• Saturday, 1 December 2018
  • 09:30-10:15 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Press conference: New global peatland research initiative


Wien 1-2

In the spirit of international, multi-stakeholder and multi-donor South-South cooperation, the International Tropical Peatland Center (ITPC) is built on the principle of true cross-sector collaboration and integration, building a resilient and holistic platform for science, policy and practice, and attracting the best minds working on research and practice in this field.

The Center’s main objective is to ensure that policy makers, practitioners and communities have access to sound, credible and legitimate information, analyses, and all other tools needed to design and implement conservation and sustainable management of tropical peatlands.

The Center will seek to make effective, cost-efficient and equitable solutions more readily available; create the necessary enabling conditions for good policy; support national goals for sustainable development and climate mitigation and adaptation (e.g. NDCs); and provide international visibility to the participating partners and multiple donors successfully addressing peatland conservation, restoration and management to the benefit of people and the local and global environment.