

Bonn now:

UTC+2 (Cairo, Lusaka, Harare)


Digital Room 1

Join us on a journey across landscapes from across the world, and experience a day in the life of a changemaker. From the wetlands of Mindanao in the Philippines to the hills of Bamunkumbit in Cameroon and the forests of El Salvador, we will explore how the GLF’s Restoration Stewards and Chapters are taking action to build sustainable landscapes.

Digital Room 1

The proposed session aims to raise awareness in the climate community, highlighting Ecosystem Restoration in general and Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in particular as nature-based solutions (NbS) contributing to mitigation and adaptation for the fight against climate change and benefiting biodiversity conservation. It will highlight approaches and experiences on FLR communication and awareness raising by the Dutch NGO Justdiggit and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, specifically focusing on mobilizing youth. It will showcase Justdiggit’s practical experiences from ongoing local FLR awareness-raising campaigns in collaboration with GIZ’s project Forests4Future in Ethiopia and the UN Decades approach to empower a global movement in #generationrestoration, striving for restoration-friendly consumption.

Relevant resources

Digital Room 2

Restoring degraded land contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity enrichment and equitably improves the livelihoods of local communities. This session will highlight that large-scale land restoration in sub-Saharan Africa is possible and discuss key ingredients of success. We will explore partnerships and inclusion, drivers for restoration in policy and value chains, matching restoration practices to local contexts and the central role of evidence in magnifying the impact of interventions. Finally, we will look forward to restoration ambitions on the continent and the opportunity for land restoration to bridge people, climate, biodiversity and land.

  • Laura Mukhwana

    Stakeholder Engagement with Evidence Associate , CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Mieke Bourne

    Engagement with Restoration Evidence and Regreening Africa lead, CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Tor-Gunnar Vågen

    Head of Spatial Data Science and Applied Learning Lab (Spacial), CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Bernard Crabbé

    Head of the environment mainstreaming & circular economy sector, Directorate General, European Commission, International Partnerships (INTPA)

  • Mawa Karambiri

    Policy and technical engagement specialist for the Sahel, CIFOR-ICRAF, Burkina Faso

  • Patrick Worms

    Senior Science Policy Advisor, World Agroforestry

  • Leigh Winowiecki

    Global Research Leader, Soil and Land Health and Co-lead, Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)

  • Anna D. Ndiaye

    Project Coordinator, World Vision, Senegal

  • Chief Sintaro Mahama

    Chief, Sakoya Traditional Area of the Mion district in Northern Region of Ghana

  • Georges Bazongo

    Director of Programmes, Tree Aid

  • Adrian Leitoro

    GLFx Africa Hub Officer, GLF

Digital Room 2

GLF Climate offers a unique opportunity to meet and connect with individuals from all over the world working towards a sustainable future. During this networking session, you will be randomly matched with other participants and will have the chance to discuss for a few minutes. After that, the platform will automatically assign another participant so you can start another interesting discussion. Make sure to always briefly introduce yourself and start your discussions by elaborating on your interest in the conference themes and how they relate to your work.

Digital Room 1
The Egypt Hall

Humanity is facing a barrage of interconnected crises: climate change, conflict, hunger, high inflation, and the enduring impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. From heatwaves to hurricanes, fires to floods, the effects of the climate crisis are already being felt across the globe. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine is causing energy prices to spiral and exposing our addiction to fossil fuels.

So, where do we go from here? What should we have done yesterday, and what do we need to do now?

This plenary will highlight how interconnected crises underscore the need for urgent, collective and integrated efforts. Join climate activists, local champions and leaders in policy, science, and business to identify pathways and opportunities to accelerate climate action, deliver on climate justice, and ramp up climate finance.

The Egypt Hall

As the world increasingly understands the consequences of the triple planetary crisis, there is an opportunity for humanity to reorient ourselves towards the earth and natural systems. Many grassroots efforts have realized how values-based approaches that integrate culture, Indigenous knowledge, and lessons from spiritual traditions can help motivate and sustain meaningful shifts in behavior and attitudes. Within the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration context, this session will explore how diverse stakeholders can engage with these themes to heal and restore the living Earth.

