Speakers engaged with us

Here are thousands of speakers who have appeared at the GLF’s events since its inception in 2013. From top scientists, economists and Indigenous leaders to entrepreneurs, filmmakers and grassroots activists, discover the diverse array of global voices that have taken to the stage at the world’s leading platform on sustainable land use.

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Regional Coordinator, West Africa
Groundswell International
Vice President
Wana Subur Lestari Sumitomo Forestry, Japan
Award winning reporter, journalist
Mail & Guardian (M&G)
Vice Coordinator General
Policy Analyst
Forestry and Environment Research and Development Agency (FOERDA)
Senior Forestry Specialist
The World Bank
Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of Environmental Politics, Green Value Initiative
Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)
Sustainable Fibre Alliance
CEO & Founder
Land Use Fund Manager in the Funds & Platforms team
South Pole
Lead Economist, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy
World Bank
Miss Earth Rwanda 2017
Scientific Director
International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS)
Media Coordinator
Women in Nature Conservation (WINCO), Nigeria
International consultant, Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism, Forestry Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Senior land use systems scientist
Riak Bumi

Policy advisor
Podaali Fund, COIAB

San Francisco University of Quito, Ecuador
Global Director
Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, the World Bank
Head of the Service
Ministry of Environment
Head of the Service for watershed management
Ministry of Environment, Madagascar
WILD Foundation
WILD Foundation
Food Sovereignty Advocate
Environmental Activist
Climate activist and Founder, Rise Up
Rise Up
Native Federation of the Madre de Dios River and Tributaries (FENAMAD)
The Madre de Dios River and Tributaries (FENAMAD)
Head, Genebank
MSc Agroecology and Organic Agriculture
Wageningen University

Moderator and biologist
Environmental Economist
Economics of Land Degradation Initiative
Spiritual Leader and Quilombola Feminist Activist
Managing Director
The Good Food Institute
Global Landscapes Forum
Youth Negotiators Academy
Senior Manager, Restoration Finance
Global Restoration Initiative (GRI), World Resources Institute
Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division (NSL)
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