Luis Neves Silva


Lead, New Generations Plantations
Lead, New Generations Plantations
Lead, New Generations Plantations

Since 2015, Luis represents WWF and NGP at the IUFRO Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future Task Force, to improve the interface between science, society and policy related to planted forests. Luis co-authored Production, restoration, mitigation: a new generation of plantations, published by ‘New Forests’, and Changes in planted forests and future global implications, published by ‘Forest Ecology and Management’, analysing planted forests data from the 2015 FAO Forests Resources Assessment.

Luis graduated from UTL-ISA in Lisbon as Forest Engineer – Natural Resources Management, and since 2004 works at WWF, being the New Generation Plantations (NGP) platform  lead. Luis’ work includes countries like Portugal, Brazil, South Africa and China, applying interpersonal skills and cross-cultural experiences into forestry work with private, public, and NGOs, presenting the case for forest production, restoration and mitigation to limit climate and other environmental risks and to improve the resilience of landscapes.