Trees, Forests & Climate: CIFOR-ICRAF at COP29

As the 29th Conference of the Parties to the landmark UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) whirs into gear, the role of forests and trees in mitigating both anthropogenic climate change and its most disastrous impacts – and helping people and ecosystems adapt to the changes that are already happening – is more critical than ever.

CIFOR-ICRAF’s diverse international team of researchers and practitioners has worked on forest and climate policies for over 15 years, including through its Global Comparative Study on REDD+. This team also has its ‘ear to the ground’ in many of the locations worst hit by the climate crisis. As the clock ticks and the challenges multiply, we’re carrying out cutting-edge research to inform the implementation of climate action, and advocating for greater ambitions – and finance – in this arena.

On the frontlines to learn all we can about how forests and trees might help us to mitigate and adapt – and how we can best catalyze, support, and sustain action to protect and restore them into the future.

Join our experts in Baku, Azerbaijan, or online to hear the latest on forests and trees at UNFCCC COP-29!

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FLARE 2024 Annual Meeting

The 10th Annual Meeting will take place in Rome, Italy from October 3-7. The opening reception will be held on the 3rd, parallel sessions and plenary events will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th, and optional workshops on the 7th. As FLARE celebrates its 10th Anniversary, we will assess the past while looking to the future of forests and livelihoods, as we invite reflections on the theme of the event, “Imagination and Innovation.”

Other sub-themes include forest landscape restoration: challenges and opportunities,
social justice in the forest: Rights, power, and collaboration, and data and methods for understanding forests and human well-being.

The meeting will be held at the Auditorium Antonianum and the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway. Register below to attend!

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Webinar: Knowledge Sharing and Practical Guidance on the use of the CRISP Tool

Agricultural, land use and food system development practitioners are increasingly seeking to mainstream climate change adaptation into their sectoral policies, programs and projects. The Climate Risk Planning & Managing Tool for Development Programmes in Agri-Food Systems (CRISP) aims at supporting this endeavor. CRISP is a free, quick and simple to use, interactive web-based tool that guides users through a process to understand climate related risks of specific agricultural systems, articulate science-based adaptation hypotheses, identify cascading impacts and review relevant adaptation options.

CRISP has been developed in collaboration with the GIZ by the Alliance of Bioversity International, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and Eurac Research, commissioned by BMZ. Following up of the virtual launching event held in October 2023 attended by over 140 participants from a variety of institutions, including IISD, BMGF, IFPRI, World Bank, Catholic Relief Services, Free University of Bozen, Mitigation Action Facility, Welthungerhilfe, CIMMYT, Mercy Corps, and Adapt 40, we aim to organize a Knowledge Sharing Event focused on providing Practical Guidance on plausible CRISP applications to a wide range of practitioners and experts.

Register here before 17 June

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