Digital Room 1

The climate crisis’s most extreme weather events and impacts are hitting the most vulnerable communities and landscapes. According to article 8 of the 2015 Paris Agreement, “parties recognize the importance of averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change including extreme weather events and slow onset events.”

But is recognition of these realities the best we can do as humanity? With no concrete answer from COP26 for heads of state of the majority world and young activists in the Global South, the issues of “adaptation finance” and “loss and damage” continue to be their top priorities on the agenda for COP27. For this Youth Daily Show, we are sitting down with activists from the frontlines of the climate crisis to shine a light on what these issues really mean for the world today and tomorrow.

Digital Room 1

This session will present findings from the recently launched 2022 Forest Declaration Assessment, including an answer to the question, ‘Are we on track for 2030?’ In addition to global findings, we will also present perspectives from the Congo Basin, where the first-ever Regional Assessment was conducted this year. We will also discuss civil society’s role in enabling accountability to forest pledges.

The Egypt Hall

The panelists will highlight the importance of journalism, education, and outreach cross-sectoral efforts in tackling climate change, derived from the multi format rainforest journalism by Pulitzer Center fellows on rampant deforestation, the absence of indigenous community safeguarding, as well as ground-level developments related to carbon trading. This session showcases the power of rainforest journalism to inspire engagement and action by educational communities and civil society groups to address the climate crisis in the global south, accelerating actions of the climate goals, as well as revealing social injustice in the process of climate change reduction.

Register now for the conference, and if you don’t want to miss this panel, bookmark and add it to your calendar.

Digital Room 2

During GLF Climate 2021 and GLF Africa 2022, several speakers emphasized that climate solutions and climate action are already happening within local communities. Among what they are missing is access to suitable funding that allows these communities to scale these projects and businesses. At the same time, there is a rise in the number of “green funds.” Still, there is a risk of missing positive impacts by designing funds and financing mechanisms without sufficiently considering the local context. This session aims to explore how to develop financing mechanisms and products aligned with the local context and the needs of local communities and smallholder farmers. More broadly, it seeks to answer the question of which innovations are needed to effectively support local climate action through sustainable finance.

Useful Websites

  • Isabel Pasos

    Technical Secretary, Coordinator of Territorial Women Leaders of Mesoamerica, Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB)

  • Ayesha Khan

    Regional Managing Director, Acumen, Pakistan

  • Yossef Zahar

    Managing Director , Pandan Green

  • Nancy Saich

    Chief Climate Change Expert, European Investment Bank (EIB)

  • Jekabs Vinauds

    Senior Analyst, International Climate Finance Accelerator Luxembourg (ICFA)

  • Jimmy Skenderovic

    Senior Advisor, Luxembourg Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Sustainable Development

The Egypt Hall

Why is it essential for non-state actors to follow common principles that ensure their climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development investments are rights-based? How can we elevate the rights and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-Descendant Peoples? And what is the role of women and youth in all of this?

In a 30-minute launch, get answers to these questions and learn about the importance and potential impact of the Standard. You will also interact with the panelists and hear the stories from participants in the Indigenous-led process that led to the Standard.

#GLFClimate #LandRightsNow

Are you a journalist and want to request an interview or join the session as a press member to ask panelists questions live? Contact Kelly Quintero at

Digital Room 2
Today everyone seems to be planting a tree; from companies offsetting their carbon emissions to governments trying to reach net-zero targets, there is plenty of focus on land-based carbon removal methods. A recent analysis by Oxfam argued that there is not enough land on earth to offset carbon emissions without a rapid cut in emissions by the big polluters. At the same time, in the face of increasing land inequality, growing demand for land for carbon sequestration – if not subject to robust safeguards that go beyond the “no harm principle” – could extrapolate land conflicts. So, how can we make sure that forest restoration is not about offsetting business-as-usual but for centering justice for people and livelihoods, as well as for supporting landscapes to thrive? Join this Youth Daily Show to hear from young experts on how to make sure each seed we plant – from investment to tree nurseries – is a seed for transformative change.

