  • Semana 1: Ecología y perturbación de los bosques tropicales
  • Semana 2: Estrategias para catalizar la restauración
  • Semana 3: Aspectos sociales y culturales de la restauración
  • Semana 4: Monitoreo y evaluación de la restauración
  • Opcional: Desarrollo de un proyecto personal

Biodiverse tropical ecosystems of Latin America are under the constant tension of having to sustain human livelihoods, especially from agriculture and livestock use. Consequently, these agricultural landscapes are more fragmented, have less biodiversity, produce few ecosystem services and are more vulnerable to the threats of climate change. Additionally, impaired ecosystems provide inadequate ecosystem services, which limits agricultural productivity and negatively affects local livelihoods. Tropical forest restoration is an opportunity to transform these degraded areas into resilient landscapes that provide both ecological and social benefits.

This online course contains four weeks of content, including videos, readings, resources, discussions and assignments, completed at the participant’s own pace. The course will have live presentation sessions and an optional project discussion with course instructors.

During the course participants have the option to synthesize their work and apply it toward a personal project – a preliminary management plan for restoration in a site or landscape of individual interest. ELTI instructors will provide guidance and feedback on these assignments at the end of the course.

Thematic Modules:

  • Week 1: Tropical forest ecology and disturbance
  • Week 2: Strategies to catalyze restoration
  • Week 3: Social and cultural aspects of restoration
  • Week 4: Monitoring and evaluation of restoration
  • Optional: Development of a personal project

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Curso Corto En Línea: Agroecología y Sistemas Agroforestales

This event is in Spanish. See below for the description in English.

Este curso en línea introduce los principios de la agroecología y los sistemas agroforestales y presenta estudios de caso relacionados con la generación de conocimiento, el diseño, la implementación y el monitoreo participativo de la restauración agroecológica. Cuatro semanas inspiradoras junto a líderes ambientales globales, le permitirán ampliar su visión de las opciones que existen para producir alimentos y madera en armonía con el entorno natural.

Cada semana usted tendrá acceso a videos, lecturas, discusiones, tareas y otros materiales que le permitirán aprender a su propio ritmo. Además, podrá interactuar con los instructores del curso en tiempo real a través de dos sesiones de discusión en vivo y un proyecto opcional.

¿Desea aplicar los conceptos del curso en un proyecto real? Los participantes tendrán la opción de desarrollar un proyecto personal – un plan de restauración agroecológica y agroforestal de un predio – y recibir comentarios de los instructores al final del curso.

Módulos Temáticos:

  • Semana 1: Principios y prácticas de la agroecología
  • Semana 2: Sistemas agroforestales en América Latina
  • Semana 3: Restauración agroecológica
  • Semana 4: Métodos, planificación y monitoreo
  • Semana 5: (opcional) Desarrollo de proyecto personal

This online course introduces the principles of agroecology and agroforestry systems and presents case studies related to knowledge generation, design, implementation and participatory monitoring of agroecological restoration. Four inspiring weeks with global environmental leaders will allow you to broaden your vision of the options that exist to produce food and timber in harmony with nature.

Each week you will have access to videos, readings, discussions, homework, and other materials that allow you to learn at your own pace. In addition, you will be able to interact with course instructors in real time through two live discussion sessions and an optional project.

Would you like to apply the concepts of the course in a real project? Participants will have the option of developing a personal project – an agroecological and agroforestry restoration plan for a farm – and receiving comments from the instructors at the end of the course.

Thematic Modules:

  • Week 1: Principles and practices of agroecology
  • Week 2: Agroforestry systems in Latin America
  • Week 3: Agroecological restoration
  • Week 4: Methods, planning and monitoring
  • Week 5: (optional) Development of a personal project

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FTA-Kunming Science Conference

Forests, trees and agroforestry are key components of ecosystems. They exemplify the contributions of biodiversity to sustainable and resilient landscapes, green circular economy and to sustainable agriculture and food systems for healthy diets. The event will focus on these contributions, aiming to gather evidence that will ground the design of concrete options that can contribute to the implementation of the post 2020 agenda of the CBD COP 15 and towards the UN Food Systems Summit, and the overall implementation of the SDGs.

The conference will devote sessions to 6 themes:

  1. Trees for agroecology and circular agriculture
  2. Tree diversity: realizing economic and ecological value from tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience
  3. Trees in the framework of the CBD
  4. Mountain ecosystems and food security
  5. Assessing benefits of landscape restoration
  6. Trees for a circular green economy

Each of the 6 themes will be featured in technical sessions that will be running in parallel (2 per session). Theme leaders will identify main findings and critical recommendations to be brought to the attention of decision makers.

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LANDac Summer School – Land Governance for Sustainable Development

Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis (2003-08), and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase. This course provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the ‘land rush’ within the more general context of land governance in Africa, Asia, and Latin America: the history and drivers, the diversity of stakeholders and networks involved, the urgency and current challenges, and innovative governance solutions.

The course

The course is organized by the Netherlands Academy for Land Governance (LANDac), a network of organizations interested in how land governance may contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. MSc students, PhD students and professionals from development organizations and related projects will acquire up-to-date knowledge on new land pressures and learn how to place these in broader theoretical contexts and policy debates. Participants learn about best practices in land governance from different perspectives and on multiple levels, from local to international. Topics are discussed in interactive mini-courses, lectures and solution-oriented workshops. The design of the course allows for participants to closely work together with professionals, experts and fellow students from a variety of backgrounds.

