Opening in 2021, the Yangzhou International Horticultural Exposition aims to showcase how horticulture and greening can be an important part of future urban planning and sustainable lifestyles. Yangzhou, a prefecture-level city in central Jiangsu Province, has a long horticultural history. The Expo is sponsored by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China (NFGA), China Flower Association and the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province. It is co-organised by the People’s Government of Yangzhou Municipality.
The INBAR Garden
INBAR will have a space at the Yangzhou Expo, similar to the Bamboo Eye Pavilion and Garden at the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019, Beijing, China.
The total area of the Yangzhou World Horticultural Expo is 230 hectares, of which the INBAR Garden covers an area of more than 3000 square metres. It is composed of a main building constructed of bamboo, and a traditional bamboo garden.
Leaders from business, government and civil society set out the bold action needed to create a circular economy.
Use of resources has tripled since 1970, and could double again by 2050 if we continue business as usual. We must urgently work to create a circular economy where waste and pollution are designed out, products and materials are kept in use, and natural systems are regenerated – leading to a more resilient economy.
This webinar will bring together leaders from business, government and civil society to launch the Circular Economy Action Agenda. Developed collectively by more than 200 experts from 100 organizations, the Action Agenda is a rallying call to accelerate the transition to a circular economy – and to a better future for people and nature. The five reports focus on plastics, textiles, electronics, food, and capital equipment.
Jen Baer, Strategic Accounts Manager, USA/Canada will present the session “Reimagining Certification: Key innovations in Sustainable Agriculture and Responsible Supply Chains,” which will be part of “Session 4: Future of Sustainability Schemes.” The presentation will spotlight some of the highlights of our 2020 Certification Program, with a focus on the cocoa sector and farmer livelihoods.
The North American edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit will be hosted on an online platform and brings together some of the leading organizations involved in sustainability and eco-labels in the food industry. The aim of the Summit is to explore new horizons for eco-labels and sustainability in the food industry by discussing key industry issues.
The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) at its fifteenth session, requested the UNFF Secretariat, in consultation with other members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and with input from members of the Forum, to compile an initial assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on: (i) sustainable forest management (SFM), (ii) the forest sector, forest-dependent people, indigenous peoples and local communities, (iii) forest financing and international cooperation, and to present this assessment to the Forum at its sixteenth
session in April 2021.
To initiate this assessment and collect information, the UNFF Secretariat conducted five assessments in different regions. The UNFF consultants who carried out the regional assessments will share the findings of their assessments with the EGM participants. The meeting will provide an opportunity for experts to share their experiences and lessons learned. The main objective of the expert group meeting is to discuss and share views on: (i) the impact of the global pandemic on forests and forest sector, including risks, threats and challenges; (ii) potential responses and measures for forests and forest sector recovery; (iii) the role of forests in the post COVID-19 recovery; and (iv) potential opportunities, if any, that COVID-19 has brought to the fore to enhance contribution of forests to inclusive and long-term sustainable development.
The challenges facing the food system, particularly in Africa are immense and the global community is not on track to meet SDG targets or the Paris Agreement.
The Global Commission on Adaptation in its flagship report Adapt Now calls for a Revolution in Understanding, a Revolution in Planning, and a Revolution in Finance.
Meanwhile, the Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change report focuses on 11 actions needed, including the transformation of innovation systems (i.e. how ‘understanding’ interacts with planning, finance and action). It also puts emphasis on finance, and the role of the private sector in driving transformational change.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) are committed to developing scientific insights for food systems and putting these insights into practice to shape sustainable food systems transformations—together with farmers, cooperatives, businesses, financial institutions, NGOs and governments.
This virtual dialogues series taps into the competitive advantages of the host institutions to convene key stakeholders to catalyze evidence-based action, which builds on earlier efforts outlined.
The European Forest Institute (EFI), the European Forum on Urban Forestry(EFUF) and the Horizon 2020 CLEARING HOUSE project invite you to two days of integrated activities on urban forestry (March 23-24 2021). This on-line event is targeted at advanced practitioners, established researchers, sector leading policymakers and those wishing to learn of the latest developments in Europe and beyond. A special focus for this conference is Sino-Europe collaboration. The conference will be run in English with Mandarin translation.
Day one is themed on integrated urban forest management with a focus on the ‘sustainable transition of cities’ and ‘urban forestry and the pillars of sustainability’. In addition to keynote speakers, ‘a tour of management models’ with leading practitioners will cover different European bioregions and beyond. You can also attend a ‘virtual fieldtrip’ with ‘live stream Q&A’ from a peri-urban forest near Bonn in Germany.
Day two is themed on urban forests and health infrastructure. Keynote speakers will outline what medical science is telling us about forests as health infrastructure followed by a thematic workshop on ‘forests and urban greenspaces in pandemic times’. The second day will also see the launch of EFUF 2021; a decentralised networking programme running from March to May 2021 with many diverse events. The new EFUF App will also be unveiled at the conference.
The Aral Sea in Central Asia, once the world’s fourth-largest inland water body, has almost disappeared due to the overuse of its resources and the climate crisis, endangering the livelihoods of 40 million people who live in the region.
