Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit 2018

The 2018 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit (APRS) will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Summit provides the opportunity for countries across the region to showcase their work on forest conservation and demonstrate their progress on implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

For further info please click here.

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Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice?


Over the past decade or more land and forest tenure reforms in Africa, Asia and Latin America have provided greater legal recognition of local, customary, indigenous territorial rights and women’s rights. However, implementation of these reforms has been uneven and has led to mixed results, including increasing tenure insecurity.

In order to better understand reform implementation and to generate insights for policy and practice, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) together with partners in Uganda, Indonesia and Peru initiated a research and action project in 2014 intended to:

  1. Establish how forest tenure reforms emerge, and document experiences and options for formal approaches to securing tenure rights for forest adjacent communities.
  2. Identify impacts of tenure reform on rights and access of women, poor men and ethnic minorities to forests and trees
  3. Identify factors that constrain support for reform and its implementation
  4. Disseminate lessons learned and knowledge generated at sub-national, national, regional and international levels.

In Uganda, the work was conducted by Makere University and the Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment (AUPWAE) in three districts: Kibaale, Lamwo and Masindi.

This multi-stakeholder colloquium is aimed at sharing lessons learned from the research and action conducted in Uganda to stimulate debate over these lessons, to identify how they might be integrated into ongoing and future initiatives and to identify emerging issues.


  1. Provide feedback to the stakeholders regarding the findings of the study
  2. Facilitate multi-stakeholder discussions on various aspects of forest tenure reforms implementation
  3. Generate some recommendations for improving forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda as well as securing tenure rights of local communities

Further reading:

Related project site:


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Under the Presidency of Fiji, the UN Climate Change secretariat with the support of Germany will host this annual meeting with one clear objective: making progress on the successful, inclusive and ambitious implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. This includes negotiations on the implementation guidelines for transparent climate action under the agreement, as well as showcasing cooperative climate action, including on vulnerability and resilience, with examples from around the globe.

For further info please click here.

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Knowledge Sharing on REDD+ in Vietnam

REDD+ knowledge sharing event: moving from readiness to performance-based: lessons learnt from 13 countries

The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is undertaking a Global Comparative Study on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (GCS‐REDD). This multi‐country study aims to generate knowledge and practical tools to support efforts to reduce forest emissions in ways that are effective, efficient and equitable and that generate co‐benefits such as poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation.

Module 1 of the GCS-REDD+ project aims to understand how power and politics play out in national REDD+ policy arenas and enable or hinder the required transformational change. It analyses how national processes that formulate and implement REDD+ related policies and measures reflect diverse interests at all levels. The work is currently conducted in 14 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America including Indonesia.

Purpose and objectives of the workshop:
The overall purpose of this workshop is to enable knowledge sharing across the Vietnam REDD+ key stakeholders at the national level, representing government agencies, CSOs, private sectors, donors, academia that form part of these studies, and to identify lessons relevant for the different stakeholders.

The specific workshop objectives are:

  1. Understanding the latest developments of REDD+ in Vietnam
  2. Understanding if the introduction of REDD+ lead to transformational change, to a new mode of governance to enable the implementation of REDD+ or is it just another project? And what will this mean for effectively reduced emissions from avoided deforestation?
  3. Sharing lessons from REDD+ processes from 13 countries
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Implementation of REDD+ Measurement, Reporting, Verification in Ethiopia

A half-day workshop on the implementation of REDD+ Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) in Ethiopia

In 2009, CIFOR started a multi-donor funded Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS-REDD+) in 12 countries, one of them being Ethiopia. This workshop is part of the 3rd phase of this long-term research project, with funding from Norad. The aim of this workshop is to contribute to GCS module on monitoring and reference levels to improve procedures and practices for estimating and managing carbon stocks of tropical forest landscapes, and to use the data actively in REL setting, evaluating performance, and identifying hotspots and mitigation actions. Our objective is to provide a synthesis that assesses the level of implementation of MRV at the national level in Ethiopia. To do so, we want to collect information from key stakeholders regarding MRV implementation and challenges in the country, the gaps and points to be improved, and how it contributes to Ethiopia’s CRGE and NDC.

Information on MRV implementation and sustainability not available in official reports and other media, feedback on the gaps and challenges facing organisations (government, CSO) implementing MRV, recommendations on how to improve the current system.