Useful Resources

Digital Room 1

The world’s food systems urgently need to be reset. Our current systems encroach on the land – particularly forests. This session focuses on three commodities which drive forest loss: beef, soy and palm oil. It will look at how we can best accelerate action to reduce Scope 3 emissions, where deforestation features so prominently. A moderated dialogue will bring forth key interventions we can take to identify, manage and reduce these “last mile” emissions, essential to achieving a net zero world. This session is hosted by the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR).

The Egypt Hall

Based on the recent publications Forest, Climate, Biodiversity and People: Assessing a Decade of REDD+ and A Decade of REDD+: Stakeholder Perceptions of its Implementation, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) will showcase the effects that more than 10 years of REDD+ implementation have had on forests, carbon, biodiversity, and people. Moreover, the panelists will describe and explain potential synergies between FLR (Forest Landscape Restoration) and REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation considering conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks), as well as provide insights on how local stakeholders perceive REDD+ implementation.

Useful Websites

Relevant resources

Digital Room 2

We are facing deeply challenging times at local, national and global levels. The risks posed by biodiversity loss, a rapidly changing climate, and global conflict show no signs of abating, and without adaptation, our global food systems will soon no longer be able to cope. As our own food and nutrition insecurity, and that of future generations, continues to be exposed, it is ever more critical we identify actionable solutions to address these challenges. Global crop diversity is a prerequisite to adapting agriculture to the climate crisis, improving livelihoods and feeding everyone adequately.

Useful Websites

  • Sarada Krishnan

    Director of Programs, Crop Trust

  • Catherine Bertini

    Chair of the Executive Board, The Crop Trust

  • Stefan Schmitz

    Executive Director, Crop Trust

  • Kent Nnadozie

    Secretary, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

  • Jean Hanson

    Emeritus Fellow and plant genetic resources specialist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

  • Yokateme Tii-kuzu

    Democratic Republic of the Congo
    CEO and founder, MabeleAgric

  • Jacobo Arango

    Senior Scientist, Tropical Forages Program, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

  • Daniel Wanjama

    Director, Seed Savers Network Kenya

  • Ska Mirriam Moteane

    Chef, Author, Activist and Entrepreneur

Digital Room 1

Join us for a virtual tour in the Peruvian Amazon to learn about the efforts to preserve the forest, the people who live there and how agroforestry initiatives can combine human and natural well-being. The tour was recorded during an event to promote the exchange of experiences between multiple stakeholders, organized by the GCF Task Force in October 2022.
The GCF Task Force is a Coalition of 39 subnational governments from 10 countries across the world dedicated to reducing deforestation and advancing equitable and low-emissions developments in their regions.

Learn more about the GCF Task Force.

Digital Room 2

Ecosystem restoration is a key strategy for achieving a net zero future, providing opportunities for climate mitigation, adaptation, and sustainable economic development. Scaling up investments in restoration is critical to meet these goals, as well as a stronger collaboration between private financial entities, governments, multilaterals, and local communities. Speakers and participants in this session will discuss the challenges and opportunities for increasing restoration finance, building on the work of the UN Decade Finance Task Force (FTF). The session will provide a space to exchange promising solutions for financing, projects and business models that serve a blueprint for replicable and scalable approaches.

  • Valerie Hickey

    Global Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, the World Bank

  • Sean DeWitt

    Director , Global Restoration Initiative, World Resources Institute

  • Carter Ingram

    Executive Director, Pollination

  • Merijn Dols

    Managing Partner, NOW Partners

  • Christian Peter

    Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, World Bank

  • Courtney Lowrance

    Managing Director for Sustainability and Transitions, Citi

  • Gavin Templeton

    Managing Director, Pollination Group

  • Ines Angulo

    Forestry Specialist, The World Bank

The Egypt Hall

With most of the Landscapes For Our Future (LFF) programme’s 22 projects well past the inception phase and into implementation, it’s time to start sharing key insights and lessons. Where better to do so than at GLF Climate alongside COP27? This is a venue most appropriate to LFF’s ambitions – in particular, its interest in delivering solutions and innovative practices to address the triple planetary crises.
During this session, the LFF Central Component will bring together relevant stakeholders and some of LFF’s projects from the Global South to highlight innovative approaches and methods to tackle climate mitigation and adaption using the Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) approach, as well as introducing the overall programme vision. High-level speakers from the EU and ILM global experts will set the stage for the programme, with particularly important messages revealing the importance the EU places on ILM as one of a basket of solutions to addressing climate change.

