Our ONE WORLD depends on forests! At the upcoming COPs in Kunming and Glasgow, the conservation of tropical forests must become a focus of political attention. An appropriate share of climate and biodiversity funding must be dedicated to forests, as they are important carbon sinks. This requires a fair deal between tropical forest countries and the international community. In preparation of the upcoming UN conferences Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, together with key stakeholders of international forest policy, would like to present and discuss effective approaches to forest protection. Please follow the link in the headline for the agenda and join the conversation via live stream on Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. CEST. The event will take place in German, English and French. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. During a Q&A session, spectators will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion via chat.
Array ( [0] => Africa/Abidjan )Category: Uncategorized
Cryosphere Forum 2021: Status of research on changing permafrost and associated impacts in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
In the context of sparse permafrost studies in the Hindu Kush Himalaya and significant gaps in our understanding of distribution, thermal state, organic content, and mass dynamics, we are collaborating with Tribhuvan University (TU) to organise this forum on permafrost. As a follow up response to recommendations made during the session on permafrost degradation and GHG emissions during International forum on cryosphere and society: The voice of the Hindu Kush Himalaya, the forum will bring together regional and global experts to exchange knowledge on the region’s permafrost and explore avenues for research collaboration. The forum will also raise awareness among policymakers on the implications of a changing permafrost for livelihoods, hydrological flows, infrastructure, and ecosystems.
- Share existing knowledge related to permafrost in the HKH and learn about permafrost related issues in other regions
- Discuss approaches and methods for permafrost monitoring and disseminate such information to the scientific community in the HKH and among the Regional Member Countries (RMCs)
- Build capacities of young researchers in the field
- Establish a network with other interested institutions to collaborate on future permafrost monitoring and analysis
- Develop efficient communication between knowledge producers and stakeholders to identify needs and directly respond to identified gaps in permafrost research
Webinar – Integrating Forest and Landscape Restoration into National Forest Monitoring Systems
With the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in June of this year, the global community is increasing efforts to restore ecosystems. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is among those international agencies leading this movement. As a UN Decade co-lead, FAO is coordinating efforts to monitor progress, identify best practices, and support forest and landscape restoration (FLR). This webinar will showcase recent experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries working on integrating FLR monitoring into their National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS).
In recent years, many countries have developed NFMS. Established NFMS can be strengthened to accommodate data collection from FLR, rather than designing independent monitoring structures. The steps for integrating FLR monitoring into NFMS will be discussed during this webinar hosted by FAO and UN-REDD.
Further, the webinar will mark the launch of the publication “Integrating Forest and Landscape Restoration into National Forest Monitoring Systems.” Based on the Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring (VGNFM), this document explores experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries whose forest monitoring systems require further development in order to integrate FLR monitoring. The new publication further proposes an approach to this process, taking into consideration information requirements and the needs of key stakeholders.
The webinar will not only launch the publication of the same name but provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange among experts in FLR and NFMS. It will also showcase recent experiences from Latin American and Caribbean countries working on integrating FLR monitoring into their NFMS.
*This event will be in Spanish with English translation; recordings will be available in both languages.
Array ( [0] => Rome time )Wetlands Knowledge Exchange
Knowledge exchange plays a vital role in establishing strong links between researchers and research users such as policymakers, governments, non-governmental organisations, media, and local communities to share ideas, experiences, and best practices.
CIFOR-ICRAF’s research on wetlands has had important impacts on policy and science in recent years. As part of our ongoing outreach and engagement efforts, we regularly provide insights and perspectives to the study of wetlands, including mangroves, peatlands, and seagrass meadows, in two-way exchanges with partners and stakeholders.
We therefore cordially invite you to participate in the Wetlands Knowledge Exchange, a digital event hosted by CIFOR-ICRAF to provide updates, perspectives, and recent scientific developments on wetlands research with leading CIFOR-ICRAF scientists. Our aim is to help promote the value of these critical ecosystems in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Alongside initiatives like the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, CIFOR-ICRAF will present a range of innovative research and solutions to help ensure sustainable management and protection of these vital resources.
Array ( [0] => GMT +7 )FOOD. NATURE. PEOPLE.
Our world is in crisis!
And the evidence is clear: humans are the cause. From climate change to biodiversity loss, to land degradation and inequalities, our actions are putting life on earth at risk.
Yet the good news is this: since humans are the cause, then surely we can fix it. Just how we’ll do this is the focus of a digital event on 2 September 2021, as CIFOR-ICRAF and partners present solutions to tackle the food system crisis.
Join us and learn more about nature-positive solutions, based on science, that will diversify our food systems, improve their sustainability and increase equitable access to the nutrient-rich food that supports health and wellbeing. Only by ensuring the benefits are fairly shared with everyone can we also ensure that our landscapes are now, and remain, productive.
Hear from a range of speakers, from policymakers to smallholder farmers to researchers, who will highlight ways the world can advance towards a system that makes the wisest use of forests, trees and other healthy landscapes and forge a new alliance on nature-positive solutions.
Join efforts that underscore the crucial role of smallholder agriculture, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, youth and women play in the transition to nature-positive solutions for food production.
Eden Festival of Action 2021
The Eden Festival of Action is an environmental action gathering combining practical ecosystem restoration work like tree-planting, with a full line-up of workshops, talks and activities from sustainability experts. The evenings are filled with campfire sessions, storytelling and music from some of South Africa’s finest musicians.
