Gabriel Quijandría Acosta


Vice Minister, Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Peru
Vice Minister
Vice Minister
Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Peru
Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Peru
Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Peru

Gabriel Quijandría Acosta has a Master Degree in Natural Resources Management of INCAE Business School Alajuela in Costa Rica. He is a recognized expert in environmental matters and in the management of natural resources and with extensive experience in different institutions promoting the development of the Latin American region. In addition, he has experience in matters of policy and environmental management, financing of sustainable development, conservation of biodiversity and climate change. In his field of research, he developed studies oriented to the design of policies and in training and teaching activities, both at the university level and as decision maker in the public and private sectors. Since December 2011, he has held the position of Vice Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment.