Landscape Hero nomination

Nella Lomotan Nationality: Filipino
Country of residence: Philippines


Protecting and restoring biodiversity by empowering rangers and engaging citizens

The Philippines is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, yet it has faced severe landscape degradation through the years, with deforestation as one of the major sources of habitat loss, endangering many of its species. Phillippine forest rangers are at the front lines of illegal deforestation; they face challenges and threats in their daily work, and are also severely understaffed and underequipped. In 2019, the Philippines was ranked the deadliest country for environmental defenders. That’s why local environmental advocate Nella Lomatan has dedicated her life to the empowerment of rangers in various parts of the Philippines, in particular through her environmental travel organization Eco Explorations.

Citizen tree planting
Citizens tree nurturing


GLF Biodiversity Trailer:


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