• Sunday, 2 December 2018
  • 09:00-10:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

To spread restoration, the power of the story


New York

The is an interactive web-based project presentation and communication platform that supports the sharing of landscape restoration experiences. Alexander will make the case based on a real project, highlighting how visualization and storytelling can help projects create attention, engagement and collaboration with a broad group of stakeholders like governments, funding organizations, NGOs and the public. He will introduce the GLF audience to the new OpenForests map-based communication platform, that enables landscape projects to transparently communicate their progress, in order to connect with the landscape restoration community on a global level. In line with GLF’s mission, OpenForests aims to become a host that promotes and unites global landscape projects in one open, interactive and searchable web platform.

Organizations are welcome and encourage to host and facilitate side meeting before and during the GLF event, and then bring their results and recommendations to the Forum. A GLF secretariat will be on hand to identify and reserve appropriate Bonn venues. Webinars, engaging social media campaigns, competitions and pre-event discussions will generate momentum and interest in key issue areas to ensure that the GLF accelerates long-term action for sustainable landscapes.

The GLF will have a small secretariat in Bonn, Germany to coordinate all of the above, operated by CIFOR.