Digital Dynamism for Adaptive Food Systems

The need for resilient food systems comes into stark relief during a crisis. Responses must be agile and adaptive, facilitating the quickest possible recovery while equipping these systems to adaptively manage or avert crises in the future.

The event theme, Digital Dynamism for Adaptive Food Systems, will examine food system resilience and highlight how digital tools and technologies can help us sense, respond and (re)build better systems in times of global food security crises.

An inclusive, online event
2020 has presented the BIG DATA Platform with a unique opportunity to “walk the talk” on agile, adaptive, digitally-enabled collective action. We have transitioned our annual convention to be an inclusive, accessible and fully online event.

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African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) Virtual Summit

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tenth Annual Summit of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), which brings together over thousands of delegates from governments, the civil society, the private sector, research community and development partners will be held virtually from 8-11 September 2020 and will be co-hosted by the Government of Rwanda and the AGRF Partners Group.

Organized under the leadership of H.E. President Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda, this year’s Summit comes at an unprecedented time when African major cities especially those that mainly rely on imported food face a looming hunger crisis following implementation of lockdowns in several countries to contain the spread of COVID-19. It also comes at a time Africa is faced with several other challenges that include climate change, malnutrition, poverty, emergence of pests such as desert locusts and fall armyworms and now coronavirus. The AGRF Summit will inspire and call for the adoption of concrete action and commitments from governments, the private sector, farmers and processors, and other stakeholders in the agriculture and food systems sector.

The theme of the summit, Feed the Cities, Grow the Continent: Leveraging Urban Food Markets to Achieve Sustainable Food Systems in Africa, is a call to action to rethink our food systems to deliver resilient, better nourished, and more prosperous outcomes for all.

Learn more

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9th World Conference on Ecological Restoration

The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) will host the 9th World Conference on Ecological Restoration virtually from 21 – 24 June 2021.
As we enter the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration there has never been a more important time to bring together scientists, academics, researchers and experts from the fields of rehabilitation and environmental restoration, alongside practitioners and industry leaders to tackle the vast environmental challenges that we face today.

This four-day meeting will bring together restoration professionals and students from around the world and provide a lively forum for networking and knowledge exchange.

We invite participants from across the field of ecological restoration, including academics, researchers, practitioners, students, artists, economists, advocates, legislators, regulators, and others who support the field to join us virtually to connect, learn, and work towards catalyzing global change as we start the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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4th International Conference on Global Food Security

The 4th International Conference on Global Food Security addresses the topic of food security at all spatial levels from local to global, and from an interdisciplinary and systemic food systems perspective. It aims to better understand environmental, nutritional, agricultural, demographic, socio-economic, political, technological and institutional drivers, costs and outcomes of current and future food security. Interactions with contextual factors including climate change, urbanisation, greening the economy and data-driven technologies will be central.

The conference addresses the triple burden of malnutrition: hunger, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity. It explores the state-of-the-art of interdisciplinary insight, addresses the trade-offs that occur – and synergies that can be sought –in transforming food systems. These are aimed at reconciling the competing environmental, economic or social objectives and outcomes towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at different levels across spatial and temporal scales.

Learn more

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Deep Dive into Rainforest Alliance’s Coffee Sector Strategy

During this webinar, the Rainforest Alliance will present its new strategy for coffee sector transformation and explain how this is linked to the overall ambition of our new certification system and other intervention areas.

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Frontiers in Forest Monitoring: Research Horizons for Global Forest Watch

Thanks to innovations in satellite monitoring, we’ve never had a better understanding of when and where forests are changing around the world. Global Forest Watch (GFW) provides the most up-to-date forest data available online for free, offering unprecedented transparency on the state of the world’s forests.

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Rare Conversations with Robert Frank: Can Peer Pressure Solve Climate Change?

Behavioral science tells us that we take action when we see our friends and neighbors take action. So how can we use the power of social forces to tackle one of the greatest threats of our time: climate change? Join us for an interactive conversation with New York Times best-selling author and behavioral economist Robert Frank to discuss some of the key findings from his recent book, Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work.
Climate change is here. It’s the wildfires from Australia, the Amazon, and America’s west coast. It’s the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and heatwaves in Siberia. And it’s the warming of our ocean, so critical to lives and livelihoods around the world. So, what does climate change mean for life in the ocean? What does it mean for vulnerable coastal communities – in the U.S. and around the world? And what can we do to help?

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Congressional Briefing – The GEF and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please join us for a US Congressional Briefing with experts from the Global Environment Facility, who will discuss GEF’s COVID-19 Pandemic Task Force, origins and drivers of COVID-19 and other emerging zoonoses, and ways in which GEF programs are responding to the pandemic. The GEF is a partnership of 183 countries working together with institutions, civil society organizations, and the private sector to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental challenges. Click here for more information.

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Climate Week NYC

Climate Week NYC will take place this year from September 21 to 27, 2020. Run in coordination with the United Nations and the City of New York, Climate Week NYC continues to grow as the time and place for the world to showcase amazing climate action and discuss how to do more. The number of events is increasing, and Climate Week NYC 2020 is on track to surpass last year’s record of 150 events.

Businesses, governments, academic institutions, arts organizations, individuals and non-profit organisations are invited to participate in the week-long events program including panel discussions concerts, exhibitions, seminars and more.

Find out more about Climate Week 2020.

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Climate Adaptation Summit Online

Our climate is changing. Our world is getting warmer and the impact on societies and sectors is growing. The need to adapt to these new climate extremes is driving actions: to connect challenges to solutions. To further drive and accelerate the urgent action needed, the Global Commission on Adaptation has launched its “Year of Action”, building on their report #AdaptNow and calling for transformative initiatives to be delivered at the Climate Adaptation Summit.
The online Climate Adaptation Summit is hosted by the Netherlands on January 25, 2021. It will be a state of the art, climate neutral virtual conference, streamed worldwide over 24 hours with (online) anchoring events from cities around the world. It will build on the work of the Commission, delivering enhanced ambition, accelerated actions, and tangible solutions to the problems of a warming world. As the world aims to rebound and emerge better equipped from the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, CAS Online will also provide a unique opportunity for leaders to promote integrated efforts to improve resilience.

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