

More exciting activities will be added as the conference approaches, please keep checking back for updates. Times are subject to change.

Bonn now:

UTC-4 (Manaus, Caracas, La Paz, New York/Miami)


Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with ICRAF, European Union
Virtual Room 1 - EN

This session will explore the diverse biophysical and socio-economic interconnections that exist between the Amazon and its neighboring biomes, namely the Cerrado, Chiquitanía, Paramos and High Andes. It aims to identify the threats and tradeoffs deriving from pressures and interventions in these biomes, as well as potential solutions that could drive transformational change. Panelists will discuss the challenges associated to such connections and reflect on lessons steaming from successful experiences in Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador and Bolivia.

  • Luciana Gatti

    Senior Researcher, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

  • Dayske Shoji

    Secretario de Desarrollo, Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Santa Cruz (GAD SCRZ)

  • Isabel Figueiredo

    Country Programme Manager for the Small Grants Programme in Brazil, ISPN Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza

  • Karim Musálem

    Director de Conservación, WWF

  • Marcela Galvis Hernandez

    Coordinadora de Proyecto, Instituto Humboldt

  • Manuel Serrano Davila

    Especialista Paisajes Andinos, FAO

  • Bernard Crabbé

    Head of the environment mainstreaming & circular economy sector, Directorate General, European Commission, International Partnerships (INTPA)

  • Guillermo Rioja Ballivián

    Anthropologist, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

Universität Koblenz-Landau (Institute for Environmental Sciences - PRODIGY)
Virtual Room 2 - EN

The PRODIGY project centers on the hypothesis that knowledge-based functional diversity management increases societal and ecosystem resilience. Through this lens, resilience is understood as the capacity to resist, recover and learn from external perturbations. During this session, the PRODIGY project team will explore this idea from the perspective of partners and stakeholders in southwestern Amazônia (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru). Their knowledge will be presented as an illustration of a cascade of tipping points, ranging from diversity in soils to the impact of ecosystem services on the economy, social cohesion in society, and regional climatic processes. Together, panelists will explore how transboundary communication between scientists, local actors and international actors can drive the Global Agenda forward.

Rainforest Alliance
Virtual Room 3 - EN

This session will showcase findings from an integrated intervention developed in the priority landscape of the San Martín region and spotlight the leadership of smallholder farmers in mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity. Co-created with public, private and local actors, the San Martín model combines natural climate solutions (including conservation, restoration and agroforestry) with market-driven commodity production to enhance livelihoods, promote sustainable agriculture and value creation.

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room GLF EN

The Amazon is the world’s largest and most biodiverse tropical rainforest – but could deforestation push it past a tipping point? Scientists believe that could happen within the next 20 years, with dire consequences for the climate. Here’s all you need to know about Amazon dieback, plus the Gulf Stream, the West Antarctic ice sheet and other climate tipping points.

This session will be in English

If the Amazon rainforest were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world.
Spanning nine countries across South America, it covers around 5.5 million square kilometers, which makes it almost twice the size of India.

The Amazon is home to at least 10% of all known species on the entire planet, along with around 30 million people from more than 350 different ethnic groups.

It’s also one of our most important defenses against climate change, storing up to 200 billion tons of carbon, which is roughly five years’ worth of global carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

But humans are slowly tearing it down. About 18% of the Amazon has already been destroyed, and many scientists now believe we could soon reach a tipping point where the Amazon starts to dry up and can no longer function as a rainforest.

Chapter: Amazon dieback (0:48)

So, what would that mean for its people, for wildlife – and for the rest of the world?

As the word suggests, a rainforest is a mostly evergreen forest that gets large amounts of rainfall. Rainforests are found on every continent except Antarctica, from the Amazon in South America to the Congo Rainforest in Central Africa to the various rainforests of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. They’re home to more than half of the world’s known species – despite covering just 6% of the Earth’s surface.

There are two types of rainforest: temperate and tropical, and the world’s largest tropical rainforest is – you guessed it – the Amazon.

Now, the way that rainforests can sustain themselves is that they’re often self-watering. Tropical rainforests are hot and humid, and that humidity leads to frequent and intense rainfall. Plants soak up that rainwater and then release it back into the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration. So, rainfall and humidity help sustain the rainforest, but at the same time, the rainforest also helps keep the climate rainy and humid. In fact, rainforests can generate up to 75% of their own rain.

But what happens when a rainforest gets cut down? Deforestation is one of the biggest threats to rainforests across the globe. The Amazon has already lost 18% of its tree cover, and it’s losing an extra 1% roughly every three years. Some of the main drivers include logging, ranching, mining and agriculture.

Scientists fear that the Amazon could soon hit a tipping point where it starts to permanently dry out. Here’s how that would work: fewer trees means less transpiration, and once tree cover drops below a certain point, the rainforest will no longer produce enough rainfall to sustain itself. So, in as little as 15 to 20 years’ time, we could see large parts of the Amazon start to turn from a rainforest into a much drier ecosystem with far fewer trees, in a process known as ‘dieback.’

That would release huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. It would also mean the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services like pollination, clean water and recreation, which would have drastic consequences even thousands of kilometers away.

That’s because the trees in the Amazon provide moisture that gets carried by the wind across the Americas and perhaps even as far as the midwestern US. So, the collapse of the Amazon could lead to more frequent droughts and lower crop yields across the Western Hemisphere.
These changes could cause trillions of dollars in damage to the global economy – and they could take centuries to reverse, if they can be reversed at all.

Chapter: What are climate tipping points? (3:24)

Amazon dieback is a prime example of what’s known as a climate tipping point: a small shift in the climate system that could have drastic long-term consequences for the entire planet.

