Central Asia Climate Change Conference

2020 is a critical year for the countries around the world and Central Asia in particular, to start fulfilling the promise of the Paris Agreement as well as to address the Sustainable Development Goals. As many of the elements of the Agreement are in place and already functioning, the implementation and rising ambitions to the most extent depends on proactive actions of multiple stakeholders.

This year, due to Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19), the Third Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2020) will be conducted online and take place on 19-23 October 2020. The Conference is organized under the framework of the “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin” (CAMP4ASB) and aims to strengthen a regional dialogue on climate change and sustainable development by promoting information and knowledge exchange in Central Asia. Other objective of the Conference is to raise awareness of the countries in the region on lessons, which addressing climate change, have been learned in times of pandemic (COVID-19).

Taking into account the abovementioned, we kindly invite you to the upcoming conference. We will be grateful if you confirm your participation by clicking on the registration link no later than October 8, 2020.

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Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations

Launch of a Global Assessment Report

A new and most comprehensive scientific assessment presented by the Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Poverty reveals critical links between forests, trees and poverty alleviation. The report makes a valuable contribution to achieving the first and foremost of the United Nations‘ Sustainable Development Goals aimed at ending poverty. This is even more important in light of the current pandemic under which efforts to fight poverty have suffered a severe setback. The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), established the Panel in the framework of the GFEP initiative.

Find more information here.

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Investments in Innovation: Research to reduce post-harvest loss and deliver healthy food

Content will examine “Finance & Investment” of global food systems. Discussion panelists will address vulnerabilities and the need for high-risk, long-term research efforts and innovative technology investments. Key research studies and resulting social, economic, and environmental impacts will be presented and discussed in the context of what has been done and what is needed to support future ventures that successfully meet development goals. Particular attention will be directed toward impacts of the COVID-19 experience and how finance and investment can strengthen food systems resilience.

The event will be organized by the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction. The Consortium is composed of leading institutions in the Americas (Iowa State University, University of Maryland, Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School, University of São Paulo), Europe (Wageningen University and Research), Middle East (Volcani Center), and Africa (University of Nairobi, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Stellenbosch University). Academic partners are leveraging knowledge, expertise, motivation, and vision to conduct research that improves storage and distribution, develops tracking and monitoring, minimizes spoilage through pre-and post-harvest innovation, and changes behavior to reduce post-harvest loss and food waste reduction (PHL-FW). Together with funding partners, The Rockefeller Foundation and Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, the Consortium is focused on how finance and investment are leading to the sustainable reduction of PHL-FW.


Dr. Sally Rockey – Executive Director at the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research

Dr. Dirk Maier – Director of the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction and Professor at Iowa State University

Dr. Jane Ambuko – Professor University of Nairobi – Horticulture Specialist

Dr. José Caixeta – Professor University of São Paulo and D

Learn more

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Introducing CitiesWithNature to Daring Cities for Climate Resilience

Nature provides immense value and multiple benefits to urban communities. Daring cities are those who are leading the way on ambitious local action – not only for climate, but for nature too. The loss of nature is a global crisis in its own right, and cities are not only part of the problem, but are also key to the solution. No action is too small. Now is the time for cities and regions to act with unprecedented ambition to secure our increasingly urban future. Our solutions lie in nature.

CitiesWithNature is a global partnership initiative co-founded by ICLEI, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and The Nature Conservancy. CitiesWithNature provides a space to celebrate and showcase best practice from around the world. The initiative is growing and nurturing a community of practice comprising cities, regions, partner organisations, projects, practitioners, researchers, and urban communities to conserve, restore, and mainstream nature in and around urban areas. With over 170 cities and regions who have joined to date, the ever-growing CitiesWithNature family invites you to be a part of this first-of-its-kind initiative.

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Webinar Indebted to nature

The financial sector is vulnerable to the loss of biodiversity. This is the conclusion of a collaborative Research of the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) on risks for the Dutch financial sector as a consequence of biodiversity loss.