Tutorials will provide a general overview of important themes such as the global land rush, land governance, land administration and land issues in post-conflict situations. This overview is complemented by a mix of case studies that illustrate issues and trends in specific contexts, cases highlighted in previous LANDac summer schools include (trans)national land investments in Indonesia and the Philippines, government-led land acquisition and resettlement policies in India, and World Bank policies on land. The course also investigates the trend of foreigners buying real estate for residential tourism in Costa Rica, land governance solutions in countries with weak institutions such as Burkina Faso, challenges for participatory land governance in Mozambique, and coping with urban pressures on agricultural land in Vietnam. Topics are discussed from a range of perspectives, blending insights from Dutch and international academics with those of development practitioners, representatives of farmers’ organizations and government policy advisors.

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Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit

The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit will set the stage for the culminating global event in September by bringing together diverse actors from around the world to leverage the power of food systems to deliver progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Hosted by the Government of Italy, the Pre-Summit will take place in Rome from 26–28 July 2021. The event, which is open to all who would like to participate, will take a hybrid format, with an in-person component complemented by a vast virtual program and platform. Through the Pre-Summit, the UN Food Systems Summit will reaffirm its commitment to promote human rights for all and ensure the most marginalized groups have an opportunity to participate in, contribute to and benefit from the Summit process.

Under the leadership of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the Pre-Summit is a “People’s Summit” that will bring together youth, farmers, indigenous peoples, civil society, researchers, private sector, policy leaders and ministers of agriculture, environment, health, nutrition and finance, among other participants. The event aims to deliver the latest evidence-based and scientific approaches to food systems transformation from around the world, launch a set of new commitments through coalitions of action and mobilize new financing and partnerships. All of this will be achieved by fostering diverse engagement from all quarters to uncover the broadest range of solutions and have maximum impact, together.

Since last year, the Summit has hosted regular online meetings, public forums and surveys organized around the Summit’s five action tracks to ensure the broadest possible range of perspectives and ideas to develop food systems that cater to all. The Summit will consolidate all that it has heard and Member States and actors around the world will begin to focus on how to operationalize the best ideas and commitments, to be announced in June, to close gaps and raise ambition towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. The Pre-Summit will take stock of the progress made through that process, laying the groundwork for an ambitious and productive UN Food Systems Summit, which will take place in September alongside the UN General Assembly in New York.

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Global Launch: Rangelands Atlas

Join us for the launch of the Rangelands Atlas!

The Rangelands Atlas has been developed to document and raise awareness on the enormous environmental, economic and social value of rangelands as well as their different ecosystems. It highlights many of the changes taking place in rangelands due to climate change, land use and conversion trends, investments and other changes.

Drawing on publicly available data, this Atlas provides a preliminary set of maps that illustrate the complex nature of rangelands found around the world. Furthermore, the Rangeland Atlas reflects a strengthening, global movement to protect, restore and appropriately invest in rangelands.

The atlas is a collaborative initiative of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the global Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition (ILC).

Zoom details will be shared upon registration.


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Bringing Evidence to Bear for Scaling Landscape Restoration

Landscape restoration offers a critical pathway to transform global food systems, harnessing ecological and economic complexities. It requires the engagement of multiple actors across scales, as well as innovative approaches that build on credible scientific evidence. This requires stakeholder engagement approaches designed to integrate evidence and learning into programme and policy development.

We have entered the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, which signals an understanding of the critical contribution of restoration to the economic, social, and environmental objectives, as well as strong political will and commitment at the global level. However, the integration and use of evidence to leverage investments (locally, regionally and globally) still remains a key opportunity.

This session will highlight the role for evidence and science-based action to implement and scale landscape restoration interventions. We will engage in discussions around the evidence gaps and remaining questions that currently inhibit the scaling of restoration. We will showcase restoration action “on the ground” that integrates both capacity development and monitoring into the project cycle for more effective outcomes. We will showcase the concept of the Restoration Transformative Partnership Platform (TPPs) for evidence generation and leveraging at the local and global levels. TPPs are alliances, each focused on a critically important issue, in this case ecosystem restoration, that deliver a specific transformational result. Members of the TPP will collaborate to generate solutions through understanding problems, data collection, analysis and engagement processes. In closing, we will highlight an example of engagement with evidence for policy action at the national level, with a specific example from Kenya.

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Global Biodiversity Festival

May 22nd is the International Day for Biological Diversity, celebrate with a virtual extravaganza featuring scientists, explorers and conservationists from across the globe!

The Global Biodiversity Festival is a virtual weekend for the general public, with a simple goal of shining a spotlight on biodiversity loss. This is a truly global event that will bounce us around the globe as we celebrate the weird and the wonderful, highlight the challenges life faces and some good news conservation stories. From the 20th – 23rd of May, we’ll share the diverse stories and challenges of scientists, explorers, conservationists, filmmakers and policy makers on the frontlines of the race to save the incredible variety of life on our planet…and ourselves.

We launched the Global Biodiversity Festival in May 2020 with 68 speakers from around the world, published an incredible book and raised money for several conservation organizations. This year, we’re pushing the boundaries of what a virtual festival can be and creating a truly global event! We’ll be broadcasting live for 72 hours straight, with 150+ speakers spanning the globe and exploring biodiversity from every angle.

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RISE Africa 2021

RISE Africa brings together thinkers, doers and enablers, and promotes art, creative expression and other ways of knowing to Inspire Action for Sustainable Cities

Join the movement

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