You can think of it like a game of Jenga: as the Earth’s temperature rises, we’re removing blocks from the tower and placing them on top, causing it to become increasingly unstable, until eventually, the tower can no longer support itself and collapses.

In 2019, a team of climate scientists identified nine key tipping points in the climate system, from Amazon dieback to the loss of coral reefs to the melting of Arctic permafrost. Crossing any one of these thresholds would most likely cause climate change to accelerate rapidly and irreversibly, and could even trigger other tipping points, causing a domino effect.

Chapter: Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (4:12)

Unfortunately, there’s one tipping point that we’re very close to crossing. Around 99% of the world’s freshwater is currently stored in the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.

Remember that one of the biggest threats from climate change is rising sea levels, which is mainly due to the melting of land and sea ice near the poles. The western part of Antarctica holds enough ice to raise global sea levels by 3.3 m, or almost 11 feet.

There are two glaciers in West Antarctica that have scientists particularly worried: Thwaites Glacier, the widest glacier on Earth, covering an area the size of Great Britain, and right next to it, Pine Island Glacier, which is only slightly smaller.

Both of these glaciers have what are known as ice shelves, which are large walls of ice that float on top of the ocean and act as a ‘cork in the bottle’ to hold the rest of the ice sheet in place. But as the Earth gets warmer, the front of the ice shelves is breaking apart, causing ice to flow into the ocean faster than ever.

On top of that, both Thwaites and Pine Island lie on bedrock that’s below sea level. As warm water undercuts the ice shelves, it’s causing the glaciers to melt from below. That pushes back the point where the edge of the glacier sits on the bedrock, which causes even more ice to be lifted off the land and float on the water. That’s causing global sea levels to rise, just like adding ice cubes to a drink.

Since 2017, Pine Island has receded by about 4.5 km each year, almost double the rate in 1992. If both of these glaciers were to melt, they could raise global sea levels by more than a meter.

While we don’t know where these tipping points lie, some climate scientists believe they could be triggered if global temperatures rise by as little as 1.5 degrees. Others say Thwaites has already passed a tipping point and will collapse eventually.

Either way, the only way to prevent a total collapse of West Antarctica is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible to keep global warming to a minimum.

Chapter: The Gulf Stream (6:13)

Have you ever wondered why winters in Western Europe are so much warmer than in eastern North America? For instance, Lisbon is at almost the exact same latitude as Washington, DC, but its mean temperature in January is about 11 degrees Celsius, compared to just 3 degrees in Washington.

The answer has a lot to do with ocean currents in the Atlantic. One of these currents is known as the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico up north across the Atlantic and towards Europe, where it releases heat into the atmosphere.

The Gulf Stream is part of a larger system known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC. AMOC works like a global ocean conveyor belt that helps distribute heat and energy around the world. As water moves north, it becomes colder and saltier due to evaporation, making it denser. That cold water sinks deeper into the ocean near Iceland and Greenland and travels back south all the way to Antarctica and into the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where it rises back up to the surface. Eventually, it makes its way back to the Atlantic to complete a full cycle that can take roughly 1,000 years.

But scientists have discovered that the system is slowing down. It’s already about 15% weaker than it was in the 1950s, and it’s now at its weakest point in at least 1,600 years.

Climate change is making the problem worse. Remember that cold and salty water is denser, which causes it to sink, while warmer and less salty water rises. As the Earth gets warmer, glaciers are melting and rainfall is increasing. The more it rains, and the more glaciers melt, the less salty the ocean becomes. That makes the water less able to sink, and so the entire circulation slows down.

So now, the big question is: could it cross a tipping point where it shuts down entirely, just like in the Hollywood film The Day After Tomorrow?

Okay, so the movie is based on some pretty sketchy science, and the world isn’t really heading towards another ice age. But we would probably still see colder weather across much of the northern hemisphere, more frequent winter storms in Europe, drastic changes to rainfall patterns, and a half-meter sea level rise, in addition to all other impacts of climate change.

And once again, scientists aren’t sure where the tipping point lies, but we’re already seeing early signs that AMOC could be on the brink of collapse. Still, we’ve got a good chance of preventing it – if we can keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.

Chapter: Why we need climate action (8:44)

So, there’s a common thread running through these climate tipping points: we need to act now to stop runaway climate change. According to the UN, the world is on track for over 3 degrees of warming by the year 2100 – and world leaders are doing nowhere near enough to prevent that from happening.

In the Brazilian Amazon, deforestation has soared under President Jair Bolsonaro, who has weakened environmental protections and encouraged development in the Amazon since taking office in 2019. Brazil’s deforestation rates are now at their highest in 12 years.

And despite new climate targets from rich countries like the US, Canada, Japan and the UK, they’re still only enough to limit global warming to 2.4 degrees – not to mention there hasn’t been much in the way of actual policies to achieve those targets.

But the climate crisis won’t wait. Heatwaves are going to become much more likely in the coming decades as the planet gets hotter. And as wildfires, floods, hurricanes and other climate disasters grow more frequent and more intense, the onus is on us to act before it’s too late.

So, that’s it for today’s episode. Let us know in the comments what you think it would take to keep global warming below 2 degrees. And if you enjoyed this video, please remember to smash that like button and subscribe to our channel for more content from Landscape TV. Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you next time.


Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

With forest conversion fast approaching the 20-25% threshold, the Amazon basin is nearing a catastrophic tipping point. Accelerated by climate change, the biome’s capacity to store carbon is rapidly diminishing; its ecosystems – currently home to 10% of the Earth’s known species and 410 ethnic groups – are firing on all cylinders to regenerate in the face of agricultural expansion, illegal mining and logging. Unless we act soon, the world’s largest tropical rainforest could soon become a savannah-like system, catapulting the Earth’s climate into disarray.

This plenary will unpack the science of the tipping point, shed light on its drivers and frame its impacts through global to local level lenses. Panelists will explore the diverse social, economic, political and environmental dynamics of Amazonian countries, and give voice to those on the tipping point’s frontlines. Bringing together leaders from across the region, the session will close with an urgent call for action: we have a unique opportunity to catalyze collective change for the Amazon, now.

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)
Virtual Room 2 - EN

Increasingly, young women across the Amazon and LAC countries are mobilizing to protect their home, their rights, their lives. Whether they are documenting the impacts of the global pandemic, leading protests and legal battles against the overexploitation of their lands, or rallying for climate justice, they are challenging the system for radical change. Tune in to this Youth Daily Show to hear from two amazing young women at the forefront of the action.

Tenure Facility with Federación Nativa del Río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD), If Not Us Then Who?
Virtual Room 3 - EN

20 young Indigenous community members from Madre de Dios in Peru developed 20 short films to show to policymakers and to the world their own stories: their cultural heritage, their needs, the threats they face, their strategies to protect their forests and fight the climate crisis. This session will release the first of these short films that form part of the first network of young community-based storytellers in COVID-19 times. The viewing of the short film and presentation by the filmmaker, will be followed by the comments from Vanessa Racua, indigenous leader from FENAMAD (regional indigenous organization), David Hernández, a professional Indigenous filmmaker from If not Us Then Who and Paula Alvarado, Head of Communications of The Tenure Facility and international policy expert.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Since 2008, RedParques has been leading a regional effort to strengthen protected area management, governance and biodiversity conservation in the Amazon. This session will share experiences and lessons learned from the Amazon Ecosystem Conservation Vision initiative, highlight the importance of technical cooperation and collaborative conservation in protected area management and explore the role of protected areas as hubs in which multiple stakeholders and sectors converge on a common interest: to preserve biodiversity for humanity.

The Amazon vision of RedParques: a commitment for all of us

  • Vera Reis

    Executive Director, SEMA-ACRE

  • Niclas Gottman

    Policy Officer, European Commission

  • Claudia Astrid Núñez Prieto

    Bióloga, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia

  • Allan Valverde

    Vicepresidente Centroamérica y el Caribe de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMPA), UICN, Centroamérica de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMAP)

  • Claudia Marin

    Coordinadora Regional, Proyecto Integración de Áreas Protegidas del Bioma Amazónico (IAPA)

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Emprapa Eastern Amazon) with Brazilian Forests Dialogue, Associação Brasileira de Empresas Concessionárias Florestais (CONFLORESTA), Observatório MFCF, Movimento da Juventude Indígena de Rondônia, Instituto Internacional de Educação do Brasil (IEB), Rede Mulher Florestal, Kanindé Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental
Virtual Room 2 - EN

This session will examine key priorities for advancing sustainable forest management in the Amazon. Guided by the Strategic Plan of the Amazon Forest Forum (a collaborative platform of 75 organizations working towards the development of sustainable and inclusive solutions to environmental degradation in the Amazon region) and the Positive Agenda for Sustainable Forest Management, it will explore legal, institutional and financial mechanisms for scaling the transition from timber to non-timber forest commodity production in areas under community and family management. Drawing on practical examples, speakers will highlight the importance of co-creation and participatory governance in reconciling conservation and value creation, and discuss communities’ capacities and needs for diversifying their livelihoods and lands.

Caminhos possíveis para o manejo florestal sustentável na Amazônia

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with World Agroforestry (ICRAF), CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Agroforestry holds immense potential as a nature-based solution for sustainable land management in the Amazon but faces multiple scaling barriers. Drawing on traditional and family farmers’ innovations, this session will explore practical pathways for advancing agroforestry in Brazil and Peru. Representatives from cooperatives and NGOs will discuss their learnings on how to generate value and improve livelihoods, while also restoring ecosystem functions and enhancing biodiversity on degraded lands. Together, panelists will identify practices that reconcile competing social, economic and environmental demands, and map enabling factors for their success.

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) with Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), CIFOR-ICRAF
Virtual Room GLF EN

Imagine you are having a coffee with an expert on gender and environmental governance, what would you ask them? During this brief session, we will have the opportunity to discuss with Dr. Iliana Monterroso and explore the need for mainstreaming policies and actions reflecting gender equality and environmental protection in the Amazon rainforest.

This session will be in Spanish.

Earth Innovation Institute with Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

The Amazon rainforest creates and relies on its own rainfall for survival. Deforestation, increased drought, and wildfire is threatening this process, resulting in an Amazon “dieback” that would transform the world’s largest rainforest into a grassland-like ecosystem. Preventing this outcome is not only possible; it may well be the cheapest means of keeping carbon in the forests. This panel will explore the science behind the “dieback” scenario, and ways to scale effective, bottom-up strategies for managing fire. Speakers will draw on extensive research, as well as first-hand experience managing fires through a collaborative network of Indigenous Peoples, farmers, and government agencies.

  • Ane Alencar

    Director of Science , Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)

  • Paulo Brando

    Assistant Professor, University of California-Irvine, Department of Earth System Science

  • Daniel Nepstad

    Executive Director and President, Earth Innovation Institute

  • Marcello Kamaiura

    Indigenous leader and coordinator, Kamayura Fire Brigade

  • Caroline Nobrega

    General Manager, Aliança da Terra

International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) with Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (SERFOR), International Fund for Agricultural Development (FIDA), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería - República del Ecuador, Pastaza
Virtual Room 2 - EN

“Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are among the most biodiversity-rich regions in the world, particularly in species of bamboo native to the Americas. Communities in the region have known about bamboo’s unique socioecological benefits for more than 10,000 years, including its vital contribution to several ecosystem services of provisioning, regulation and recreation. This session, hosted by INBAR, will draw on the rich knowledge of local communities in the Amazon to discuss how bamboo can contribute to a new circular development paradigm, and reactivate the economy in the wake of COVID-19.

Bambú como herramienta para afrontar el Cambio Climático

Análisis de los servicios ecosistémicos del bambú en Perú
Análisis de políticas y marcos regulatorios para el desarrollo del bambú en Colombia
Incentivos del bambú para la construcción
Análisis de políticas del bambú para las provincias amazónicas en Ecuador
Ecuador National Bamboo Strategy 
Ecosystem service and cost benefit analysis of natural forest and mixed bamboo systems in Peru

El Arte de Tejer con Bambú en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana
Los Rostros del Bambú
Las voces del proyecto Bambuzonía
Todo sobre el bambú
Bambú en América Latina

  • Pablo Jácome

    Regional Director for Latin América and Caribbean, International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR)

  • Carlos Restrepo Agudelo

    Technical Coordinator, Caquetá Guadua, Colombia

  • Dary Aguinda

    President, Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador

  • Jaime Guevara

    Mayor, Mayor, Província de Pastaza, Ecuador

  • Maija Peltola

    Country Director, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Guyana

  • Marino Velasco

    Indigenous Leader and President, Security of the Asháninka Pampa Michi Native Community, Peru

  • Roberto Alulima

    Undersecretary of Forestry Production, Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador

  • Shakira Andy

    Youth, Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador

  • Ximena Londoño

    Member, Colombia National Council of Guadua, Bamboo Productive Chain and its Agroindustry

  • Yanua Atamain

    Communicator and Indigenous leader, Rio Soritor Native Community, Awajún, Rioja Province - San Martin Department, Peru

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Emprapa Eastern Amazon) with Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Reconciling agricultural land use for food and income with conservation needs remains one of the greatest development challenges of our time. Indigenous, traditional and peasant communities of the Amazon have practiced a balanced model of nature use and conservation for centuries, shaping and maintaining the ecological functions on which their livelihoods depend. This session will present insights from archaeological, anthropological and contemporary research on land-use practices in the Brazilian Amazon and Amazonian territories of neighboring countries. The integrated agroforestry systems and technical solutions of Amazonian communities are based on deep understanding of the synergies and interactions of plant and animal species of the forests and aquatic fauna, and hold important lessons and strategies for today’s call for a more regenerative agricultural system.

Global Landscapes Forum with Pindorama Filmes, Instituto Catitu, Itaú Cultural, Waterbear, TAWNA, LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN
Virtual Room 2 - EN

Join us to kick off the Amazonia Film Festival with a collection of short and full-length non-fiction films about the region. Explore one of the most biologically- and culturally diverse places on the planet, and delve into its daily realities through the eyes of filmmakers from the Amazon and beyond. Enjoy and reflect on documentaries shot in Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, all of which will be available for streaming over the three days of the GLF Amazonía conference. Finish the day with a panel discussion featuring Brazilian filmmakers Mari Corrêa and Eryk Rocha, and Ecuadorian film collective TAWNA. Moderated by Brazilian cinematographer and journalist Lorenna Montenegro, the panel will explore, among other things, the role of perspective when creating audiovisual content about the region, and the importance of protecting the Amazon Biome. Then, it’s time to sit back and enjoy a curated series of short films hosted by environment-focused streaming platform WaterBear Network. First, Survival Revolution: The Kayapo Identity will share one Amazonian Indigenous group’s perspective on development in the region. Then, Protecting Nature for Good will tell the story of a massive, big-picture approach to conserve Brazil’s Amazon that helped define a new way to protect nature; and Beautiful News: Tatiana Espinosa will zoom in on the important conservation work of a trailblazing Peruvian forest engineer.

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Join us for an informal facilitated networking session. Guided by conversational menus, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow conference participants in short breakout sessions.

You are invited to use this menu of questions to spark conversation:

These sessions are offered in Spanish (21 Sep), English (22 Sep), and Portuguese (23 Sep).

UTC-4 (Manaus, Caracas, La Paz, New York/Miami)


Marfrig Global Foods
Virtual Room 1 - EN

In this session, we will demonstrate integrated territorial management as a way to address the conservation challenges of the Amazon. How the implementation of practical actions in the field by Marfrig and its partners have contributed to common development. We believe that the preservation of the Amazon is an urgent issue that requires the mobilization of the entire society. And that is our commitment. We will have the opportunity to show the world what Marfrig’s strategy is and with whom we partner to make the necessary change in the Brazilian livestock chain happen.

  • Leila Harfuch

    Coordenadora técnica, Modelo Brasileiro de Uso da Terra (BLUM)

  • Rosana Jatobá

    Colunista de Sustentabilidade, G1

  • Alexandre Kossoy

    Especialista Financeiro, Banco Mundial

  • Daniela Mariuzo

    General Director, IDH Brazil

  • Paulo Pianez

    Diretor de Sustentabilidade e Comunicação, Marfrig Global Foods

  • Fernando Sampaio

    Diretor Executivo, Estratégia Produzir, Conservar, Incluir, Brasil

  • Luana Maia

    Diretora de Operações & Planejamento Estratégico Director of Operations & Strategic Planning, CEBDS

Virtual Room 1 - EN

In this two-part session, we highlight the challenges and opportunities of deforestation-free import regulations in regions where commodities are produced by smallholder farmers, such as coffee and cocoa in Peru. Panelists will first discuss how the EU plans to prevent forest-intensive products from entering its market, and how actors along the value chain (including companies, governments and farmers) are planning to meet compliance and reduce risk. They will then proceed to map strategic opportunities within the policy and wider institutional context for advancing the process at scale, along with priorities to generate them, and progresses so far.

