• Sunday, 2 December 2018
  • 09:30-10:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

A Philosophy of Landscapes: Standardising Approaches to Scale-up Landscape Restoration


Wien 1-2

WWF’s Landscape Finance Lab, Commonland, IDH, Gold Standard and the Integrated Ecosystem Ratings System will present their complementary approaches for scaling up landscape restoration. We will explain and explore what it means to combine frameworks and methods for landscape restoration. Following a short panel discussion, the audience will be invited to participate both online and in the room.

The landscape approach as defined in the Little Sustainable Landscape Book includes the following 5 landscape elements: creation of a multi-stakeholder platform; reaching shared understanding; engaging in collaborative planning; undertaking effective implementation; and monitoring.

Commonland’s framework focuses on generating 4 returns (social, natural, financial and inspirational) via a stakeholder management process in 3 landscape zones (natural, combined and economic zones), to develop investable business cases with long time horizons of at least one generation.

IDH has recently launched its Verified Sourcing Areas concept as an attempt to confirm the sourcing of sustainable goods and produce at landscape scale and drive transformation in corporate supply chains.

In the context of its impact measurement standards built on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Gold Standard will present a conceptual model for sustainable landscape programme assessments and deforestation-free sourcing.

Parallel to this, the IERS will discuss an effort to bring together certification systems across scales and sectors to create a more aligned and simpler approach to monitoring SDG implementation.

Panelists will share how their approaches work in practice, focusing on defining the parameters of a new framework for landscape investment that speaks to land owners and managers, experts, governments, companies and investors alike. We will explore to what extent these approaches could act as guides for a more standardized approach to scaling-up landscape restoration.

We are proposing these ideas at an early stage, seeking a broader set of collaborators going forward to build a more integrated approach at landscape level that embraces all SDGs.a broader set of collaborators going forward to build a more integrated approach at landscape level that embraces all SDGs.

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