The Roots of the FMNR Movement in Kenya

This discussion will explore the evolution of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in Kenya from an indigenous practice to a movement restoring livelihoods and landscapes across the country.   Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) is a low-cost, sustainable technique involving the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seeds.

Speakers from World Vision Kenya, World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), together with panel members from partner organisations also supporting FMNR, will highlight the lessons for further scaling of FMNR up, out and deep across the Kenya and beyond in this free webinar.

Register here.

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Sustainable financing for achieving forest and landscape restoration (FLR) at scale: making FLR a reality

EcoAgriculture Partners welcomes you to join the technical side event for FAO’s Celebration of the International Day of Forests on ´Sustainable financing for achieving forest and landscape restoration (FLR) at scale: making FLR a reality

During this event, we will launch an important FAO report, co-authored with EcoAgriculture Partners, on ´Local Financing Mechanisms for Forest and Landscape Restoration: A Review of Local-Level Finance Mechanisms.

EcoAgriculture’s President, Sara J. Scherr, will moderate the event. We will discuss various financing mechanisms with our distinguished panel: Christophe Besacier (FAO), Mathilde Iweins—lead author of the report (FAO), Katiella Mai Moussa (UN Capital Development Fund–UNCDF) and Chadi Mohanna (Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon).

  • For the full agenda and more details, please see here
  • For the entire program of the Opening Session of International Day of Forests, please see here.

To register, see here.

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