Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2018: As it happened

“We have to be defiant in what we are trying to achieve" Durreen Shahnaz, founder of Impact Investment Exchange, the world's first social stock exchange.
On December 1-2, more than 1,000 representatives of government, international, non-governmental and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, youth, scientists and media came together gathered at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany, to connect, learn and share ideas and experiences on how to move from commitment to action towards reaching sustainable landscapes.
Over the last two months, more than 115,000 people visited the GLF Bonn 2018 website and around 24,000,000 people were reached on social media. Over the two-day event, almost 12,000 livestream pageviews were recorded from 126 countries. #GLFBonn2018 and #thinklandscape trended in the region for two days. The Landscape Heroes campaign gathered 100 applications from all corners of the world, with over 10,000 votes. While the Landscape Academy officially launched with UNEP and Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation on 1 December received almost 1000 course registrations.
Partner Report OUTCOME STATEMENTWe cannot address climate change without addressing other inequalities in communities.
We’re going to change the financial market to make it work for everyone.
Just knowing what is the total impact, especially when thinking about co-benefits, is a huge challenge.
The Landscape Movement has done wonders in Latin America and Africa. It is now time to move to Caucasus and Central Asia to help implementing the Astana Resolution looking at drylands, mountains, bioenergy and natural based infrastructure as possible solutions to land degradation and climate change
Touching people’s hearts is how you change their behavior, and this is the only way to create long-lasting change.
Our success is very much what you are going to do with it, when you go back home.
Life on this planet is at stake. For too many, life itself is at stake
17 SDGs need to be addressed in every landscape.
Event highlights
3 Dec 2018
The Commitment Index
30 Nov 2018
REDD+ turns 10, growing into its own
28 Nov 2018
Our planet’s peatlands: On the agenda at last?
27 Nov 2018
The throwing away of disposable mindsets
22 Nov 2018
The restorative powers of the underground
21 Nov 2018
Stopping desertification with rocks and holes
Governmental initiatives on peatland conservation
Governmental Initiatives for Peatland Conservation through ecotourism in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Lessons learnt and best practices for the management of tropical peatlands: an intertropical dialogue
National plans and lessons learnt on restoring peatland in Indonesia: Peatland Restoration Agency’s initiatives on peatland restoration
Best Practice Peat Management (BPM) in existing plantation
Top 5 Landscape Heroes
from the GLF Bonn campaign were celebrated on stage through a video showcasing their work to transform landscapes and livelihoods.
UN Environment, 23 Nov 2018
Children speak out about the climate crisis News, 28 Mar 2025
Information-based solutions for forest conservation projects
Newskitchen (DE), 28 Mar 2025
Naturnahe Landschaften wichtig für Klima, Ernährung, Gesundheit und Einkommen
Jaringan Pemberitaan Pemerintah, 3 Dec 2018 Saat Tata Kelola Gambut Indonesia Jadi Rujukan Pengetahuan Dunia
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