Asháninka Community Leader
Terra Kampa do Rio Amônia -
Chief Operating Officer, CIFOR-ICRAF Director General, CIFOR
President and Board member
Amazon Conservation Team -
Senior land use systems scientist
Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition of Ecuador
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia -
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany, PRODIGY project -
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México -
Lawyer and activist
Red Global de Jóvenes por la Biodiversidad Capítulo Colombia -
Vicepresidente Centroamérica y el Caribe de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMPA), UICN
Centroamérica de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMAP) -
Northeast PARA - Brazil -
Diretor Executivo
Estratégia Produzir, Conservar, Incluir, Brasil -
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) -
IEB, Observatório do Manejo Florestal Comunitário e Familiar -
Assistant Professor
University of California-Irvine, Department of Earth System Science -
Regional Coordinator, Y4N
Youth4Nature -
Mission Director
USAID-Peru -
Policy advisor
Podaali Fund, COIAB -
Asociación de Mujeres Waorani, Ecuador -
Executive Director
Conservación Amazónica (ACEAA) -
President of the Brazil nut producers association of Tambopata, ASCART, Madre de Dios, Peru
Agrarian Cooperative ACOPAGRO -
Coordinadora de Articulación y Aprendizaje de los programas Todos los Ojos en la Amazonía y Ruta de Salud Indígena Amazónica
Hivos -
Co-founder and Co-chairman
Natura &Co -
Bernardo Huanca Quispe
Asociación Yanaoca, El Progreso, Perú -
Director of Human Rights Policies and Management
Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos -
Consultant - Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
WWF International -
Coordinadora Regional
Proyecto Integración de Áreas Protegidas del Bioma Amazónico (IAPA) -
CI Director Senior Our Future Forests Project
Conservation International -
President, Agrarian Cooperative Bella
Coordinator MapBiomas & SEEG initiatives, former Chief
MapBiomas, Brazilian Forest Service -
Environmentalist, Film Maker, Founder
Javari Project -
Forestry Engineer
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental -
Associate Founder and CEO
Produzindo Certo, Aliança da Terra -
Undersecretary of Forestry Production
Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador -
Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Peru -
Dema Fund -
Director of Climate
Environment & Renewable Energy in Norad -
Porvenir municipality of Bolivia -
Field Coordinator
SINCHI (Amazon Institute of Scientific Research) -
Sustainability Projects Leader
Volcafe Peru -
Indigenous Lawyer and Advisor
Coordination of Organizations and Articulations of Indigenous Peoples of Maranhão (COAPIMA). -
Indigenous leader and coordinator
Kamayura Fire Brigade -
Indigenous communicator
Native Community of Palma Real -
Board Member
SUNASS and Architecture for REDD+ Transactions -
Climate Change Research Center of the Grothendieck Foundation -
Luis Hidalgo Okimura
Madre de Dios, Peru -
Technical assistant for indigenous territorial management monitoring
Pilon Lajas indigenous land and biosphere reserve -
Diretora de Operações & Planejamento Estratégico Director of Operations & Strategic Planning
Foreign Affairs Officer
U.S. Department of State -
Pindorama Filmes -
Environmental Engineer
Associação das Concessionárias Florestais (Confloresta) -
Regional Director for Latin América and Caribbean
International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) -
Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador -
Regional Science Coordination Lead for Land Cover & Land Use Change
SERVIR Global, SERVIR - NASA Marshall Space Flight Center -
SESC São Paulo -
Miguel Imbaquingo
Founder, Brazil nut concessionaire
Peruna, Madre de Dios, Peru -
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program gender specialist
World Bank Group -
Joel Becerra
Cocama Association for the Development and Conservation of San Pablo de Tipishca (Acodecospat), federation that is part of the Amazonian Indigenous Peoples United in Defense of their Territories Organization (PUINAMUDT) -
Amazonian band and 3rd winner of the GLF Amazonia Storytelling Competition
