Florence Jeantet


Managing Director
Managing Director
Managing Director
One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)

As the Senior Vice President for the Danone 2025 Health Mission, Florence Jeantet is exploring the new frontiers of sustainable development and innovation while developing a long-term vision. She is currently focused on our “”One planet, One health”” project in which the aim is to tackle a major global challenge: the essential transformation of the current food model. This challenge cannot be solved by one person or company alone, it requires cooperation and innovation on a global scale. Fascinated by the food industry, and in particular the impact of child nutrition, Florence is also intrigued by the currents that have shaped – and continue to shape – mankind. Ranging from religion, to molecular biology, to societal trends, she strives to improve her understanding of the world we live in and to support progress by exchanging ideas and instigating debates.