Marcello Brito

Leader and co-facilitator
Líder y co-facilitador
Líder e co-facilitador
Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture
Coalición Brasileña sobre Clima, Floresta y Agricultura
Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura

Brazilian, graduated in Food Engineering. Specializations in International Trading of Oils, Fats and Seeds by the FOSFA, London РEngland; Social Responsibility and the Third Sector and MBA in International Trade by FIA/USP, Administration, Science, and Management of International Trade by IAE/Institute of Administration and Economics, Grenoble РFrance. Worked in several areas as commercial director, sustainability director, and CEO of leading companies in the Brazilian Agribusiness. Former VP in RSPO РRoundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, founder of POIG РPalm Oil Innovation Group, CEO of CBKK SA РPurpose of Welfare and Conservation. President of the board of directors of ABAG РBrazilian Association of Agribusiness, co-facilitator of the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture, board member at Conservation International (Brazil section), Instituto Arapya̼, JBS-Amaz̫nia fund, WCBEF РWorld Bioeconomy Forum and Black-Jaguar Foundation.