Be part of a growing, global, green movement. Visit www.festivalofaction.com for more information or APPLY NOW
Check out the Facebook event page here for announcements, pre-events and competitions.
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Global Action – Local Interaction
Working from Bonn side-by-side with the United Nations (UN), the BINGOs, the Bonn International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are adding content and increasing the impact of Bonn as an important hub for global issues. Sustainable urban development, sustainable forestry and agriculture, Paralympic sports or sustainable energy: the range of topics is diverse, while all are pursuing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
In the light of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, our event in the context of #UNBonn25 will address sustainable landscapes, agriculture and fair consumption. By showcasing the goals and work of three exemplary organizations, the links between landscape, agriculture and fair consumption are highlighted. And, because the BINGOs are well connected locally, options to engage are manifold.
With interviews and contributions by:
- Tina Birmpili, Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- Melissa Duncan, Executive Director, Fairtrade International
- John Colmey, Managing Director, Global Landscapes Forum, CIFOR-ICRAF
- Thomas Cierpka, Senior Manager, IFOAM – Organics International
Seizing the Potential of Non-State Actors for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
As countries are preparing to agree upon a new post-2020 global biodiversity framework during the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) in October 2021, non-state and sub-national actors, such as cities, regions and companies, are increasingly drawing attention to their contribution to biodiversity governance. Non-state and sub-national actors set up standards and commitments, develop and share knowledge, provide funding and execute projects on the ground. Bringing non-state initiatives closer to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and involving these actors in global biodiversity governance has the potential to build positive political and societal momentum around global biodiversity conservation, foster innovative and experimental governance arrangements and break current gridlocks to enable countries to take more ambitious biodiversity goals. To provide more visibility to the contributions of non-state actors, COP14 in Sharm El Sheikh in 2018 saw the launch of the Action Agenda for Nature and People in the run up to COP15. A current consultation process led by the CBD Secretariat aims to explore how the Action Agenda should develop after the new global biodiversity framework is adopted. In light of the important contributions non-state actors can make to implementing the new framework, it will be key to identify what form such voluntary commitments for biodiversity should take and how the Action Agenda could become a meaningful pillar in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
To address these questions, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, supported by adelphi, is organizing a series of events to facilitate discussion among a selected group of experts. The three session will discuss the role of non-state and subnational actors in the run up to Open Ended Working Group 3 and COP15 with respect to non-state action at landscape level; climate and biodiversity action in the urban context; and monitoring and reporting of non-state action. The sessions will be held under Chatham House rules.
Session I: “Seizing the Landscape Opportunity to Catalyse Transformative Biodiversity Governance”
The first session focuses on how the GBF can more actively include a landscape perspective, particularly speaking to non-state and subnational actors involved in landscape level initiatives. The session shares insights from a recent policy brief by PBL on the topic, it invites reflections and comments by key experts in the field and allows for a broader discussion in plenary. The plenary discussion will focus on strengthening the links between the GBF and non-state and subnational action at landscape level as well as on how the Action Agenda could promote landscape initiatives and attain more strategic importance in the GBF.
Array ( [0] => CEST )FTA-Kunming Science Conference
Forests, trees and agroforestry are key components of ecosystems. They exemplify the contributions of biodiversity to sustainable and resilient landscapes, green circular economy and to sustainable agriculture and food systems for healthy diets. The event will focus on these contributions, aiming to gather evidence that will ground the design of concrete options that can contribute to the implementation of the post 2020 agenda of the CBD COP 15 and towards the UN Food Systems Summit, and the overall implementation of the SDGs.
The conference will devote sessions to 6 themes:
- Trees for agroecology and circular agriculture
- Tree diversity: realizing economic and ecological value from tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience
- Trees in the framework of the CBD
- Mountain ecosystems and food security
- Assessing benefits of landscape restoration
- Trees for a circular green economy
Each of the 6 themes will be featured in technical sessions that will be running in parallel (2 per session). Theme leaders will identify main findings and critical recommendations to be brought to the attention of decision makers.
Array ( [0] => )Valuing Tropical Landscapes Finance
TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will hold a webinar on the values and opportunities of impact financing in Indonesia.
Indonesia is home to the world’s third largest tropical forests and around 14 million hectares of peatlands, which is more than any other nation on earth. Protecting these landscapes is of great importance, not only because they store nearly 300 billion tons of carbon and therefore are vital for combatting climate change, but also because they are significant biodiversity hotspots and provide livelihoods for some of the most vulnerable people.
Indonesia has set ambitious economic and sustainability objectives as part of its national development planning process, both in terms of economic growth and climate targets as underlined in the country’s nationally determined contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. Achieving these will involve identifying and investing in strategic intervention points that will allow growth to decouple from negative sustainability outcomes. A large body of research exists, highlighting promising areas of intervention. Given the characteristics of the nation’s emissions profile, there is significant potential from investments in the land use sector by both private and public actors.
TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will on 28 May at 15:00 WIB (10:00 CEST) hold a webinar where you will hear about:
• Impact and blended financing in Indonesia and the lesson learnt to date
• Opportunities for public and private investments in sustainable land-use
• Support from the Global Affairs of Canada to the TLFF Grant Fund
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