  • Dominique le Roux

    Communications Strategist, Implementor and Coach, Landscapes For Our Future

  • Cora van Oosten

    Head of capacity development & education, CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Kim Geheb

    Coordinator, Landscapes For Our Future programme

  • Chantal Marijnissen

    Head of Unit F2 (Environment, Sustainable Natural Resources) – DG INTPA, European Commission

  • Miriam Seemann

    Coordinator, ‘Water as a connector for resilient landscapes’ - LFF Bolivia

  • Abeena Dufie Woode

    Programme Manager, EU LEAN, LLF Ghana

  • Etienne Coyette

    Head of sector, Climate change, European Commission/INTPA

Digital Room 2

How can we ensure that our governance systems are “fit for purpose” to cope with increasingly interconnected and devastating climate impacts that reach far beyond national and regional borders? This session will explore how governments and other stakeholders can better use artificial intelligence and other remotely-sensed early warning data to effectively tackle transboundary climate hazards, including droughts, floods, crop pests and pathogen outbreaks. The discussions will build on findings from a research partnership led by TMG and the IGAD-Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) exploring the scientific linkages between climate change and transboundary threats such as desert locusts, with a focus on the eastern Africa and Horn region.

The session is co-hosted by TMG and ICPAC, with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ).

Relevant resources

Useful Resources

Digital Room 2

The soil, a key component of land, remains a vital support for plant growth and livestock rearing, but its misuse or mishandling can impact food production broadly. Climate change has adversely affected agricultural production, with many farmlands already degraded, resulting in meager yields. Landscape restoration is thereby eminent for sustainable food production. During this session, we will zoom in on two countries of Sub-Saharan Africa: The Gambia and Nigeria, and we will explore what practices are applied, or need to be applied, by local farmers and other stakeholders to restore landscapes while ensuring productivity and respecting natural resources.

  • Apaemi Betts

    Climate Smart Agriculture Officer, Nigeria Incentive Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL Plc)

  • Bubu Pateh Jallow

    Chief Technical Adviser, Climate Change Early Warning Project

  • Adejoke Jegede

    Assistant Project Manager, ipple Heights Development Initiative

Digital Room 1

Drought is an increasingly relevant topic in the wake of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which reemphasized the urgent need to address global climate challenges. The 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) followed soon after, concluding with a united global pledge to boost drought resilience and invest in land restoration for future prosperity today. In this context, it is more important than ever to highlight and upscale integrated land use and management techniques that mitigate and adapt to drought, including agroforestry and silvopastoralism.

This session will explore the question: What needs to be done – and who needs to do it – to implement Integrated Drought management through silvopastoral systems to ensure countries in the Near East North Africa (NENA) region are better prepared for drought? Using examples from the NENA region, speakers and panelists will highlight the benefits of drought management through silvopastoral systems, evidence of how they have been used effectively and discuss how to upscale these practices further.

The session will be available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.

Relevant resources

  • Mohammed Shahbaz

    Director General, Royal Botanic Garden

  • Wadid Erian

    Professor of soil science, Senior Advisor, Cairo University, Sustainable Development at League of Arab States

  • Anders Malmer

    Adjunct professor, International Coordinator, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Swedish Forest Agency

  • Fidaa F. Haddad

    Dryland Forestry Officer, FAO

  • Sarra Touzi

    International consultant on Water and Natural Resources Management & Climate Resilience

  • Chris Dickinson

    Ecosystem Management Senior Specialist

  • Kenza Benmoussa

    Greentech entrepreneur

  • Zeina Tamim

    Agriculture Engineer, Department of Rangelands and Public Gardens Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon

Digital Room 2

Rainforest Alliance, CDP, Clarmondial, Conservation International, and USAID announce a transformational public-private partnership to reduce commodity-driven deforestation, contribute to global climate and biodiversity goals, and drive new investment in inclusive development across some of the world’s most important tropical landscapes.

