Social Media Toolkit

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Help us make 2020 the super year for nature and biodiversity: Spread the word!

The ‘GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health’ will bring together scientists, policymakers, activists, indiginous communities, and more from all over the world, to address the crucial topic of conserving and protecting the world’s disappearing biodiversity.

Help us to spread the word! We’ve made it easy for you with our social media toolkit, which you can find below. This includes a set of suggested posts and a collection of web cards and images to get you started. Feel free to edit and add your personal twist! Don’t forget to use the event hashtag #GLFBiodiversity.

Short links

Event Website
Landscape News

GLF Social Media Accounts:

 Twitter  | Twitter (Español) | Twitter  (Français)

See the list of event speakers!

Partner organizations

Center for International Forestry Research CIFOR
Twitter @CIFOR | Facebook  | Instagram @cifor_forests

Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD)
Twitter @Cirad | Facebook 

Climate Focus
Twitter @Climate_Focus_ 

The Crop Trust
Twitter @CropTrust  | Facebook | Instagram  @croptrust

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz)
Twitter @giz_gmbh | Facebook

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Twitter @BMZ_Bund | Facebook | Instagram @bmz_bund

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Twitter @FAO | Facebook | Instagram @fao 

The German Development Institute (die)
Twitter @DIE_GDI | Facebook 

Global Nature Fund

International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Twitter @iki_bmu

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Twitter @icimod | Facebook | Instagram @_icimod

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Twitter @IUCN | Facebook | Instagram @iucn_congress

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Twitter @nlenvironagency

Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari
Facebook | Instagram @kabupatenlestari

Nia Tero
Twitter @NiaTero | Facebook | Instagram @niatero

The Amazon Conservation Team
Twitter @AmazonTeamOrg | Facebook | Instagram @amazonconservationteam

The Borneo Project
Twitter @borneoaction | Facebook | Instagram @borneoproject

The Global EverGreening Alliance
Twitter @EvergreeningA | Facebook | Instagram @evergreeningglobal

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Twitter @ILRI | Facebook | Instagram @whylivestockmatter

True Nature Foundation
Twitter @truenaturefound | Facebook | Instagram @truenaturefoundation

United Nations Environment Programme
Twitter @UNEP | Facebook | Instagram @unep

World Agroforestry ICRAF
Twitter @ICRAF | Facebook 

World Bank
Twitter @WorldBank | Facebook | Instagram @worldbank

WOCAT – World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies


World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 

Twitter @WWF | Facebook | Instagram @wwf

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Landscape Postcards

In order to help promote the event you can share beautiful landscapes from your local area, or your favourite places in the world! Create your own postcard by using the generator, then help raise awareness for biodiversity by sharing it with the hashtag #GLFBiodiversity.

Landscape Heroes

Across the world there are unsung heroes taking a stand for their landscapes. Help us find unsung landscape heroes who are taking action to safeguard our planet’s biodiversity! By sharing on social media, you are helping to discover and share their inspirational stories.