• 21 September 2021
  • 12:30-14:00
  • Room: Virtual Room 2 - EN

Possible pathways toward sustainable forest management in the Amazon

Virtual Room 2 - EN

This session will examine key priorities for advancing sustainable forest management in the Amazon. Guided by the Strategic Plan of the Amazon Forest Forum (a collaborative platform of 75 organizations working towards the development of sustainable and inclusive solutions to environmental degradation in the Amazon region) and the Positive Agenda for Sustainable Forest Management, it will explore legal, institutional and financial mechanisms for scaling the transition from timber to non-timber forest commodity production in areas under community and family management. Drawing on practical examples, speakers will highlight the importance of co-creation and participatory governance in reconciling conservation and value creation, and discuss communities’ capacities and needs for diversifying their livelihoods and lands.

Caminhos possíveis para o manejo florestal sustentável na Amazônia