Indigenous communicator
Native Community of Del Pilar -
Cabinet of Advisors of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation in Peru -
Biologist, Senior Climate Risk Management and Resilience Officer
Rosimere María Vieira Teles
Indigenous Women Network of the State of Amazonas (Makira-Êta), Union of Indigenous Women of the Brazilian Amazon (UMIAB) -
Assistant in indigenous territorial management
WCS Bolivia -
Communications specialist
Global Landscapes Forum -
Executive Director and President
Earth Innovation Institute -
Executive Director
Amazon Watch -
Indigenous Activist
Movimento da Juventude Indígena de Rondônia -
Private sector engagement and partnership development specialist
USAID Brazil -
Executive Secretary
CONAQ (National Coordination of Rural Black and Quilombola Communities' Articulation) -
Managing Principal, Co-founder
Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) -
Hutukara Yanomami Association -
Yanda Montahuano
Sustainable Development Program Coordinator
Conservación Amazonica (ACEAA), Bolivia -
Senior Manager
General Manager
Romex -
Amazonia Ground Coordinator
Global Landscapes Forum -
University of Koblenz-Landau, project PRODIGY -
Native Federation of the Madre de Dios River and Tributaries (FENAMAD)
The Madre de Dios River and Tributaries (FENAMAD) -
Natalia Vidalón
Social communicator
Peruvian Society for Environmental Law -
Indigenous artist
Valeria Etzamaren
Vice-president -
Secretary of Land and Territory
Subcentral de Comunidades Indígenas Ribereñas Río Mamoré -
Líder Ambiental de la amazonia
CoBosques - pipe Q-ida -
Principal Scientist and Leader of the Land Restoration Group
Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) -
Socio-environmental Activist, Ashoka Brasil's fellow, Coordinator of Chico Mendes Comittee
Chico Mendes Committee -
Leader and co-facilitator
Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture -
Journalist, Screenwriter of Films/TV, Member
Abraccine -
Colombia National Council of Guadua, Bamboo Productive Chain and its Agroindustry -
Federación Nativa del Río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD), Peru -
Latin America Sustainability Director
Bayer -
Managing Director, Supply
Emergent -
President, Açaí producer
FEDAFAP, Trinchera community, the Porvenir ANMI, Bolivia -
Indigenous Forestry Association of Madre de Dios, Peru (AFIMAD) -
Director of the Forests and Ecosystem Services Programme
Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) -
Freelance writer and Author
Ashaninka Community Leader
Chief Operating Officer, CIFOR-ICRAF Director General, CIFOR
President and board member, Amazon Conservation Team
Regional Social Science Specialist Andes Amazon Orinoquia
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA) Palmira -
Senior Manager
Communicator and Indigenous leader
Rio Soritor Native Community, Awajún, Rioja Province - San Martin Department, Peru -
Yanda Montahuano
Assistant in indigenous territorial management
Colombia National Council of Guadua, Bamboo Productive Chain and its Agroindustry -
Indigenous artist
Senior Fellow
World Resources Institute -
Federation of Kichwa Indigenous Peoples of Region San Martín (FEPIKRESAM) -
Indigenous Activist
Movimento da Juventude Indígena de Rondônia -
Executive Director
Spiritual Leader and Quilombola Feminist Activist
Native Federation of the Madre de Dios River and Tributaries (FENAMAD)
Policy advisor
Podaali Fund, COIAB -
Valeria Etzamaren
Vice-president -
Senior land use systems scientist
Vice Coordinator General
Senior Fellow
United Nations Foundation -
Regional Manager
Desarrollo Económico San Martín -
Researcher (EMBRAPA), Vicepresident (ABA)
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Brazilian Association of Agroecology -
SESC São Paulo -
Coordinator MapBiomas & SEEG initiatives, former Chief
MapBiomas, Brazilian Forest Service -
Dirigente de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología en la Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)
Association of Indigenous Women
Director of Climate and Environment
Shiwi -
Environmental manager, coordinator
Environmental Management Department of the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR), Brazil -
PhD Candidate
Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador -
Executive Secretary
Founder, Brazil nut concessionaire
Peruna, Madre de Dios, Peru -
Indigenous Sateré Mawé
Rüdiger Schaldach
Scientist (Environmental informatics, Environmental Systems Science)
AVP, Climate & Forests Chief Nature Resource Economist
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) -
Rosimere María Vieira Teles
Member -
Colunista de Sustentabilidade, G1
Deputy councillor
Profesor (IFPA), Vice-president (ABA)
Federal Institute of Pará - Castanhal campus, Brazilian Association of Agroecology -
Roland Valarezo
General Director
Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS) -
Managing Director, Supply
Emergent -
Roberto Waack
Uma Concertação pela Amazônia, Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura -
Undersecretary of Forestry Production
Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador -
YIL alumna
Founder and director, Empodera Clima -
Regine Schönenberg
Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture -
Senior scientist, governance
Indigenous communicator
Pedro Barreto
Cardinal and president -
Diretor de Sustentabilidade e Comunicação
Marfrig Global Foods -
Assistant Professor
University of California-Irvine, Department of Earth System Science -
Policy Advocacy Specialist
Head of Strategic Communications and Outreach
Sustainability Manager
Senior Policy Analyst
1st UN SG Youth Advisory Group/Youth Climate Justice Fund/#Youth4COP30/RCOY Latinoamérica 2024 -
Senior public policy officer
Regional Director for Latin América and Caribbean
International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) -
Activista Waorani, vocero político de la Resistencia Waorani, defensor de los derechos humanos y la naturaleza, cofundador de la Alianza Ceibo
Coordenador do Programa Todos os Olhos na Amazônia
Founder, Tejiendo Pensamiento
Feminist Action Coalition for Climate Justice - UN Women -
Noelia Trillo
Forest Bambu -
Biologist, Senior Climate Risk Management and Resilience Officer
Policy Officer
Waorani leader
Ecuadorian Amazon’s Waorani people -
Leader of Women and Health
Natalia Vidalón
Social communicator
Peruvian Society for Environmental Law -
Youth Focal Point
Regional Amazon Environment Specialist
USAID-South American Region -
Third World Network -
Miriam Leitão
Globo -
Forestry Engineer
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental and President Embrapa Forest Portfolio Management Committee -
Miguel Imbaquingo
Asociación de Mujeres Waorani, Ecuador -
Filmmaker student
University of the Arts in Guayaquil, Ecuador -
Technical assistant for indigenous territorial management monitoring
Indigenous Forestry Association of Madre de Dios, Peru (AFIMAD) -
Program Officer, Andes-Amazon
Moore Foundation -
Indigenous Leader and President
Security of the Asháninka Pampa Michi Native Community, Peru -
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
Government of Brazil -
Executive Secretary
Imaflora, Brazil -
founder and Executive Director
Conexsus -
Founder and president
Safeguards Programme Officer
Senior Manager Amazon Programs / Gerente Senior Programas Amazónicos
Community of Rio Arimun, Associate
Resex Verde Para Sempre (Porto de Moz-PA, Brazil), Rede Mulher Florestal -
Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Peru -
Dema Fund -
Brazilian community leader from Tupana
Founder & Strategic Development Director
Fundo Casa Socio Ambiental -
Babassu Fund -
Community leader
Secretary General
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) -
Catitu Institute -
Marcus Horn
Executive Director
Conservación Amazónica (ACEAA) -
Community leader Teçume da Floresta group, Brazil
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi -
Plurinational Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures - IPELC -
Indigenous leader and coordinator
Leader and co-facilitator
Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forest and Agriculture -
Director, Multifunctional Landscape research area
Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) -
Coordinadora de Proyecto
Especialista Paisajes Andinos
Leader of Climate and Energy Global Practice
WWF, former Minister of Environment of Peru -
Country Director
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Guyana -
Indigenous communicator
Luis Hidalgo Okimura
Governor -
Líder Ambiental de la amazonia
Senior Advisor for Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Senior Researcher
Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) -
Board Member
Forestry Engineer
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental -
Diretora de Operações & Planejamento Estratégico Director of Operations & Strategic Planning
Eastern Regional Coordinator
Principal Scientist and Leader of the Land Restoration Group
Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) -
Associate Professor of Economics of Environment and Development
Journalist, Screenwriter of Films/TV, Member
Abraccine -
Amazonian band and 3rd winner of the GLF Amazonia Storytelling Competition
Warmi Awadora Collective -
Founder and CEO
SITAWI Finance for Good -
Executive Director, Amazon Watch
Coordenadora técnica
Modelo Brasileiro de Uso da Terra (BLUM) -
National Facilitator
IRI Peru -
WWF Peru -
Karina Pinasco
Executive Director
Amazónicos por Amazonía (AMPA) -
Undersecretary of Climate Change
Director de Conservación
Indigenous Lawyer and Advisor
Jürgen Böhner
Federación Nativa del Río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD), Peru -
Director General
Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) -
Head of Technical Operations
Permian Global -
Vision Amazonia -
General Manager
Romex -
José Neto
Founder, influencer Ygarapé -
Director of the Forests and Ecosystem Services Programme
Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) -
Jorge Nacimento
Sustainability Projects Leader
Volcafe Peru -
Executive Director
Amazon Conservation -
Federal Deputy
Joel Becerra
Secretary of Land and Territory
Jens Boy
Mission Director
USAID-Peru -
Founder and Director
Senior Manager
Sustainable Landscapes Amazon of Rainforest Alliance -
Jan Börner
Protected Areas Programme Development Manager
Jair Costa
Mayor, Província de Pastaza, Ecuador -
Agronomist Engineer
Kanindé Ethno-environmental Defense Association -
Iván Villafuerte
Technical Coordinator
Country Programme Manager for the Small Grants Programme in Brazil
Peru Country Director
Amazonia Ground Coordinator
Scientist, Senior Researcher
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi -
Ihino Elco Terrazas Chao
Head of unit for Multilateral Environmental Cooperation
President of the community
Ese Eja Infierno, Peruvian Amazon -
Hermann Jungkunst
Scientist, Head
President of the Brazil nut producers association of Tambopata, ASCART, Madre de Dios, Peru
Co-founder and Co-chairman
Porvenir municipality of Bolivia -
Production & Quality Coordinator
Aliados -
Socióloga e pesquisadora
Projeto MAP-FIRE -
Agrarian Cooperative ACOPAGRO -
Coronel do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Estado do Acre
NASA Senior Climate Advisor, Director
NASA Senior Climate Advisor -
Gália Selaya
Regional Coordinator, Y4N
Youth4Nature -
Editor Landscape News for the GLF
Environmental activist, founded
Guardians of Life, Colombia -
Socio-environmental researcher and activist
FASE Mato Grosso -
Governor of Maranhão Sate, Brazil
Diretor Executivo
Estratégia Produzir, Conservar, Incluir, Brasil -
Forestry Engineer
Diálogo Florestal, Fórum Florestal da Amazônia -
Founder & Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), reNature
Coordinator in Peru
Governors for Climate & Forest (GCF) Task Force -
Co-Founder and Administrator
Andi Wayusa Association -
CEO, Pindorama Filmes
Lawyer and activist
Peruvian Youth for Climate Change (JPCC) -
Aruac Filmes -
Senior Consultant
Climate Focus -
Field Coordinator
SINCHI (Amazon Institute of Scientific Research) -
Associate Chief Scientist & Disasters Theme Lead
SERVIR Science Coordination Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Earth Science Branch -
Coordinadora de Articulación y Aprendizaje de los programas Todos los Ojos en la Amazonía y Ruta de Salud Indígena Amazónica
President, Açaí producer
FEDAFAP, Trinchera community, the Porvenir ANMI, Bolivia -
Efrén Nango
Leader of Science, Education and Technology -
Professor of Brazilian Archaeology
