Agroforestry is gaining new ground in the quest for climate-smart agriculture practices, due to its ability to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change while increasing the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of rural development. However, insecure land and resource tenure is still representing a major obstacle to its promotion and upscaling. Considerable research has established that the likelihood of farmers being able to adopt and reap benefits from agroforestry increases if they have long-term, secure tenure to a sufficiently large area of land and what grows on it. Clarifying land-use policies and regulations, and securing farmers’ access to land is therefore a prerequisite for agroforestry to be widely adopted by rural communities and maximize its potential to effectively contribute to global challenges, including climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Join us on 29 October 2019 (16:00 – 17:30 CET) to explore how land-tenure challenges influence the adoption of agroforestry systems and how this fits in the larger framework of upscaling agroforestry. Following a general overview of the main tenure-related challenges, FAO tenure, forestry and agriculture experts will share some concrete examples from the field, jointly exploring solutions and recommendations to address and overcome tenure-related barriers to promote agroforestry adoption in different contexts, including as a mitigation measure under REDD+ and action to achieve national commitments under the Paris Agreement.
We invite you to participate interactively, post your questions and share your own views to enrich the discussion. After the webinar session and until Tuesday 5th of November exchanges on the topic will continue through the “Discussion Group on REDD+ and Forest Governance”, moderated by one of the panel members. Become a member to be able to participate in this exciting exchange of views!
In preparation for the webinar, we invite you to take a look at the publication “Agroforestry and tenure” recently released by FAO and accessible here.
Participation space for this webinar is limited. Please register here to ensure your spot.
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