Katherine Mana-Galido


Advocacy Program Coordinator
Advocacy Program Coordinator
Advocacy Program Coordinator
NTFP-EP Philippines
NTFP-EP Philippines
NTFP-EP Philippines

KATHERINE MANA-GALIDO is currently working as Advocacy Program Coordinator of NTFP-EP Philippines, a non-government organization working to improve the quality of life of forest dependent communities and on NTFP development in the context of sustainable forest management. Her work entails her active participation in multi-stakeholder engagements including policy technical working groups that promote sustainable forest management and inclusive governance. She also provides support to different landscape initiatives that promote participation of indigenous communities and sustainable livelihoods.

She has twenty years of work experience on community-based resource management programs including environmental restoration, community conserved areas, paralegal work, environmental education, gender mainstreaming, environmental impact assessment, participatory resource monitoring, sustainable livelihood and policy research. She finished BS Zoology at the University of the Philippines Los Baños and earned units in the Master’s degree program on MS Public Health (Environmental Health) at the University of the Philippines Manila. She took six months environmental restoration training in 2001 at Earthcorps, Seattle Washington.

To know more about her organization, please visit NTFP’s website at https://ntfp.org/where-we-are/philippines/.