With the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in June of this year, the global community is increasing efforts to restore ecosystems. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is among those international agencies leading this movement. As a UN Decade co-lead, FAO is coordinating efforts to monitor progress, identify best practices, and support forest and landscape restoration (FLR). This webinar will showcase recent experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries working on integrating FLR monitoring into their National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS).
In recent years, many countries have developed NFMS. Established NFMS can be strengthened to accommodate data collection from FLR, rather than designing independent monitoring structures. The steps for integrating FLR monitoring into NFMS will be discussed during this webinar hosted by FAO and UN-REDD.
Further, the webinar will mark the launch of the publication “Integrating Forest and Landscape Restoration into National Forest Monitoring Systems.” Based on the Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring (VGNFM), this document explores experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries whose forest monitoring systems require further development in order to integrate FLR monitoring. The new publication further proposes an approach to this process, taking into consideration information requirements and the needs of key stakeholders.
The webinar will not only launch the publication of the same name but provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange among experts in FLR and NFMS. It will also showcase recent experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries working on integrating FLR monitoring into their NFMS.
*This event will be in Spanish with English translation; recordings will be available in both languages.
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