The webinar will be opened with a presentation of the report’s key findings by one of the authors. Then Hans Mommaas (director PBL) and Frank Elderson, (board member DNB and NGFS chairman) will tell you about the importance of biodiversity in international discussions and what supervisors can learn from the climate-related risk agenda, respectively. Finally, Elizabeth Mrema (Executive Secretary Convention on Biological Diversity) will pay special attention to the negotiations for the international biodiversity agreement in Kunming in 2021.

We invite you to join a live webinar on October 15 2020, 15:00 – 16:00 CEST

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Live Webinar – Landscape Valuation Publication

It is beyond question that the world’s landscapes and ecosystems are degrading at an unprecedented pace. A long-term and systemic approach to landscape restoration can generate monetary value for multiple stakeholders at the same time. Commonland introduces a new publication which introduces a comprehensive method to calculate the value of financial, natural, social and inspirational returns (4 Returns) of landscape restoration and sustainable landscape management.
Commonland is an international scale-up committed to transform 100 million hectares of degraded land into thriving ecosystems and communities by 2040 via our 4 Returns framework. Read the publication here.

We invite you to join a live webinar to discuss this report on October 20 from 4:30 – 5:30 PM CET (10:30 – 11:30 AM ET).

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Who are the forest workers of today? Who will they be in the future? Trends and opportunities facing modern jobs in the forest sector

Forest jobs of today are no longer what they used to be.

Over the past few decades, the forest sector has undergone significant structural and organisational changes, from large corporate structures to sectoral fragmentation and the outsourcing of work to contractors. Increased competition among different expectations for forest functions and the rise of ecological awareness impacted forest management objectives. As a result, they evolved from the extraction of natural resources to conservation and focus on a wide range of forest ecosystem services. The employment and working conditions in the forest sector also changed substantially, reflecting a transformation in the perception of occupational risks, health, safety and well-being of forest workers.

Today the traditional forest sector workforce in the UNECE region is decreasing in number, employs few women, minorities and is becoming older. However, the public perception of forest jobs does not reflect all merits of the forest sector. The employment figures do not include an increasing number of professionals working in biodiversity conservation, landscape management, forest education, monitoring, certification, tourism and many others.

It is these professions that will guarantee the future of forests and the sector’s standing up to the challenges of the green recovery and a shift towards a sustainable, circular economy. Forest workforce of tomorrow will rely on innovation, rural and urban connections, links with science and technology as well as equal opportunities for women, young people and minorities.

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UNECE Forest Week

From 2 of 6 November 2020, the Joint Section will host a “Forest Week”, featuring a series of in-person and online meetings focusing on the contribution of forests to Sustainable Development Goals. Join us for an invigorating discussion at “SDG 15 Day” to learn about the progress towards this goal in the UNECE region, an exhibition showcasing the rich biodiversity found in and around forests, as well as an exhibition featuring the winning submissions to the photography contest “Humans locked down: Nature unlocked”. Finally, join us for this year’s 78th Session of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry, where we will discuss the potential of forest landscape restoration, forest products markets and how to build back better with forests.

Find out more here.

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Conference on Forest Monitoring and Restoration in the Caucasus and Central Asia


This part of the conference would feature the final meeting for the UNDA project “Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia” (2016-2020), that was implemented in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Objective of this online meeting is to review results of the project and strengthen capacity on methodologies for data collection for indicators under criteria and indicators’ sets for sustainable forest management. International and national experts will present policy briefs on relevant topics developed within the project.


This part of the conference will provide an opportunity for countries of the region to discuss implementation of the Astana Resolution, as well as explore funding options. Meeting aims to support implementation of pledges under the Bonn Challenge to achieve the restoration of 3 million hectares in the region by 2030. It will provide an overview of Forest Landscape Restoration efforts in the region, challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic and possible solutions.

Read more here.

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SBSTTA 24 -Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

Article 25 of the Convention on Biological Diversity establishes an open-ended intergovernmental scientific advisory body known as the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) to provide the Conference of the Parties (COP) and, as appropriate, its other subsidiary bodies, with timely advice relating to the implementation of the Convention. SBSTTA has met 22 times to date and produced a total of 233 recommendations to the Conference of the Parties, some of which have been endorsed in full by the latter.

SBSTTA 24 -Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will take place in
Montreal, Canada, 17 – 22 August 2020.

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