This page will be updated periodically as more information becomes available. Please check back regularly for updates.
Roberto Borrero
Programs and Communications Coordinator
International Indian Treaty Council -
Lina Dolores Pohl Alfaro
Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Mexico
Food and Agriculture Organization -
Jacques Attali (Video address)
Economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser and senior civil servant
Positive Planet; A&A -
Alec Baldwin (Video address)
Actor and Environmental Activist -
Monique Barbut
Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Charles Batte
Tree Adoption Uganda -
Felipe Calderón
Former President of Mexico
Joan Carling
Indigenous Peoples Major Group for the SDGs -
H.E. Ameenah Gurib Fakim
President of the Republic of Mauritius
Scott Goodson
CEO and Founder
StrawberryFrog -
Maulline Gragau
Tazanna -
Barbara Hendricks
Federal Minister
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) -
Uwase Hirwa Honorine
Miss Earth Rwanda 2017
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
Coordinator, Indigenous Women and Peoples Association of Chad
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee -
Naoko Ishii
CEO and Chairperson
Global Environment Facility -
Karin Kemper
Global Director for the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice
World Bank -
Gabriele Klingmüller
Deputy Mayor of Bonn
Hiroto Mitsugi
Assistant Director-General of Forestry Department
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science
Elsa Nickel
Head of the Department of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Nature Development
Maria Margarida Ribeiro da Silva
Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro do Rio Arimum Agroextractivist Cooperative -
Isha Foundation -
Stefan Schmitz
Executive Director
Crop Trust -
Voré Gana Seck
Senior Advisor, CESE -
Erik Solheim
Executive Director
UN Environment -
Andrew Steer
Head of Bezos Earth Fund
Achim Steiner
United Nations Development Programme -
Marcos Terena
Professor of Traditional and Spiritual Knowledge of the Indigenous People and Coordinator of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Thelmo Muñoz Rodríguez
Autoridad de fiscalización y control social de bosques y tierras, Bolivia
Janene Yazzie
Indigenous Peoples Major Group on Sustainable Development -
Martin Herold
Professor of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing
Wageningen University -
Wuletawu Abera
Technical Adviser
Salina Abraham
Chief of Staff to CEO
Silvia Abruscato
Junior researcher in the Resilience Programme
European Forest Institute -
Mauro Agnoletti
Director of the Laboratory for Landscape and Cultural Heritage
University of Florence -
Paola Agostini
Lead Natural Resources Management Specialist, Europe and Central Asia
World Bank -
Monique Andriamananoro
Senior Advisor
Andrea Athanas
Program Design Director
African Wildlife Foundation -
Tasso Azevedo
Coordinator MapBiomas & SEEG initiatives, former Chief
MapBiomas, Brazilian Forest Service -
Himlal Baral
Senior Scientist
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) -
Aida Bargués Tobella
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences -
Luna Bharati
Principal Researcher
Alice Bischof
Vice Chairperson and Co-Founder
Cities Without Hunger Germany -
Mary Bonet
Facilitator, K2W Glideways program
K2W Glideways -
René Boot
Tropenbos International -
Hannes Böttcher
Senior Researcher
Öko-Institut -
Leo Bottrill
Founder and CEO
MapHubs -
Alexander Buck
Executive Director
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) -
Clement Chilima
Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining, Malawi
Q”apaj Conde Choque
Global Indigenous Youth Caucus -
Andrew Collins
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
Miro Forestry -
John Colmey
Managing Director
Martin Cremer
Deputy Head
Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance -
Laure d’Astorg
French Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil -
Radhika Dave
Senior Forest Programme Officer, Bonn Challenge Barometer
Hannes Dempewolf
Head of Global Initiatives
The Crop Trust -
Sean DeWitt
Global Restoration Initiative, World Resources Institute -
Alue Dohong
Vice Minister
Ministry Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia -
Stephanie Doig
Director of Environmental, Health, Safety and Social Development
Miro Forestry -
Max Edkin
Acting Manager/Climate Expert
Connect4Climate -
David Ellison
External Expert
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences -
Christopher Eves
Zoological Society of London -
Jane Feehan
Senior Investment Officer
European Investment Bank -
Erick Fernandes
Adviser on Agriculture, Forestry & Climate Change
The World Bank Group -
Willem Ferwerda
CEO and Founder
Commonland -
Matthew Fielding
Deputy Director & Communications Manager
Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative -
Horst Freiberg
Restoration Expert
Christine Fürst
Martin-Luther University -
Aster Gebrekirstos
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) -
Birgit Gerhardus
Head of Division
Rural Development, Land Rights and Forests of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) -
Klaus Gihr
Urban Development and Natural Resources, KfW -
Vincent Gitz
Director of the Programme and Platforms Focal Point, Latin America
Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) -
Manuel Guariguata
Principal Scientist and Hub Leader, Latin American and the Caribbean
Ewa Hermanowicz
Communications Specialist
European Forest Institute/EUFORGEN -
Elisabeth Hoch