The Global Disruptive Tech Challenge 2021 aims to identify and support disruptive technologies and innovative approaches to landscape restoration in the Aral Sea region and Central Asia. The Challenge asks innovators from around the world to submit their ideas and help change the lives of millions of people.
The webinar, held on 11 January, 20:00 UTC+6, is an opportunity to learn more about the Challenge and the Aral Sea region, connect with world leading institutions and regional organizations and universities, and get your questions on the Challenge answered.
Как прорывные технологии могут помочь региону Аральского моря?
Вебинар о Всемирном конкурсе прорывных технологий 2021: Восстановление земель в регионе Аральского моря
ральское море, расположенное на территории Центральной Азии, когда-то четвертое среди крупнейших внутренних водоемов, сегодня почти исчезло из-за чрезмерного использования его ресурсов и изменения климата, поставив под угрозу благосостояние 40 миллионов человек, проживающих в этом регионе.
Всемирный конкурс прорывных технологий 2021 направлен на выявление и поддержку прорывных технологий и инновационных подходов в сфере восстановления земель в регионе Аральского моря и на территории Центральной Азии. Конкурс приглашает новаторов со всего мира предложить идею и помочь изменить жизнь миллионов людей.
Вебинар, который пройдет 11 января в 20:00 по алматинскому времени (UTC+6) – это возможность не только узнать больше о Конкурсе и регионе Аральского моря и получить ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы, но и наладить связь с ведущими мировыми институтами и региональными организациями и университетами.
Join us for a webinar that will feature a panel discussion with corporations and representatives from Kazakhstan government and Kazakh-German University.
The webinar will be the launch of the Disruptive Technology and Innovation Challenge in the Aral Sea, and will feature a panel discussion with corporations and representatives from the Kazakhstan government and Kazakh-German University.
About the Disruptive Technology and Innovation Challenge in the Aral Sea:
This challenge will connect innovation with impact-driven solutions. Four individual or organizational innovators from around the world will receive awards to further their disruptive and innovative solutions to landscape restoration issues in the Aral Sea region. The challenge will focus on proposals regarding agriculture and land management, sustainable forestry, socio-economic development, and information and knowledge.
06:00 – 06:10 pm: Plug and Play Opening Remarks: Mike Zayonc, Vice President at Plug and Play
06:10 – 06:15 pm: World Bank Opening Remarks: Lilia Burunciuc, Regional Director for Central Asia at World Bank
06:15 – 06:30 pm: Keynote Presentation: Sulton Rkhimzoda, Chairman, Executive Committee of International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)
06:30 – 06:50 pm: Startup Presentations and Q&A
06:50 – 07:25 pm: Panel Discussion
Magzhan Madiyev, CEO at Astana Hub
Paola Agostini, Lead Natural Resource Management Specialist at World Bank
Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice Rector for International Cooperation at Kazakh-German University (DKU)
Azamat Abdraimov, Consul General of Kazakhstan in San Francisco
John Colmey, Managing Director at Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
The Aral Sea in Central Asia, once the world’s fourth-largest inland water body, has almost disappeared due to the overuse of its resources and the climate crisis, endangering the livelihoods of 40 million people who live in the region.
The Global Disruptive Tech Challenge 2021 aims to identify and support disruptive technologies and innovative approaches to landscape restoration in the Aral Sea region and Central Asia. The Challenge asks innovators from around the world to submit their ideas and help change the lives of millions of people.
The Q&A session, held on 21 December, at 6 p.m. Almaty time (UTC+6), is an opportunity to learn more about the Challenge, connect with world leading institutions and regional organizations and universities, and get your questions on the Challenge answered.
Всемирный конкурс прорывных технологий 2021
Аральское море, расположенное на территории Центральной Азии, когда-то четвертое среди крупнейших внутренних водоемов, сегодня почти исчезло из-за чрезмерного использования его ресурсов и изменения климата, поставив под угрозу жизнеобеспечение 40 миллионов человек, проживающих в этом регионе.
Всемирный конкурс прорывных технологий 2021 направлен на выявление и поддержку прорывных технологий и инновационных подходов в сфере восстановления земель в регионе Аральского моря и на территории Центральной Азии. Конкурс приглашает инноваторов со всего мира предложить идею и помочь изменить жизнь миллионов людей.
Сессия “Вопросов и ответов”, которая пройдет 21 декабря в 18:00 по алматинскому времени (UTC+6) – это возможность не только узнать больше о Конкурсе и получить ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы, но и наладить связь с ведущими мировыми институтами и региональными организациями и университетами.
The International Mountain Day (IMD) is celebrated annually on 11 December to create awareness about the importance of mountains to life, to highlight the opportunities and constraints in mountain development, and to build alliances that will bring positive change to mountain peoples and environments around the world.
The theme for this year’s IMD is “Mountain biodiversity”. Mountains are storehouses of global biodiversity. Half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots are concentrated in mountains, and four of those hotspots lie in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. This IMD, we celebrate the rich biodiversity in mountains and call attention to the threats it faces.
ICIMOD will be organizing a week-long event – a “week for mountains” – to celebrate this important day by organizing various programmes in-house and in its country offices.