Mirjam Kuzee


Manager - Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities Assessments with the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme
Manager - Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities Assessments with the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme
Manager - Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities Assessments with the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme

Mirjam Kuzee is Manager – Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities Assessments with the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme of IUCN based in Washington DC. She works with IUCN’s Members and partners to assess and implement forest landscape restoration opportunities to restore degraded and deforested landscapes around the globe. She is also responsible for capacity development on forest landscape restoration (FLR) and the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM). She has worked for more than 22 years on the ecology and management of secondary and degraded forests, integrated approaches for the conservation and restoration of degraded landscapes, at the policy, research and field project levels. She worked for the Dutch government, UNESCO, FAO, and Wageningen University. She has an MSc (Engineer) in Forest Ecology and Forest Management from Wageningen University, the Netherlands.