Senior Advisor, Forests, Biodiversity, Agriculture
Department for Climate, Rural Development, Infrastructure, GIZ -
Holger Hoff
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Pippa Howard
Director of the Business & Biodiversity Programme
Flora and Fauna International -
Roberta Iley
Co-author of the joint PwC – Climate Development Knowledge Network paper
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sustainability & Climate Change team -
Shafi Noor Islam
Assistant Professor
Universiti Brunei Darussalam -
Hans Joosten
International Mire Conservation Group -
Karin Kemper
Senior Director
World Bank - Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice -
Roeland Kindt
Senior Ecologist
World Agroforestry (ICRAF) -
Michael Kleine
Programme Coordinator
Nanno Kleiterp
Chair of the Board
Green Fund -
Werner Kornexl
World Bank, PROFOR -
Pierre Kruger
Nomad Lodges -
Steven Lawry
Senior Associate
Center for International Forestry Research Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) -
Ludwig Liagre
Programme Officer
Bruno Locatelli
Alexander Lotsch
World Bank -
Anna (Ania) Madalinska
Agrofloresta Mesoamericana -
Elke Mannigel
Team leader international projects
OroVerde -
Adrian Martin
Professor of Environment and Development
School of Economic Development, University of East Anglia -
Maximilian Meyer
Anthony McKenzie
Director of Environmental Management and Conservation
National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) -
Lera Miles
Team Lead
UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) UN-REDD Programme -
Peter Minang
Director for Africa & Global Coordinator
Alisher Mirzabaev
Senior Researcher
Center for Development Research (ZEF) -
Günter Mitlacher
Focal Point
WWF Germany -
Simon W. Moolenaar
Head of Science and Education
Commonland -
Saddiq Muhammad
Department of Horticulture, AKTH Kano Nigeria -
Gerhard Mulder
Oxylus Climate Advisors -
James Mulkerrins
Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation -
Alexander Müller
Founder and Managing Director
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist
Julia Naime
PhD Candidate
Norwegian School of Life Sciences -
Ann-Kathrin Neureuther
Senior Manager Farming for Biodiversity
Rare -
Ravic Nijbroek
Francesca Nugnes
Project leader
Tara O’Shea
Director of Forest Program
Planet -
Caroline Ochieng
Research Fellow
Stockholm Environment Institute -
Paola Ovando Pol
Postdoctoral Researcher
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology -
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti
Governance, Equity & Wellbeing -
Sabine Pallas
Partnerships, communications and gender justice
Eric Patrick
Adaptation Specialist
Hannah Peck
Deputy Director
Cool Earth -
Terry Sunderland
University of British Columbia
Mohammad Rafi Qazizada
Director General of Natural Resource Management
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) of Afghanistan -
Julian Quan
Adviser, Land Tenure and Policy
Department for International Development (DFID) -
Liva Hariniaina Ramiandrarivo
Secretary General
Ministry of Environment of Madagascar -
Sandra Reinstädtler
Doctoral Researcher
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg -
Eva Rood
Project Leader
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Commonland, ENABLE -
Felix Rurangwa
Senior Official
Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority -
Gideon Abraham Ole Sanago
Coordinator for Climate Change
Pastoralists Indigenous Non Governmental Organizations (PINGO's Forum) -
Daniel Ole Sapit
Executive Director
Indigenous Peoples Hub Africa -
Herman Savenije
Inclusive Financing and Business Programme, Tropenbos International -
Frank Martin Seifert
Focal point for land and forest services
European Space Agency -
Seth Shames
Innovations in Policy and Markets, EcoAgriculture -
Violet Shivutse
Shibuye Community Health Workers -
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF -
Juan Pablo Solís-Víquez
SAFE Platform -
Matt Sommerville
Chief of Party
USAID Tenure and Global Climate Change Program -
John Stanturf
Coordinator (Research Group on Restoration of Degraded Sites), Deputy Coordinator (Task Force on Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change)
Franziska Tanneberger
Greifswald Mire Centre -
Grit Techel
Head of the Regional Office East Africa
UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH -
Satya S. Tripathi
Assistant Secretary-General
UN Environment -
Panduh Tukat
Indonesia Representative and Program Manager
Fairventures Worldwide -
Emily Unwin
Senior Lawyer, Head of Programme, Climate & Forests
ClientEarth -
Marcelo Gabriel Cardozo Vacaflor
MINGA, Bolivia
Ben Valk
Head, Food & Agri Partnerships
Rabobank -
Julie van der Bliek
Partnerships & Knowledge Management at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) -
Carina van der Laan
Caroline van Leenders
Transition manager
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, employed by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality -
Meine van Noordwijk
Distinguished Research Fellow
World Agroforestry Centre -
Cora van Oosten
Head of capacity development & education
Anna van Paddenburg
Head of Sustainable Landscapes
GGGI - Investment and Policy Solutions Division -
Aldert van Weeren
Cattail Farmer
Wetland Products -
Alexander Watson
OpenForests -
Jes Weigelt
Head of Programmes
TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability -
Leslie A.C. Weldon
Deputy Chief
USDA Forest Service -
Andy White
Rights and Resources Initiative -
Sonia Whitehead
Head of Research Programmes
BBC Media Action -
Michal Zrust
Lestari Capital