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology - University of São Paulo (MAE-USP) -
Latin America Sustainability Director
Bayer -
Edgardo Gonzalo Rodriguez Gomez
Director General
Responsable de la Secretaría Técnica de Seguridad Ciudadana Gobierno Regional de Madre de Dios, Perú
Chico Mendes Memorial -
Governance and Environmental Management Program Specialist
Derechos, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR) -
Consultant - Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
Artist, filmmaker and journalist
Associate professor and researcher
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú -
Secretario de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente
Managing Principal, Co-founder
Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) -
Forest and Farm Facility, FAO -
Kiwcha Amukina Women's Association, Ecuador -
Lead Legal Counsel
Climate Focus -
Hutukara Yanomami Association -
Activist, Co-founder
Wings for Amazon -
Professor e Pesquisador
General Director
IDH Brazil -
Executive Director and President
Earth Innovation Institute -
Sustainable Development Program Coordinator
Conservación Amazonica (ACEAA), Bolivia -
Daniel Fernandes
Environmental Engineer
Associação das Concessionárias Florestais (Confloresta) -
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program gender specialist
World Bank Group -
Business Administration
Founder and Manager
National Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (FENACREP) -
Coordinadora Regional
Foreign Affairs Officer
U.S. Department of State -
Environmentalist, Film Maker, Founder, Javari Project
Environmental Office Director
USAID Brazil -
General Manager
Makushi woman
Global Climate Justice Lead
National Facilitator
IRI Brazil -
Technical Coordinator
Caquetá Guadua, Colombia -
CI Director Senior Our Future Forests Project
Biologist and an inspiring public intellectual
National Facilitator
IRI Colombia -
Environmental journalist
CIDOB - Responsible Gender -
Bernardo Huanca Quispe
Asociación Yanaoca, El Progreso, Perú -
Head of the environment mainstreaming & circular economy sector, Directorate General
European Commission, International Partnerships (INTPA) -
Berlin Diques Rios
Organización Regional Aidesep Ucayali (ORAU) -
Benigno Herrera
National Coordinator
Landless Workers Movement -
Community Funds -
Freelance writer and Author
Forestry Engineer
Principal scientist, Governance team leader
Angélica Rojas
Coordinadora regional Fundación Para La Conservación Y Desarrollo Sostenible (FCDS), departamentos de Meta y Guaviare -
Socio-environmental Activist, Ashoka Brasil's fellow, Coordinator of Chico Mendes Comittee
Indigenous Leader
Kamentsá People -
Director of Human Rights Policies and Management
Director of Science
Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) -
Communications specialist
Global Landscapes Forum -
Vice-president of marketing, innovation and sustainability
Natura -
Executive Director
IPAM Amazonia -
Coordinator at Monte Alegre Foundation and Biodiversity Lead at Nativas
President, Agrarian Cooperative Bella
Chair, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Presenter, columnist Direto da Base
Agência Jovem de Notícias and Um só Planeta, PerifaSustentavel -
Vicepresidente Centroamérica y el Caribe de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMPA), UICN
Centroamérica de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (CMAP) -
IEB, Observatório do Manejo Florestal Comunitário e Familiar -
Associate Founder and CEO
Produzindo Certo, Aliança da Terra -
Especialista Financeiro
Banco Mundial -
Private sector engagement and partnership development specialist
USAID Brazil -
Shamecco Women's Association -
Defender of Indigenous Rights and Nature
Laberinto Cine and TV -
Departmental Secretary of the Secretariat
Sustainable Development and Environment, of the Autonomous Government of Santa Cruz -
Lawyer, popular educator and researcher
Amazon Environmental Research Institute Research Institute of the Amazon (IPAM), Brazil -
Ecuador -
Regional Science Coordination Lead for Land Cover & Land Use Change
SERVIR Global, SERVIR - NASA Marshall Space Flight Center -
Director of Sustainable Development
Productive Development Office (SEDEPRO)