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Having already lost 18 percent of its tree cover, and with deforestation showing no signs of slowing, the Amazon is approaching what’s known as a ‘tipping point’ – the point at which it will no longer be able to sustain its natural cycles, which for the Amazon means losing its rainfall and drying out into an entirely different ecosystem. How close are we to witnessing this? In this GLF Live, we heard from Luciana Gatti, one of the foremost researchers on the Amazon, on the drivers of this dangerous process and what can be done to stop it.

Climate Focus with Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Consumer countries such as the EU, USA and China have begun to look at their footprint from imported deforestation. Several initiatives are being implemented or debated that address globally traded soft commodities from the Amazon, including timber, soy, beef, cocoa and coffee. These include import and other regulatory approaches, as well as a plethora of commitments by non-state actors and the investment community. The ratification of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement has been blocked by a number of countries arguing for stronger guarantees of socio-environmental safeguards. But how effective are these approaches? While most of the debate focuses on global commitments made by governments, corporations and investors, considerably less attention has been given to the potential impacts and trade-offs of such initiatives in producer countries and regions. Speakers in this session will unpack these questions, and identify pathways and priorities for achieving equitable, zero-deforestation production in the Amazon.

  • Marcello Brito

    Leader and co-facilitator, Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture

  • Yovita Ivanova

    Senior Manager , CIAT

  • Erin D. Matson

    Senior Consultant, Climate Focus

  • Christine Dragisic

    Foreign Affairs Officer, U.S. Department of State

  • Hugo-Maria Schally

    Head of unit for Multilateral Environmental Cooperation, Directorate for Global Sustainable Development in DG Environment of the European Commission

  • Efrén Nango

    Leader of Science, Education and Technology, CONFENIAE

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)
Virtual Room 2 - EN

An increasing number of efforts have emerged to support the sustainable development of the Amazon basin, representing an encouraging movement of young people eager to put an end to business as usual. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has provided a much-needed sense of urgency to support bold actions for sustainable forest practices and land restoration. In this YDS gets inspired by amazing young ecopreneurs that are leading the way for sustainable businesses.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

For more than 20 years, the Wildlife Conservation Society has worked with Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador; supporting territorial and natural resource management, with a sense of integrality, including actions to strengthen cultural values, conserve natural ecosystems and improve local livelihoods. As a result of this experience, a toolbox has been developed consisting of a set of technical resources to support territorial management processes: booklets, manuals, questionnaires, databases, report formats and training modules. The toolbox provides participatory methodologies that can contribute to the efforts of indigenous organizations to strengthen their territorial management capacities.

  • Carina Osio

    Communicator, WCS Bolivia

  • Zulema Lehm

    Regional Social Science Specialist Andes Amazon Orinoquia , WCS

  • Jesus Cueva Araipi

    Secretary of Land and Territory, Subcentral de Comunidades Indígenas Ribereñas Río Mamoré

  • Yamil Nay Vargas

    Assistant in indigenous territorial management, WCS Bolivia

  • Mauricio Saravia

    Technical assistant for indigenous territorial management monitoring, Pilon Lajas indigenous land and biosphere reserve

Amazon Conservation Association with Asociación Boliviana para la Investigación y Conservación de Ecosistemas Andino-Amazónicos (aceaa), Conservación Amazónica (ACCA)
Virtual Room 3 - EN

As renowned scientists Tom Lovejoy and Carlos Nobre have put it, “The tipping point is here, it is now. A modern vision of the Amazon must include truly innovative elements to create profitable bioeconomies that would immediately eliminate illogical and short-sighted economies.” Join Amazon Conservation for an open and meaningful dialogue on what it takes to build a profitable bioeconomy that keeps the Amazon standing for generations to come. Hear from local community members, Indigenous Peoples, and experts about the building blocks of sustainable forest-based businesses, how local efforts can be scaled up, and what local people are doing to build climate resilience and adaptation into their livelihoods.

Building a forest-based economy in the Amazon – How a bioeconomy can provide climate resilience, economic development, and ensure the survival of the Amazon’s biodiversity

Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

In this session, SERVIR-Amazonia and Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) will explore how advancements in geospatial and Earth Observation technology are enhancing forest monitoring, disaster forecasting and evidence-based decision-making in the Amazon biome. Drawing on novel innovations in remote sensing and satellite imagery, panelists will discuss pathways towards effectively connecting ‘Space to Village’, scaling public and private investments to improve internet connectivity in isolated areas, and strengthening locally-led efforts to protect biodiversity and Indigenous territories via the use of geospatial technology.