This robust public-private partnership brings unprecedented reach in finance, markets, sustainability standards and large-scale landscape management. Over the next five years, Business Case will convene the private sector, governments, and local producers and organizations in some of the world’s most important tropical ecosystems and sourcing regions to address global environmental challenges associated with commodity-driven deforestation, including greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. Working in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, and Indonesia, Business Case will pilot a novel landscape approach that leverages the complementary expertise of its partners while benefiting local and indigenous communities and enterprises.

Join the Business Case initiative launch on Friday, 11 November, 17:00–17:45 (UTC+2 | Cairo) / 10:00–10:45 (UTC -5 | Lima).

#GLFClimate #theBusinessCaseInitiative

  • Tanja Havemann

    Co-founder & Director , Clarmondial

  • Luis Suarez

    Vice President , Conservation International, Ecuador

  • Sorely Calixto 

    Chief of Party of The Business Case, Rainforest Alliance

  • Thomas Maddox

    Global Director of Forests and Land, CDP

  • Fabiola Berrocal

    Technical and M&E Manager for the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative, Rainforest Alliance

The Egypt Hall

A live, interactive panel bringing together Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) representatives, on-the-ground practitioners who are strong advocates for global forest communities, and experts from the carbon markets for a discussion on what strategic action is needed to direct climate finance towards securing and protecting IPLC lands, and in turn helping countries achieve their climate targets and commitments.
The event will allow experts to unpack jurisdictional approaches to conservation finance, including the complexities of “nesting,” a methodology to include forest conservation projects into a country’s national climate targets. It will also touch on how we can ensure equitable investment partnerships with underrepresented demographics and enable greater participation in the carbon markets to achieve the best for both the people and the planet.
The Peoples Forests Partnership was announced at COP 26 in Glasgow late last year to address why only 1% of current climate finance reaches IPLC groups, despite half the world’s land being managed and held by IPLCs. Indigenous people and their cultures have been guardians of the forest for centuries. In the current climate crisis, saving carbon-rich tropical forests is recognized as one of the most important mitigation strategies. Rights-based carbon projects present a scalable solution to leverage international climate finance to make forest conservation’s environmental and economic investments equitable for all stakeholders.

  • Anna Lehmann

    WillifeWorks, Global Climate Policy Director and Member of the PFP Executive Committee, Wildlife Works Carbon

  • Pasang Dolma Sherpa

    Executive director, Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED)

  • Giulia Carbone

    Director, Natural Climate Solutions Alliance

  • Lucia Madrid

    Policy Associate Director, ART

  • Daniel Ortega

    Director, Center of Public Policy Development at ESPOL

  • Levi Sucre Romero

    Coordinator, Mesoamerican Alliance of People of Forest (AMPB)

  • Francisca Arara

    Chair of the Regional Committee, Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples and Other Traditional Populations of GCF

Digital Room 2
The Egypt Hall

Almost 25 years ago, Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics for recognizing freedom of choice as both the main goal and the principal means of development. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that only a minority of humanity has the freedom to choose a healthy, prosperous and safe life.

It’s time for a paradigm change to place the well-being, livelihoods, and equity of stewards of land and nature at the heart of development. This session will explore the potential of What is a stewardship economy?, which ensure that land users receive fair compensation for their investments in environmental services while meeting consumer expectations that the commodities they purchase have been sustainably produced.

Useful pages

Blue Nile - Egypt Hall

Join us at the GLF Climate Evening Reception in the Egypt Hall Blue Nile area to meet other participants, enjoy drinks and vegetarian canapés (hot, cold and sweet), discuss the conference, share experiences and learn from each other.

