Alongside the GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference: A New Vision for Earth
Free online seminar in English | 4–5 October 2023, 13:00–14:30 (UTC+2 / CEST)

Hosted by:

Session Recordings

The Earth is in crisis. How can journalists and news content creators best inform decision makers across all spheres and audiences at large? 

Join fellow journalists, scientists and changemakers to discover hot topics, key contacts and tools to cover the climate and biodiversity crises, and highlight the sovereign solutions needed for a prosperous and sustainable future. Ask experts anything and share your experiences to make the most of the largest GLF global conference of the year as well as the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference 2023 (COP28). 

Pitch your story on any critical topic to be addressed at the GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference: A New Vision for Earth, and get the chance to be awarded a USD 500 story grant to produce your news piece. * 



4 October 2023, 13:00–14:30 (UTC+2 / CEST)


Opening remarks: why "a new vision for Earth"?



Sneak peek at the global hybrid conference “GLF Nairobi 2023: A New Vision for Earth.” 


Ocean reporting in the era of climate emergency

30-minute panel and 10-minute Q&A

Session host: Pulitzer Center



The seriousness of the climate emergency is blatantly evident this year. We’ve had the hottest days and anomalies never seen before. One disturbing indicator is the temperature of the oceans. Marine issues are increasingly at the core of the climate change debate. In this online panel, in partnership with the Pulitzer Center, journalists share how they are working on improving the coverage of the ocean. We will hear from reporters investigating the effects of climate change on fishing stocks and how this is driving conflicts in communities of the Global South. We will also explore science stories that connect local impacts with the global effects of global warming. 


A ‘land’ of opportunities

30-minute panel and 10-minute Q&A 

Session host: G20 Global Land Initiative, UNCCD



Land restoration plays a significant role in promoting sustainable development, environmental conservation, and social inclusion. Women and youth, who often constitute a considerable percentage of the population in many countries, especially developing countries, can particularly benefit from these efforts. This session will explore how land restoration can, at once, benefit women and youth and contribute to achieving global goals, including on climate action, food security, economic growth and gender equality, for a sustainable future. It will also highlight available resources and data platforms that journalists can use in their reporting to increase and improve the coverage of land degradation and related issues. 


5 October 2023, 13:00–14:30 (UTC+2 / CEST)


A rights-based approach: Reporting on indigenous affairs, climate and the environment

30-minute panel and 10-minute Q&A 

Session host: Grist



Climate change has a disproportionate effect on Indigenous peoples even though Indigenous communities contribute the least to greenhouse emissions. Rising temperatures threaten food sovereignty, land and resources, and often put Indigenous peoples in the crosshairs of green project development. Journalists continue to be a last line of defense for Indigenous rights around the world and play a crucial role in helping the public understand how protecting the environment is braided into the protection of human rights. In partnership with Grist, this panel will feature Indigenous Affairs reporters who will offer tips and tools on how to report stories at the intersection of climate and Indigenous rights. 


Fireside chat with scientists

Short topic presentations and Q&A

Session host: CIFOR-ICRAF

  • Europe Director
    Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)
  • Research Associate, Africa Directorate
    Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)


Extreme weather and natural disasters are making the effects of climate and biodiversity crises more visible than ever. Can we fix the broken ecosystems? How to secure food for the future? Join the session with top scientists to delve into the pivotal role of science in understanding and crafting solutions to these multifaceted crises, from the grassroots level to the highest echelons of policymaking. This is an opportunity to ask about biodiversity, climate, and restoration ahead of the GLF Global Conference: A New Vision for Earth, and the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. 




12 October 2023

16:45 - 17:30

How community media can drive climate action

Panel and Q&A 

Session host: DW Akademie



After the media seminar, follow this live panel presented by the DW Akademie during the hybrid conference GLF Nairobi 2023: A New Vision for Earth.  

Climate science and climate politics are extremely complex matters. In order to allow people to realize what is at stake, massive amounts of data and regulations must be translated into a language that everybody understands. Media and journalism are needed to do this job. But how can climate information be generated by and for communities, using their own local media, and thus, activate people for the necessary debate about solutions? The panel, hosted by DW Akademie, will focus on the challenges for community media, highlighting best practices from Africa and Latin America.   

DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle’s center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information.  

Add it to your calendar here. 

How to apply

This online seminar is open to English-speaking journalists who report on climate change and sustainable development and are currently collaborating with at least one media outlet of global, regional or national reach. It will gather journalists who share a passion for learning and raising awareness about the environment. 

We can only accept a limited number of participants. Therefore, we encourage you to:   

  • Be very precise with the information you will provide in the application form below.  
  • Share the most recent and/or relevant content that you have produced related to environmental topics.  
  • Attend all the seminar sessions on 4–5 October 2023 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kelly Quintero ( and Jackline Kimathi (  

The applicants will be informed of their selection by 3 October. 

*The seminar participants will receive a form to pitch their stories after sessions. We will inform you of the selected stories before GLF Nairobi 2023. 

The application period has ended