  • Juan Lucas Restrepo

    Director General, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

  • Jene Thomas

    Mission Director, USAID-Peru

  • Africa Flores

    Regional Science Coordination Lead for Land Cover & Land Use Change, SERVIR Global, SERVIR - NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

  • David Saah

    Managing Principal, Co-founder, Spatial Informatics Group (SIG)

  • Julio Ricardo Cusurichi Palacios

    President, Federación Nativa del Río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD), Peru

  • Marcela Quintero

    Director, Multifunctional Landscape research area, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

  • Manuel Pulgar Vidal

    Leader of Climate and Energy Global Practice, WWF, former Minister of Environment of Peru

  • Marina Piatto

    Executive Secretary, Imaflora, Brazil

  • Maria Elena Gutierrez

    Director, Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Peru

  • Lou Verchot

    Principal Scientist and Leader of the Land Restoration Group, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

  • Luis Felipe Duchicela

    Senior Advisor for Indigenous Peoples’ Issues, USAID

  • Mónica Romo

    Regional Amazon Environment Specialist, USAID-South American Region

  • Marion Adeney

    Program Officer, Andes-Amazon, Moore Foundation

  • Eric Anderson

    Associate Chief Scientist & Disasters Theme Lead, SERVIR Science Coordination Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Earth Science Branch

  • Gavin Schmidt

    NASA Senior Climate Advisor, Director, NASA Senior Climate Advisor

All Eyes on the Amazon program (AEA) with PUINAMUDT, International Institute of Social Studies, Alianza Ceibo, Greenpeace, COAPIMA, Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Bacia do Rio Amazonas (COICA)
Virtual Room 2 - EN

This session will bring Indigenous and local leaders together to share, evaluate and recommend strategies for mainstreaming Indigenous and grassroots voices in global climate agendas. Drawing on successes and lessons learned from the All Eyes on the Amazon (AEA) Program, the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) will explore:

Key issues, threats and challenges facing Indigenous and local people in the Amazon Basin
Current strategies, campaigns and advocacy initiatives to protect Indigenous territories and rights from undiscriminated natural resource extraction and weakened governance
The role and use of technology in protecting Indigenous territories and rights, given limitations in connectivity and access
The institutional underpinnings of impactful and sustainable strategies, coalitions and movements to protect Indigenous territories and rights

  • Maria Moreno de los Ríos

    Senior Manager Amazon Programs / Gerente Senior Programas Amazónicos, Hivos

  • Oswando Nenquimo

    Activista Waorani, vocero político, defensor de los derechos humanos y la naturaleza, cofundador Resistencia Waorani, Alianza Ceibo, Alianza Ceibo

  • Oliver Salge

    Coordenador do Programa Todos os Olhos na Amazônia, Greenpeace Brasil

  • Eliana Rojas Torres

    Coordinadora de Articulación y Aprendizaje de los programas Todos los Ojos en la Amazonía y Ruta de Salud Indígena Amazónica, Hivos

  • Tabea Casique

    Dirigente de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA), COICA

  • Lorenzo Pellegrini

    Associate Professor of Economics of Environment and Development , International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • Alfonso López

    President, Cocama Association for the Development and Conservation of San Pablo de Tipishca (Acodecospat), federation that is part of the Amazonian Indigenous Peoples United in Defense of their Territories Organization (PUINAMUDT)

  • Kari Guajajara

    Indigenous Lawyer and Advisor, Coordination of Organizations and Articulations of Indigenous Peoples of Maranhão (COAPIMA).

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Join us for a coffee with a defender of the biocultural and climate integrity of the Amazon rainforest. During this brief discussion we will explore how grassroots action and international advocacy are coming together to address both human and nature rights that are threatened by forest fires.

This session will be in Portuguese.

  • Sineia Wapichana

    Environmental manager, coordinator, Environmental Management Department of the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR), Brazil

  • Isabel Mesquita

    Amazonia Ground Coordinator, Global Landscapes Forum

Ford Foundation with Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) are key allies in the fight against forest and biodiversity loss, but challenges in land tenure are obstructing their guardianship. Full recognition and formalization of their rights is a must for conservation and climate change mitigation globally, as evidenced by multiple research papers on the link between deforestation and land tenure insecurity. This session, hosted by the Ford Foundation, will examine key linkages between conflict, ecosystem health and land rights in the Amazon region, and highlight the urgent need for full participation of IPLCs in global climate and conservation agendas moving forwards.

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

As the Amazon rainforest shrinks, can its uncontacted tribes somehow stay protected? In this GLF Live, renowned ethnobotanist Mark J. Plotkin took us into his 30-year career of experiences living with Amazonian peoples and studying their traditional plant uses to unravel this question and look at what the future could hold for some of the most ancient cultures on Earth. This session is in English

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) with Global Environment Facility (GEF), CIFOR-ICRAF, CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)

This session reports preliminary lessons learned from gender inclusive initiatives that have increased women’s participation in conservation and development in the Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian Amazon. These cases cover a diverse collection of indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant women from across the region. The session will facilitate a discussion of findings from multiple grassroots efforts where women increased participation in natural resource decision making, gained more secure access to natural resources, or improved benefits from natural resource management. The goal will be to gain feedback from a regional audience to synthesize widely applicable lessons for others.

MAP Initiative
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Since its inception in the late 1990s, the MAP initiative – a trinational effort to accelerate sustainable forest and land use in the Peruvian, Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon – has been building an evidence base for the effectiveness of transboundary cooperation in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With a special focus on SDGs 13 (Climate Action) and 4 (Quality Education), this session will present key insights and learnings from across the initiative’s 22-year history.

Global Landscapes Forum with The Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program
Virtual Room 1 - EN

The Amazon is not only an important storehouse of the world’s biodiversity and CO2, but equally a home to millions of people from different countries and tribes, with various cultures and landscapes that shape their livelihoods. Investments in agriculture, mining, timber, and also livestock activities are currently causing great damage to local landscapes, considerably affecting the livelihoods of millions of people and making them vulnerable to climate change. This finance plenary seeks to examine ways in which financing solutions can lead to responsible activities on landscapes and how they can help build sustainable value chains in ways that are both inclusive and resilient for the Amazon and beyond. Discussions would also focus on innovative financial solutions inspired by local initiatives.