UTC+2 (Cairo, Lusaka, Harare)


Digital Room 1

Indigenous Peoples are facing a new wave of extractivism for transition minerals such as copper, nickel, cobalt and lithium, which are key in battery development. These projects are promoted as “green” because they aim to supply minerals used in renewable energy and electric vehicles. However, these mining projects risk replicating the same harms of the fossil fuel economy: threatening Indigenous Peoples’ rights and territories and destroying biodiverse ecosystems. We will discuss why Indigenous rights must be prioritized, share case studies of Indigenous communities’ leadership, and explore how Indigenous rights can be guaranteed through respecting Free, Prior and Informed Consent.

Relevant resources

The Egypt Hall

Mangroves are blue carbon storehouses facing tremendous pressure from unsustainable economic activities. Conservation of intact mangroves and restoration of the degraded ones need coordinated actions from stakeholders. The session is to bring together representatives from various backgrounds in a dialogue to explore mangrove blue carbon market opportunities. Cases in countries like Indonesia may be linked to meeting national emission reduction stipulated in the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.

  • Daniel Murdiyarso

    Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Virni Arifanti

    Senior Researcher, National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN)

  • Sonny Mumbunan

    Lead Economist, Chair, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, Center for Climate and Sustainable Finance (CCSF) University of Indonesia

  • Mas Ahmad Santosa

    Co-Founder and CEO, Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI)

  • Steve Crooks

    Co-founder, Silvestrum Climate Associates

Digital Room 2

All over the world, individuals and organisations are taking inspiring actions to address climate change. In a curated series of inspirational talks, hear from a variety of speakers discussing their work around the vital question ”What can we do now?” featuring Maria Ohisalo, Finnish Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and Fransisca Arara, Chair of the Regional Committee on Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples and Other Traditional Populations of GCF

The Egypt Hall

The event will launch the new TreesAdapt partnership platform. TreesAdapt is CIFOR-ICRAF’s response with partners to the huge demand for climate change adaptation. It aims to be a one-stop for solutions on how to leverage forests, trees, and agroforestry to adapt agriculture, land, and people and to support countries and actors in cross-sectoral implementation.

Forests and tree-based systems are key to food security for millions of smallholders. Trees make farming and food systems more resilient, limiting the impact of heat waves. Trees create better microclimates and help better manage water from plot to landscape, limiting the impact of flooding and erosion. Forests and trees can support the resilience of sectors like energy and water. Trees are essential to make cities livable in the future.

Join us in the launch of TreesAdapt, hear and ask experts about the platform, its priorities, and how stakeholders can start using it and solve the world’s climate adaptation challenge with trees.

#GLFClimate #TreesAdapt #Trees4Resilience

Are you a journalist and want to request an interview or join the session as a press member to ask panelists questions live? Contact Kelly Quintero at

  • Peter Minang

    Director for Africa & Global Coordinator , CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Vincent Gitz

    Director of the Programme and Platforms Focal Point, Latin America, Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)

  • Amy Duchelle

    Senior Forestry Officer & Team Leader Climate Change & Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • Cécile Ndjebet

    President, REFACOF

  • Susan Onyango

    Global Communications Coordinator, CIFOR-ICRAF

Digital Room 1

Adaptation to climate change is a major challenge for smallholder farmers, and agro-pastoralists in sub-Saharan Africa as changes in climatic conditions are already eroding livelihoods while households face numerous barriers to responding effectively (access to finance, technology, knowledge). Healthy and fertile soils are a critical element for resilient agriculture. Many climate risks, such as damages caused by floods or droughts, manifest in the intersection of soils and water. Building on experience from Benin and Ethiopia, the session will show how soil protection and rehabilitation supports climate change adaptation and what is needed for scaling and sustaining impact.