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Indonesia Tenure Conference 2017

The 2017 Tenure Conference (Konferensi Tenurial 2017), organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Government of Indonesia and various civil society organizations, will take place from 25-27 October 2017 at Hotel JS Luwansa, Jl. Rasuna Said, Karet Kuningan, South Jakarta. Discussions at the event will focus on how to secure community rights over land tenure and forest management in Indonesia.

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), in collaboration with civil society organizations and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, will be involved in organizing Panel 4 on ‘Tenure Rights Recognition and Climate Change’. CIFOR will also have a booth at the conference, through the Global Comparative Study on Forest Tenure Reform (GCS-Tenure) and its project on ‘Securing tenure rights for forest-dependent communities’. Project outputs will be available at the booth in the form of posters, videos, info briefs, working papers, and other CIFOR publications.

Around 350 participants are expected to attend the conference. Proceedings will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, with simultaneous translation in English made available by the organizer through an interpreter for each panel.

For further information on CIFOR’s involvement at the event, please contact: Nining Liswanti (


Further reading:

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Exploring agrarian livelihoods in Tanzania

Two days of exhibitions, dialogues and film screenings at the National Museum and House of Culture in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, will explore the lives of sugarcane, tea and rice farmers and their role within the industry

Visual storytelling: Land and livelihoods in the growth corridor of Tanzania

8 November 2017

An exhibition documenting the daily life and livelihood narratives of outgrowers in Kilombero, Ihemi and Mbarali will include photographs, short films and story maps with tea, rice and sugarcane producers.

From agrarian imaginaries to agricultural futures: Elements for successful outgrower schemes and inclusive value chains within SAGCOT

9 November 2017


Key stakeholders will participate in a day of dialogue, with CIFOR sharing findings from interviews with outgrowers and company representatives from Unilever Tea Tanzania, Mtenda Kyela Rice Supply and the Kilombero Sugar Company. The forum will focus on smallholder inclusion and outgrower schemes across the different value chains, landscapes and communities represented in three priority Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) clusters. Discussions will explore successes, challenges and visions for creating a shared value between agricultural investors and small farm producers.

Further reading:

This research is supported by UKAID, part of the DFID Knowfor Corporate Commitments to Sustainability sub-project.

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Jepara’s furniture industry and SMEs: Talking entrepreneurship and gendered work for a better future

The furniture industry is a business that incorporates a large number of workers. Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the industry, and any reduction in trade volume has an impact on countless livelihoods. The reverse is also true – that the growth of the industry increases employment and as a result can reduce poverty.

Jepara is the center of Indonesia’s furniture industry, and most of the actors are SMEs. SMEs in Jepara face several challenges related to supply chains, marketing and partnerships with large companies, as well as maximizing the benefits of the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) in enhancing market access at home and abroad.

To facilitate the work of SMEs in Jepara’s furniture industry, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is conducting knowledge-sharing activities related to responsible timber industry benefits and increasing capacity of current design knowledge, including the development of market networks.


Focus Group Discussion on Impact Assessment on Gender Aspects in the Furniture Industry

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Workers in the furniture industry are mostly women, especially in the final processes of sanding and refinement. The livelihoods of small-scale producers and the role of women in the industry needs to be addressed and improved, although there is no simple solution. The situation becomes even more complex because of the interdependence of large-scale producers with SMEs and the interaction of male and female workers.

CIFOR has been working in Jepara to improve the gender balance among furniture industry players. Activities include analyzing preferences and disadvantages received by women in the furniture industry, as well as designing and developing strategies to meet women’s specific needs in order to provide greater benefits. To review the impact of the program and the current situation of the Jepara furniture industry, CIFOR will hold a Focus Group Discussion involving members of the Jepara Small-Scale Furniture Producers Association (APKJ), female workers and associations of businesspersons in the furniture industry.

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Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force Annual Meeting 2017

The Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force Annual Meeting 2017 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, from 25-29 September, 2017 aims to advance the commitments GCF member states and provinces have made to build robust jurisdictional programs to protect forests and climate while enhancing livelihoods. GCF members are looking to achieve commitments made in the Rio Branco Declaration signed at the 2014 GCF Annual Meeting, in which members agreed to reduce deforestation by 80 percent by 2020, contingent upon the receipt of international financing.

CIFOR scientists with expertise in climate change and international commitments will be attending, and collaborating with participants from Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Nigeria, Colombia and the Ivory Coast as well as the private sector, civil society, indigenous peoples and financial institutions. As one goal of the meeting in Balikpapan is to share subnational success stories, CIFOR’s years of work on subnational initiatives, particularly with REDD+ and implementation in six thematic areas, will be highlighted.

Related project sites:

Further reading:

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