Youth Insights Post-COP28: questions, answers, and next steps

The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) last year took place in Dubai from 30 November until 12 December 2023. Like preceding years, delegates from all across the globe convened at the venue for discussing ways to tackle climate change, proposing policy changes, and reporting on these changes. Delegations from various youth organizations attended COP28 with the goal of representing young professional voices at the conference. Members of these delegations took part in various events across COP28: these included panel discussions, policy working groups, and different speaking opportunities.

This webinar will showcase the experience of these young professionals at the COP, discuss the key messages on food and agriculture highlighted in COP28 and debrief on the next steps for the SSJW. It will also cover the practical planning, skill development, and preparation needed for participating in global advocacy platforms like the COP.

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The GLF Journey at 10: The transformation of a conference into a global movement and vehicle for world-wide political action

On November 16 and 17, 2013, a handful of organizations hosted a small conference at the University of Warsaw alongside COP 19 to revisit a 200-year-old geographical concept called the Landscape Approach. Ten years later, the Global Landscape Forum, with the support of the Government of Germany Ministry of Development (BMZ) and of Environment (BMUV), has become a global movement that reaches tens of millions of people each year and a platform for change and political action. Andrew Steer, the Chief Executive of the Bezos Foundation, called it “A decision-forcing forum”. Otto Scharmer, MIT professor and the founder of the Theory of U, said, “… GLF is exactly what is needed now. Let’s keep walking together.”

How did it happen? What makes GLF different? Why is it continuing to grow so fast? Why did 800,000 people from 120 countries engage in a three-hour forum just two months ago? What are the lessons, and where does it go from here? Can it change the world?

Join the Director of GLF and Senior Director of CIFOR-ICRAF John Colmey as he takes us on a journey of the GLF. Along the way, John will share insights on the evolution of the Landscape Approach, sustainable finance, global communication trends, the latest theories of change, and where GLF hopes to be in 2030.

The seminar will be livestreamed from the Center for Development Research (ZEF), an international institute conducting interdisciplinary research on development-related issues all over the world. ZEF is part of the University of Bonn.


John Colmey has spent more than 30 years in Africa, South, East and Southeast Asia: including 10 years as the Director of Communications of CIFOR, where his team increased citations of publications more than ten times, media citations from 75 to 3000 per year, and grew all social media platforms by double and triple digits from 2009-2019. In 2013, John and his colleagues developed and launched the Global Landscapes Forum, today the world’s largest forum on integrated land use, reaching more than two billion people in 175 countries.

In addition to his work at CIFOR/GLF John spent 12 years as a foreign correspondent in radio, broadcast and print, including five years with TIME Magazine where he served as Hong Kong Bureau Chief. As a journalist, he won numerous international and national awards. John has a B.S. in forestry and an M.Ag in technical communication, both from the University of Minnesota, an M.A. in economic geography from the London School of Economics, and an MS. in journalism from Columbia University in New York.


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Accelerating Nature-based Solutions Conference

The Global EverGreening Alliance together with the Government of Zambia, AUDA-NEPAD, AFR100 and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration are proud to co-host the world’s largest land restoration programming conference.

Bringing together global thought leaders, change makers and action takers to address key challenges and lay the plans for accelerating the scaling of Nature-based Solutions.

Join progressive governments, investors, NGOs, technical and scientific experts, community representatives and a host of other key stakeholders at this participatory event, and be part of the solution!

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Strengthening Sustainable Palm Oil For Community Welfare And Climate Crisis Mitigation

Through research entitled Scaling Jurisdictional Approaches in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector, CIFOR-ICRAF and partners aim to increase the readiness of four palm oil producing regions to implement jurisdictional programmes (JPs) through a participatory, multistakeholder and gender-inclusive approach, and synthesize lessons learned from regency-level studies to strengthen sustainable palm oil initiatives at the national level.

Research activities began by implementing co-design workshops in four regencies: Sintang, Pelalawan, Pulang Pisau and Kutai Kartanegara. At the national level, CIFOR-ICRAF and partners organized the first and second National Workshops and Global Landscape Forum Dialogues in Bogor on 12 October and 23 November 2023, respectively. The aims of the first workshop were to disseminate the results of CIFOR-ICRAF and partners’ regency-level studies, and identify important issues, solutions and actors for jurisdictional approach initiatives for the Indonesian palm oil sector. The second workshop produced a draft national-level Theory of Change (ToC) and the SIPOS (Simulation of Indonesian Palm Oil Sustainability) model. Other output included supply chain analyses of the four regencies where research was carried out to be used as input for processes at the national level.

This workshop will be a forum for national actors to disseminate and discuss relevant issues, and produce recommendations that can contribute to strengthening relationships between JPs and international market demand, advertising-based certification initiatives and national and regional policies.


  1. Disseminate CIFOR-ICRAF and partners’ progress and research results on jurisdictional approaches to sustainable palm oil in Indonesia;
  2. Disseminate and share experiences, progress and lessons learned from jurisdictional approach initiatives in Indonesia, especially at the national level;
  3. Disseminate and secure input for a draft TTM – Theory of Change, Theory of Action and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework – which includes issues, solutions, actors, actions, and monitoring indicators needed to strengthen and contribute to sustainable palm oil initiatives at the national level.

In-person participation is by invitation only, for online participation, please register here.

Contact person: Salwa Nadhira,

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