• 28 October 2020
  • 10:45-12:15

Rights-Based Ecosystem Approaches for a Green, Just Recovery

Plenaries will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. All sessions and launchpads will be available in English, Spanish and French. Access language channels here. Français. Español. Português.

The environment, climate change, biodiversity, health, the economy – we face multiple crises. Deforestation and ecosystem degradation have not lost their momentum – we are losing biodiversity fast, reducing our ability to use land-based solutions. Mono-causal solutions have not worked for these interconnected problems. This interactive and informative session will invite the audience to learn and explore, with experts from science and indigenous peoples, how to deliver a green, just recovery: How are biodiversity and climate change linked? How can rights-based approaches protect and fully restore ecological functionality? Which policy processes and finances are needed? Where are the priorities?