Global Landscapes Forum with Pindorama Filmes, Instituto Catitu, Itaú Cultural, Waterbear, TAWNA, LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN

Today, Colombian filmmaker, commentator and producer Diana Rico will host a panel with two filmmakers – Estevão Ciabatta from Brazil, and Alessandro Angulo from Colombia. Using their films Amazônia S.A. (Ciabatta) and El Sendero de la Anaconda (Angulo) as a starting point, they’ll discuss their experiences documenting environmental and social problems in the Amazon, including their interactions with the protagonists of these stories. Next, we’ll screen two films by Brazilian non-profit cultural institute Itaú Cultural.

Speed networking LIVE NOW
Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Join us for an informal facilitated networking session. Guided by conversational menus, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow conference participants in short breakout sessions.
These sessions are offered in Spanish (21 Sep), English (22 Sep), and Portuguese (23 Sep).

UTC-4 (Manaus, Caracas, La Paz, New York/Miami)


Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI)
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Around the world, religious and faith-based groups are sparking action to protect and restore forests in the fight against climate change. With support from the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI), senior religious leaders are rallying their communities to act, educating a new generation of forest advocates, and calling on governments and the private sector to strengthen commitments towards the protection of forests and Indigenous rights. This 90-minute session will showcase innovations from IRI country programs in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, and explore how interfaith partnerships can advance existing efforts to protect and restore the Amazon.

CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) with Brazilian Coalition on Climate Forest and Agriculture, Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Amazon Concertation, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Virtual Room 2 - EN

The Bioeconomy concept emerged in recent years as a silver bullet to halt deforestation, promote economic growth and reduce poverty in the Amazon. Despite this enthusiasm, there is little clarity about what exactly bioeconomy means. In this session, we invite voices from across the Amazonian region to reflect with us, including representatives from Indigenous communities, youth, entrepreneurs, academics and policymakers. Is there in fact one Amazonian bioeconomy? What are the most effective paths to promote socioenvironmental development in the Amazon?

  • Ivaneide Bandeira Cardozo

    Leader, Kanindé Ethno-environmental Defense Association

  • José Neto

    Founder, influencer Ygarapé, Ygarapé

  • Karina Pinasco

    Executive Director, Amazónicos por Amazonía (AMPA)

  • Noelia Trillo

    CEO, Forest Bambu

  • Angélica Rojas

    Coordinadora regional, Fundación Para La Conservación Y Desarrollo Sostenible (FCDS) los departamentos de Meta y Guaviare

  • Roberto Waack

    President, Uma Concertação pela Amazônia, Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura

  • Danilo Fernandes

    Professor e Pesquisador, Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos (Naea), Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Emergent Forest Finance Accelerator with UN-REDD Programme, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Forest Trends, ART Architecture for REDD+ Transactions
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Now, more than ever, is the time to increase ambition and seize opportunities for a ‘quantum’ shift in the scale of funding for tropical forest protection and research. This session, organized by the Green Gigaton Challenge and partners, will showcase concrete examples of the radical inclusivity and collaboration needed to achieve tropical forest protection at scale. Together, speakers from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) organizations, NGOs and public-private tropical forest protection initiatives (including LEAF and CONSERV) will discuss key ingredients for successful, equitable and inclusive forest partnerships, as well as how opportunities generated by the Challenge can be leveraged to advance financial flows to forests in IPLC-managed lands.

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) with Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

What would you ask an expert on regenerative agroforestry, if you had the chance to sit down for a coffee with them? During this short session we will explore the possibilities of agroecology in the Amazon with Felipe Villela, and what it means to restore soil, plant water and ensure food security all the while mimicking nature and creating livelihoods.

This session will be in English.

Global Landscapes Forum with Ford Foundation
Virtual Room 1 - EN

The Amazon is one of the most bioculturally-rich regions on the planet, housing a diverse plethora of species, communities, cultures, traditions, languages and ways of life. Over centuries, the region’s many Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) have developed a unique relationship with the forest, making them vital partners in the global fight to conserve it. This session will reflect on their rich knowledge of human-land-nature relations to envision a new, more equitable and sustainable Amazon, in which harmony and co-existence are foundations of development.

  • Angela Mendes

    Socio-environmental Activist, Ashoka Brasil's fellow, Coordinator of Chico Mendes Comittee, Chico Mendes Committee

  • Dary Aguinda

    President, Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador

  • Selma Dealdina

    Executive Secretary, CONAQ (National Coordination of Rural Black and Quilombola Communities' Articulation)

  • Tatiana Amaral

    Anthropologist, SESC São Paulo

  • Dario Kopenawa

    Vice-president, Hutukara Yanomami Association

  • Hernan Nay Vargas

    Presidente, Organización Territorial de Base

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Young climate activists in Brazil are mobilizing and reminding the rest of the society that collective efforts to address the climate crisis can’t be postponed. Protesting on the streets, inspiring on social media, negotiating at global events, young climate activists aim at placing climate justice high on the public agenda. Join this Youth Daily Show to hear the personal stories of two activists deeply involved in the climate movement of the region, and learn how finding your voice and community is crucial in changing the systems that cause the climate crisis.