Relevant resources

  • Mohammed Mussa

    Natural Resources Specialist, Afar Regional State Bureau Of Livestock, Agriculture And Natural Resource Development

  • Samuel Nnah Ndobe

    Independent consultant

  • Patrick Smytzek

    Advisor for climate change, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

  • Maurille Elégbédé

    Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, Benin

Digital Room 1

GLF Climate offers a unique opportunity to meet and connect with individuals from all over the world working towards a sustainable future. During this networking session, you will be randomly matched with other participants and will have the chance to discuss for a few minutes. After that, the platform will automatically assign another participant so you can start another interesting discussion. Make sure to always briefly introduce yourself and start your discussions by elaborating on your interest in the conference themes and how they relate to your work.

Digital Room 2
The Egypt Hall

We live in a time of multiple interconnected crises, from climate change to conflict, rising inequality, hunger and habitat loss – most of them caused by human activity. The science is alarmingly clear, and time is running out. But a wave of collective action, behavioral changes, nature and land-based solutions, political will and incentives offer hope for a just transition that can put people and nature on a path to recovery. In this plenary, leading policymakers, environmental lawyers, scientists and journalists will share their journeys in navigating the climate crisis. We hope their stories can inspire you with initiatives and solutions that are providing hope in a time of crisis, whether it’s delivering mitigation and climate finance, or achieving inclusive value chains, or holding politicians accountable and ensuring climate justice.

Digital Room 1
All over the world, individuals and organizations are taking inspiring actions to address climate change. In a curated series of inspirational talks, hear from a variety of speakers discussing their work around the vital question ”What can we do now?”.
H.R.H. Princess Margriet of the Netherlands
Hear from H.R.H. Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and her remarkable contributions to the Netherlands Red Cross and the Princess Margriet Fund, working to help populations at risk to prepare better for natural disasters.
Andhyta Firselly Utami
Hear from the Founder of Think Policy Indonesia and her efforts for more empathic public policies in the face of the climate crisis.
The Egypt Hall
Tree diversity is crucial for the resilience of food production systems in the face of global change, which includes increasing human populations, declining agricultural productivity, climate change and extremes, and invasive species.
Join us to explore a new report, Conserving and using tree diversity for global climate change adaptation and food system resilience, by Lex A. J. Thomson, on how tree diversity can most effectively be conserved and used for smallholder livelihoods and food security in the face of a changing climate, and the role of collections-based R&D organisations in supporting these solutions.

Please find the report here:

Are you a journalist and want to request an interview or join the session as a press member to ask panelists questions live? Contact Kelly Quintero at
  • Sarada Krishnan

    Director of Programs, Crop Trust

  • Paul Smith

    Secretary General , Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

  • Ramni Jamnadass

    Principal Scientist and Leader, CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Susan Onyango

    Global Communications Coordinator, CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Lex Thomson

    Associate, Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research

Digital Room 2

The science is clear: we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to tackle the climate crisis while we still can. While people on the ground are mobilizing to be the change they want to see, there is still a gap between local efforts for ecosystem restoration and large-scale commitments. This session aims to highlight the work of local actors and young experts from various parts of the globe, exploring their challenges and needs and inviting policy-makers and finance institutions to step up their game.

Digital Room 1

Journey with us across the world and witness the amazing work done on the ground by our GLFx chapters

Digital Room 2

Transformational change is required to address the climate crises, ecosystem services and biodiversity loss/fragmentation and growing inequality. However, it is crucial to understand how transformational change should be interpreted, who decides what kind of transformation is needed, of what and for whom? What principles guide those decisions, and how are decision-makers held accountable? Who will win and who will lose? There is limited data on the effectiveness of different transformational change approaches such as REDD+. This session brings policymakers, donors, practitioners and local communities to reflect on lessons on good practices on transformative forest governance through the lens of rights, power and social justice and propose a future pathway to develop and implement effective, efficient, and equitable climate and forest policies.

Useful Resources

The Egypt Hall

This panel session offers an opportunity to share integrated and context-specific fire management and fire risk reduction approaches that combine restoration and regeneration practices and traditional knowledge, as well as how these practices can be scaled up to become part of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs). Panelists will provide practical examples of integrative approaches that take into account wildfire risk and climate change with a particular focus on the active involvement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, local governments, and small and medium holders in wildfire-prone areas as key to developing more effective, country-specific, wildfire risk reduction strategies and policies.

