• 29 October 2020
  • 12:45-14:15

The role of diverse agricultural landscapes in biodiversity conservation and food system resilience


Plenaries will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. All sessions and launchpads will be available in English, Spanish and French. Access language channels here. Français. Español. Português.

This session will highlight the need for recognition of the contributions of mixed, diverse agricultural/agrarian landscapes – not only to biodiversity conservation, but also to the development of more resilient food systems to respond to challenges like those that the world is currently facing. Global policies, such as those of the CBD, have conventionally seen agriculture as a threat to biodiversity. Hence, responses have often focused on promoting the protection of natural ecosystems by concentrating efforts on preventing further expansion of agriculture. We argue that the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will be seriously flawed if it fails to tackle the effect of food systems and agriculture on biodiversity, or fails to bring farmers into the alliance towards biodiversity conservation and sustainable production. ICRAF and GIZ are the main organizing partners for this session. The CBD Secretariat, IUCN, national representatives, a representative of the private sector and a farmers’ representative will also participate.
Find this session’s white paper here.