  • Gaby Baesse

    Regional Coordinator, Y4N, Youth4Nature

  • Paloma Costa

    Socioenvironmentalist, 1st UN SG Youth Advisory Group/Youth Climate Justice Fund/#Youth4COP30/RCOY Latinoamérica 2024

  • Amanda Costa

    Presenter, columnist Direto da Base, Agência Jovem de Notícias and Um só Planeta, PerifaSustentavel

Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Bacia do Rio Amazonas (COICA) with Conservation International
Virtual Room 2 - EN

The launch will present the ‘Holistic Agreements for a Full Life Program’, an innovative mechanism that recognizes and encourages conservation and a holistic life in the Indigenous territories of the Amazon basin.

During this launch, learn how Indigenous Peoples ‘are conserving 80% of the Amazon.

Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) with Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

What would you ask an expert on community-led action, if you had the chance to sit down for a coffee with them? During this short session we will explore what it means to utilize nature-based solutions in the context of the Amazonian rainforest.

This session will be in Portuguese.

  • Alcilene Cardoso

    Lawyer, popular educator and researcher, Amazon Environmental Research Institute Research Institute of the Amazon (IPAM), Brazil

  • Renata Koch Alvarenga

    YIL alumna, Founder and director, Empodera Clima

Governors’ Climate & Forests Task Force (GCF) with Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
Virtual Room 1 - EN

Despite its indisputable status as a global asset in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, the Amazon region remains one of the poorest places on Earth. For decades, the region’s predominant economic development paradigm centered on frequent and unsustainable exports of low added value commodities such as beef, soy, raw materials and timber. Amazonians were encouraged to adhere to an economic model built on land conversion and forest loss, with little incentive or choice to advance circular alternatives developed by Indigenous and small-scale societies. This session will envision a new, endogenous Amazonian development paradigm, and map key pathways and mechanisms for its implementation.

Virtual Room 1 - EN

Avoiding a tipping point in the Amazon requires safeguarding connected landscapes through an integrated approach that includes the conservation of key species and their habitats. This session will focus on four such approaches: maintaining free flowing rivers, conserving river dolphins and jaguars as an indicator of healthy and connected freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems respectively, and developing indigenous economies and enterprises. The session will feature leading youth representatives from Indigenous groups and the government and private sectors. These panelists will provide a fresh perspective on solutions needed to avoid a dangerous tipping point, develop recommendations for decision makers and identify opportunities to strengthen synergies among key stakeholders aiming to improve joint efforts in the Amazon.

Conservation International with Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Bacia do Rio Amazonas (COICA), New Forests
Virtual Room 2 - EN

Despite their central role in conserving the Amazon biome, rural and Indigenous women are often marginalized from decision-making processes concerning its governance. This failing deepens inequities in policies and capacity development initiatives, diminishes the success of climate, conservation and restoration efforts, and exacerbates existing gender disparities in income, education and health. In this session, COICA and Conservation International will spotlight the leadership of rural and Indigenous women in maintaining and restoring Amazonian biodiversity, mitigating climate change and driving economic growth. Drawing on experiences from the Amazon Women Fellowship Program, speakers will explore pathways for mainstreaming gender in conservation alliances, initiatives and agendas across the region.

Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) with Fundo Babacu, Fundo Dema, Podaali
Virtual Room 3 - EN

To address the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, rural poverty, cultural erosion and weak governance, innovative funding mechanisms will need to be developed to channel funding to local groups. In the Brazilian Amazon, grassroots organizations have created their own funds to scale Indigenous and community-led initiatives that conventional development finance is failing to reach. This session, hosted by the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), will bring leaders from the Podaali Fund, Babassu Fund, and the Dema fund together to share their stories, best practices and lessons learned, and provide recommendations for scaling Indigenous and rural innovation in the Amazonian biome.

Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

National governments that share the Amazon have the mandate to manage the Amazon in a sustainable way, for current and future generations. Two former Environment Ministers, Marina Silva (Brazil) and Manuel Vidal (Peru), will share their lessons learned and put forward a vision of how to achieve a sustainable, equitable, resilient and prosperous future for the Amazon.

  • Manuel Pulgar Vidal

    Leader of Climate and Energy Global Practice, WWF, former Minister of Environment of Peru

  • Marina Silva

    Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Government of Brazil

Brazilian Coalition on Climate Forest and Agriculture with Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura, Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 1 - EN

The Amazon is truly a global asset in regulating the climate, conserving biodiversity and securing a healthy and sustainable future for all. Urgent actions by all actors in society are desperately needed to avoid the ‘point of no return’ (commonly termed the ‘tipping point’) in which the vital biome loses its ability to store carbon. Such efforts will need to be coordinated, cross-cutting and radically inclusive in design and scope if they are to meet the challenge’s demands, especially as the region’s economies look to bounce back in the wake of COVID-19. This plenary will spotlight successes in regional and local cooperation for effective, efficient, and inclusive implementation of policies and actions to ensure a sustainable, and equitable future for the Amazon.

Global Landscapes Forum with Pindorama Filmes, Instituto Catitu, Itaú Cultural, Waterbear, TAWNA, LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN
Virtual Room 2 - EN

On the final day of the Amazonia Film Festival, tune in early to catch up on yesterday’s screening of two films by Brazilian non-profit cultural institute Itaú Cultural.

Then, enjoy a panel discussion with filmmakers about their experiences making films that spotlight Amazonian people’s experiences of development and environmental degradation.

Following this, you’ll get the chance to see Voices on the Road, a feature doco that details the development of a controversial roading project in the Peruvian Amazon and its impacts on local populations and ecosystems.

Speed networking LIVE NOW
Global Landscapes Forum
Virtual Room 3 - EN

Join us for an informal networking session. Guided by conversational menus, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow conference participants in short breakout sessions. These sessions are offered in Spanish (21 Sep), English (22 Sep), and Portuguese (23 Sep).