Relevant resources

Useful resources

Digital Room 2

Climate change is impacting the future of our planet. Concrete actions are needed – and are already being implemented around the world. The knowledge platform PANORAMA Solutions collects highly replicable and tangible best practices that contribute to creating a healthier planet for us all. We are proud to present our newest thematic community: PANORAMA Mitigation. It showcases solutions for reducing or capturing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing concrete actions to mitigate climate change. Join us in the launch of PANORAMA Mitigation and learn how you may use the platform to share solutions that may shape the future of our planet.

  • Helga Mahler

    PANORAMA Partnership Coordinator, German Development Cooperation GIZ

  • Sören Kirstein

    Project coordinator, ACCION Clima project, German Development Cooperation GIZ

  • Ann-Kathrin Schoenvoigt

    Advisor, ACCION Clima project, German Development Cooperation GIZ

  • Janina Laurent

    Advisor, Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport project, German Development Cooperation GIZ

  • Kristin Vorbeck

    Deputy Head of Division in the Unit for United Nations, 2030 Agenda, Developing and Emerging Countries at the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Digital Room 1

FAO is collaborating with partners to enhance the role of forests and trees in climate change adaptation policy and action. This session will highlight a new FAO technical paper that discusses the policy implications of a set of principles for leveraging forests and trees for transformational adaptation. Speakers will highlight key messages and case studies from the paper in the context of COP27, including the potential of forests and trees to contribute to mitigation and adaptation synergies, and disaster risk management.

  • Vincent Gitz

    Director of the Programme and Platforms Focal Point, Latin America, Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)

  • Amy Duchelle

    Senior Forestry Officer & Team Leader Climate Change & Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • Antoine Libert

    Climate Resilience Specialist, FAO

  • Giacomo Fedele

    Adaptation Strategy Director, Conservation International

  • Juan Carlos Jintiach

    Advisor, COICA

  • Adriana Patricia Yepes Quintero

    REDD+ & Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) expert, Latin America Cluster REDD+/NFM, FAO

  • Lalisa Duguma

    Scientist, World Agroforestry

  • Koko Warner

    Manager of the Vulnerability Subdivision, UNFCCC, Nairobi Work Programme

British House

One of the greatest pleasures of being part of the mass climate justice movement is remembering that we are not alone when we connect with our community. This Climate Circle aims to be an intimate conversation where participants can come together and share without judgment their interests, needs, thoughts, and feelings about experiencing the reality of the climate crisis.

This is a session with limited spots, so please sign up here.

  • Anna Bucci

    Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

  • Eirini Sakellari

    Youth Program Coordinator, Global Landscapes Forum/Youth in Landscapes Initiative


    Youth in Landscapes Intern, Global landscapes Forum

The Egypt Hall

Up to 2.5 billion women and men depend on the land and natural resources held, used or managed in common. They are farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, and forest keepers. They protect more than 50% of the planet’s land surface, but governments recognize their ownership rights over just 10%. Together with our members, representing over 70 million land users in 84 countries, ILC is promoting a power shift in land governance in favor of Indigenous Peoples and local communities who live with nature. ILC’s goal is for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to have secure land and territorial rights. We believe such rights are critical pillars of ecosystem restoration while also celebrating their unique role as ecosystem stewards of vast stretches of our planet, often holding critical biodiversity hotspots. This session is a strategic opportunity to engage Indigenous leaders in the UN decade of Ecosystem Restoration and to identify elements for an action plan to further secure land and territorial rights as demanded by UNDRIP as a critical pillar of meeting the UN Decades’ restoration objectives.

The Egypt Hall

The world of tomorrow will be defined by the decisions and actions of today. Join policymakers, youth, producers, activists, Indigenous Peoples and the business community in accelerating a just transition that puts people and nature on a path to recovery. Landscapes offer crucial opportunities for rebalancing the climate system by both removing carbon from the atmosphere and lowering emissions from land use. This plenary aims to inspire collective action, behavioral changes, nature and land-based solutions, political will and incentives that offer hope for a decarbonized future. The time is now.