• 29 October 2020
  • 15:15-16:45

For forests’ sake: Transforming extractive industries and infrastructure to achieve NYDF Goal 3


Plenaries will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. All sessions and launchpads will be available in English, Spanish and French. Access language channels here. Français. Español. Português.

The New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) aims to halt natural forest loss by 2030, contributing to climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development goals. The session will cover the findings of the 2020 NYDF Assessment on extractive industries and infrastructure. A panel discussion will address the urgent need for transforming approaches to planning and implementing large-scale development projects and the role of forests and the NYDF post-2020. The discussion will focus on promoting transparency and accountability in mining and infrastructure sectors; safeguarding Indigenous peoples’ rights; building incentives for responsible sourcing; and reshaping the NYDF and international commitments.

Read the White Paper here.